Bourbon County MS and Elementary All Comers 2024

Paris, KY

Meet Information

Welcome to Central Kentucky Middle school and Elementary schools to Bourbon County All comers, this will be a series of meets.  The meet will be located at 1054 Millersburg Rd the Bourbon County Park.  Elementary 2k will start at 5:30 .  Elementary 3k at 6:00pm Middle school will start at 6:30 pm approx approx.  There is NO entry fee to teams , however there will be a small admission charge to cover timing and officials ,to parents and spectators.  Unfortunately no awards or concessions, bring your own drinks if possible.  Hope to see you there and have the opportunity to mix up your practice week.  MS = 3K ,  Elem 6th and under 3k Elem 4th and under= 2K.  Distances subject to change on other All comer meets later in season.