Entries: Two Athletes per laned event & field event, four athletes per non-laned event, and one relay per team
(for more athletes you may enter a B Team)
Entries are due by midnight on Thursday, April 28th
Entry Fees: Boys Team $30/ Girls' Team $30 - Individuals $10
*You may enter a B-Team for $15 (per gender)
Make checks payable to Henderson South Middle School
9:00 a.m. - Track open for warm-ups
9:30 a.m. - Coaches meeting
10:00 a.m. - Field Events Begin
10:30 a.m. - Running Events Begin
NO FINALS. Last heat will be the fast heat.
Timing: Timing will be done using FinishLynx Fully Automatic Timing
Admission: $5.00 (only cash will be accepted), children 5th grade and under are free
Concessions: Concessions will be available.
1st, 2nd, & 3rd place teams will receive trophies
Top 6 finishers will be awarded ribbons
Most Valuable Overall Male and Female Athlete will receive trophies
Scoring: Top 5 places will be scored 8-6-4-2-1/Relays top 4 places 8-6-4-2
Order of Running Events: 4x800, 100h, 100m, 4x200, 1600m, 4x100, 400m, 300h, 800m, 200m, 3200m, 4x400
Order of Field Events: Boys Shot (followed by Disc), Girls Disc (followed by Shot), Girls HJ (followed by Boys), Boys & Girls PV (contested together), Girls & Boys Long Jump (separate pits, TJ will follow)
General Meet Information:
Athletes may enter a max of four events.
Running events will be seeded according to the times/distances sent in by the coaches. The fast heat for each event will be the last heat.
High Jump will start at 3'8" for the girls and 4' 0" for the boys. Athletes that are long jumping and high jumping need to make sure they report when they are called.
Contact Info: Mac Grace, Henderson South Middle School, (270) 860-1875, mac.grace@henderson.kyschools.us