Turbo Javelin Kentucky Championship 2023

Alexandria, KY
Hosted by Villa Madonna

Meet Information

Welcome TurboJav enthusiasts!  

We are inviting the top 24 male and female Turbo Javelin throwers from across the entire state of Kentucky, regardless of class, to a championship throw down.  An athlete invite list will be sent out based up on the best throws in a meet in KY this outdoor season.  Athletes must have completed the seed throw in a Varsity meet and be in grade 7-12.  There will be 3 throws with the top 9 qualifying for finals.  A trophy will be presented to the champion thrower with medals given to 2nd-8th place.  This fun event will help bring support to the event as we hope to eventually have it incorporated into the KHSAA Meet of Champions.  This is not an official KHSAA State Championship, just one run by some coaches who want to see who is the best of the best.

Girls will be at 10am and Boys will be at Noon

Entry fee is $10 per athlete payable to: VMA c/o Joe Cordonnier 2500 Amsterdam Road Villa Hills KY 41017

Spectators are invited to watch for $5 entry.

Date: June 10, 2023

Location: Bishop Brossart's Mustang Athletic Complex in Alexandria, KY