Meet Information
In the event that you have any questions concerning the online registration process, please do the following in the order prescribed:1. Check this link for any helpful tips: Contact Chris Hawboldt at Please do not wait until the last minute to get your entries submitted.
Deadline is October 18 at 8:59PM
See below for other details pertaining to this meet:
**Post Season Instructions from the KHSAA - //
What: KHSAA Cross Country - Class 3A, Region 4 Championship for Boys & Girls
Where: Seneca Park - 3101 Rock Creek Drive, Louisville, KY 40207
When: Saturday, October 22
Region 4 Boys - 1:00 pm
Region 4 Girls - 1:45 pm
*Course Maps
Race start procedures:
FIFTEEN MINUTES BEFORE START: Teams are to be at their assigned boxes and check in with Clerks. They may continue team meeting and run outs until the Second Call.
FIVE MINUTES BEFORE START: Second Call. At this time, teams are to report to their assigned boxes and standing behind the Step-Up Line. There are no more run outs allowed. Final Instructions are given by the Starter.
Team Fee: $75 Per Team Per Gender. (Please mail a check to Trinity High School, Attn: Sean Duggins, 4011 Shelbyville Road, Louisville, KY 40207)
Admission For Fans: None
Tents: Tents are permitted to be set up in the park.
Bus Parking: Use parking lot next to Seneca Park Basketball Courts.
Other Parking: Use all available parking around the perimeter of Seneca Park before diverting to side streets in surrounding neighborhoods.
Security/Traffic: St. Matthews Police will provide some police officers to assist with traffic flow on Cannons Lane and for security at the event.
****The State qualifying process for Cross Country will be:
- 1 full team enters the Region Meet, 1 team advances.
- 2-3 full teams enter the Region Meet, 2 teams advance.
- 4-5 full teams enter the Region Meet, 3 teams advance.
- 6-7 full teams enter the Region Meet, 4 teams advance.
- 8-10 full teams enter the Region Meet, 5 teams advance.
- 11 or more full teams enter the Region Meet, 6 teams advance.
- After the teams qualifying for State are determined, the top five (5) individuals from teams NOT advancing to State will qualify for the State Meet as individuals.
Any Cross Country specific questions should be sent to Assistant Commissioner Sarah Bridenbaugh (
Any questions related to the logistics of the Region Meet should be sent to Sean Duggins, Trinity Associate AD, at