Meet Information
The meet will take place at the Russell High School track complex.
The entry fee is $75/team, $150 for both Boys and Girls teams.
If you have less than 8 athletes, you may pay $10/athlete.
Checks need to be made out to Greenup County Athletic Department.
You can bring the checks on meet day, you must have the check to receive your packet to compete.
The meet will be begin with Field Events at 10am and Running Events at 10:30am
There will be a regular order rolling schedule.
The price of admission will be $5.
Athletes can only participate in 4 events, including relays.
You may enter up to 4 athletes per individual event. Only 1 relay team per school.
Only the top 2 from each school will score points.
The meet will be seeded so that the fastest athletes will be running together.
Points: 10-8-6-5-4-3-2-1.
If you have unified athletes, please let me know so events can be added.
Concessions will be sold at the meet.
Coaches meeting at 9:45am.
The deadline for entries is May 13th at 10am.
Questions contact Travis Jones @