Meet Information
Meet Schedule:
9:00 am: Mixed Elementary 2000m unlimited entries
9:30 am: Mixed Middle School 3000 meters, unlimited entries
10:15 am: Girls Varsity, 5000 meters, unlimited entries
11:10 - Boys Varsity, 5000 meters, unlimited entries
Conveniences: Concessions will be available at the race. Both food and drinks will be sold. Indoor restrooms are available. All proceeds support HCHS Cross Country.
Parking: Vehicles and buses should enter at the baseball field entrance and will be directed to park at the race site. All spectators will enter through the lower entrance (baseball field entrance) as the course runs by the main entrance.
There will be a 5.00 entry fee for adults, 1.00 for students.
Buses should enter through the lower entrance at the HCHS campus (baseball field gate) for the unloading/loading of athletes.