Meet Information
MEET: Woodford County Allcomers #1
DATE: September 6th, 2022
FEE: Free!
LOCATION: Woodford County Park, also known as Falling Springs Arts & Recreational Center 275 Beasley Road, Versailles, KY 40383-8831
ADMISSION: Free! All spectators must enter the meet venue through Huffman Pavilion.
AWARDS: No awards
5:30 PM- Girls Elementary 2K
5:50 PM- Boys Elementary 2K
6:10 PM- Girls Middle School 3K
6:40 PM- Boys Middle School 3K
7:15 PM- Boys and Girls High School 5K
**Times are tentative, but would like to go on a rolling schedule. We may need to combine boys and girls high school races if darkness encroaches.
TEAM SIZE: unlimited.
MEETING: No coaches meeting. Please contact Brooke Stickel with any questions at
UNIFORM: For high school the KHSAA uniform rule will be enforced. For middle school it is a little more relaxed, but try to have uniforms as similar as possible.
Entries through KyMilesplit by September 3. Please bring any additions/corrections to your roster to the meet and we will take care of those issues then. Late entries will not be accepted.
Concessions: none. We highly encourage teams to bring their own water, but a water table will be available at the end of each race. A small concession stand will be available in the pavilion.
***Please keep runners and spectators away from the railroad tracks (Bluegrass Railroad Museum)***
We invite all spectators to watch the races along the course near the start and finish line areas ........however, please remind your parents/fans and other non-competing athletes to be aware of their presence while cheering the runners and not to impede any runner from any team.