Meet Information
North Oldham MS's 2023 Rumble on the Track is pleased to announce the ability to host school teams, sorry no clubs or individuals this year. The meet will be held at Eastern HS, site of MS State, this year
This is a MS only meet, grades 5, 6, 7 and 8.
Pits and track will open at 9:00 AM for warm-ups. There will be a mandatory 9:45 AM coaches meeting. At the meeting, we will discuss meet rules, format, weather-related issues and accept any last minute scratches.
Starting time is 10 AM Running and Field Events.
Entry Deadline: Tuesday, May 9th. Midnight.
All meet entries will be via the on-line entry system. Final entries are due by midnight 5/9/23- NO late entries. If you are not sure if one of your kids is competing, enter them, we can't add the day of the meet. Results will be in Hytek and emailed out as well as posted to Timing will be Fully Automatic- FAT.
Scoring in all events: 10-8-6-5-4-3-2-1 AWARDS Individual medals will be awarded for 1st, 2nd, and 3rd places (4 for each relay team), ribbons for 4th -8th and can be picked up at the awards area by the coach at the end of the meet. Boys and Girls Team Champions and runner-up Plaques will be awarded at the conclusion of all events.
4X800 relay
100 hurdles
100 dash
4x200 relay
1600 run
4x100 relay
400 dash
300 hurdles
800 run
200 dash
3200 run
4x400 relay
Long Jump open pit one pit for girls, one for boys.
Triple Jump to immediately follow Long Jump
o Discus-Open Pit- Girls, then boys
oTurbo-Jav-Open Pit- boys and girls together
o Shot- Open Pit- Boys, then girls
o HJ-Girls, then Boys
o PV- Boys, then Girls (may do both together)
PARTICIPANTS Unlimited athletes from each school per event. Relay events two teams per school per event (2 boys, 2 girls) 3 athletes per school may score and one relay team may score. The one exception is HJ- four boys and four girls per school limit.
Heats will be based on actual times from other meets as shown in
Each athlete is eligible to participant in 4 events (including relays)
NOMS will provide starting blocks for all competitors in events 400 m and below We will be weighing throwing implements. Relay batons and pole vault poles will not be provided.
COSTS Entry Fee: $75.00 / team (boys is one team, girls is another team) Mail entry fees to: Christie Davis, North Oldham Middle School, 1810 South Highway 1793, Goshen, KY 40026
Admission Fee: $5.00 adult / under 10 free.
Concessions A concession stand will be available throughout the meet. Restrooms are available next to the concession stand
OFFICIATING / ASSIGNMENTS NOMS/NOHS will provide all officials.