Meet Information
Shelby County Middle & Elementary School Championship is a great night for Shelby County Runners to celebrate another great season together. This year we will race on the Martha Layne Collins and Marnel C. Moorman Course.
RACE TIMES: 5:30pm - MS Girls 3K, 6:00pm- MS Boys 3K, 6:30pm - Elementary Girls 1 Mile, 6:45pm Elementary Boys 1 Mile and 7:15pm Awards
Parking Parking will be at Martha Layne Collins HS. Please use the parking in front of Collins HS and walk around the building to the course.
ADMISSION: $5.00/Per Person, 10yrs & Under and SCPS Teachers are FREE Thank you for supporting this event and making it possible for our Shelby County runners.
Tent City Team Tents area will be located next to the MCM Playground and Soccer Field. This is behind Collins High School
Tizki's Shaved Ice Truck - The Tizki's Shaved Ice Truck will be onsite for shaved ice treats