Trimble County MS/ES All-Comers 2025

Bedford, KY
Timing/Results MMT
Registration Closes in 30 days

Meet Information

Online Registration Instructions

Trimble County MS/ES All-Comers

Trimble County Jr/Sr High Track and Field team would like to invite you to our Middle School meet on Saturday May 3rd, 2025.  The track will open at 8:00am with a coaches meeting at 8:45am. Events will start at 9:00am.

Entries for the registered teams should be completed in MileSplit by Saturday, April 26th, at midnightPlease accurately register athletes for the events they run so we can move the meet along. We will try seeding the fastest 3 heats of the sprints, after that it is first come, first served.

Field events (Beginning at 9:00am, jumps and throws will have 3 attempts):

Triple Jump (Boy/Girl Open Pit until 10:00pm)

Long Jump (Boy/Girl Open Pit from 10:00- 1:00pm)

After 1:00pm, it is an open pit for any jumps still needing to be made.

Shot Put (Boys followed by Girls)

Discus (Girls followed by Boys)

High Jump (Girls followed by Boys)

Pole Vault (Girls/Boys Together)

Turbo Jav (Girls/Boys Together after Pole Vault is finished)

Track Events (Beginning at 9:00am, Rolling Schedule, girls followed by boys)

4x800m Relay

100m Hurdles

100m Dash

4x200m Relay

1600m Run

4x100m Relay

400m Dash

300m Hurdles

800m Dash

200m Dash

3200m Run

4x400m Relay

There is a $50 per team (boys and girls separate teams) entry fee. This is an All-Comers Meet with no limits on event registration aside from the 4 event limit per individual athlete. We will seed the fastest 3 heats. If you have less than 5 athletes on a team, it is $10 per athlete.

Tent City will be set up by the scoreboard outside the track for TEAMS ONLY!

There will be a $5 admissions fee for 6th graders and up (elementary & down free).

We will have concessions for this meet. 

Jared Sanford