Meet Information
Bruin Gold Medal Meet (# 1)
Date: April 1, 2022
Time: Coaches meeting 5:30, Field 5:45, Running 6:00 p.m. (EST)
Awards: Only 1st Place will receive Medals in each Event (Boys/Girls)
Team Awards: 1st Place Team (Boys/Girls)
Team Fee per Gender to cover medal cost - $45
Please make checks payable to CHHS T&F 3040 Leitchfield Hwy. Cecilia, KY 42724
Concessions will be available on site
Limits (Updated 3-27-22:
- Athletes are limited to 4 events total (Track and Field)
- 2 Relay Team per school
- 4 individual athlete entries per school per individual events
We have many supportive parents to help with events, but need coaches to help with the Long Jump, High Jump, Shot Put, Discus, , Exchange Zones etc.,
Track Events
4 x 800 relay
100-meter Hurdles Girls
110-meter Hurdles Boys
100-meter Dash
Unified 100 meters (2 x 50)
4 x 200 Relay
1 Mile run
4 x 100 Relay
400-meter Dash
400 meters Unified (2 x 200)
300-meter Hurdles
800-meter Run
200-meter Dash
3200-meter run
4 x 400 Relay
Field Events
Shot Put / Unified Shot Put
Long Jump
Triple Jump
High Jump
Girls high jump followed by boys Starting height for High Jump 4-0/5-0
Girls discus followed by boys
Boys shot put followed by girls
Long jump open pit (1-hour girls/1-hour boys)
Triple Jump open pit (1-hour boys/1-hour girls)