Meet Information
Join us as we revive our home cross country course on the grounds of Corbin Primary School. A 2000 meter loop course has been developed. Elementary will race the loop once for 2000 meters and middle school will race the loop twice for 4000 meters.
The course is a nice mix of flat and hilly terrain with a few road crossings and is extremely fan friendly. Spectators should be able to see majority of the race without having to move much.
Parking will be $5 per car load.
Concessions will be available.
Bathrooms are located at the soccer complex on the backside of the campus.
Entry fee: $30 per team per gender w/ unlimited entries (team is made of at least 5 runners per gender). $5 per individual.
Check can be made to Corbin Cross Country and delivered at meet or mailed to 1901 Snyder Street, Corbin KY, 40701 c/o Cross Country Coach.
Awards plaques will be given to 1st and 2nd place boys and girls teams in each division.
An individual winner plaque will be given to 1st place finishers in each division.
Elementary - 2000m (K-6th Grade)
Middle School - 4000m (6th-8th Grade)
*Elementary runners may run up a division but 7th and 8th graders may not run down. 6th graders can run in either division.
Girls Elementary: 5:30
Boys Elementary: 5:50
Girls Middle School: 6:10
Boys Middle School: 6:45
Please reach out to Coach Tyler Harris if you have any questions.