Meet Information
Teams may enter 2 relay teams per event and up to 4 individuals per individual event.
Coaches Meeting at 9:15 AM
Field Events at 9:30 AM
Boys High Jump
Girls Long Jump....60 Minutes Open Pit
Girls Shot Put.....60 Minutes Open Pit
Boys Discus.....60 Minutes Open Pit
Running Events begin at 10 AM
TurboJav will be contested at the conclusion of discus events.
There will be no Pole Vault or Triple Jump contested.
We will be running hurdle events and throwing events the same as the KTCCCA MS State Meet and all KHSAA rules for competition will be followed.
Medals to top 3 place finishers in Events
Team Trophy to overall winner for boys and girls
Coaches hospitality room will be available.
50.00 per Gender. Make Checks Payable to Elizabethtown HS