Meet Information
Division III High School Track and Field Conference Meet
Date: Saturday, May 8th, 2021
Time: 10:00 am (9:45 Coaches Meeting)
Place: Ludlow High School Stadium (Rigney Memorial Stadium is located 1 block north of the high school on Victoria Ave)
Teams Invited: All Division III NKAC Member Schools(Bellevue, Calvary Christian, Dayton, Heritage Academy, Ludlow, Villa Madonna).
Entry Fee:There will be no assigned fee. Any profit and/or deficit will be divided among all schools participating.
Entry Format: On Milesplit.
Entry Deadline: May 5th, 2021 @ 10:00 pm
No additions at the line, but there may be substitutes of any athlete with a valid competitor number.
4 event limit per athlete (turbo jav and the throwers relay DO count as one of the 4 events.
3 entries per event; However, only the top 2 from each school will place and earn points, all 3 can place for medals. One relay team per race.
Awards: Medals to 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place - as given by the NKAC.Trophy (Plaque) to top boys and girls teams.The NKAC Division III Track and Field Athlete of the Year will also be presented.This will be based upon points earned during this competition.Points earned when participating in a relay will be of the points earned by the team divided by 4.
Scoring:6,4,3,2,1 - Individual Events; 6,4,2 - Relays per NFHS rules.
**Dependent upon the amount of entries from our newest addition (Calvary Christian), the scoring could change to the standard 10, 8, 6, 4, 2, 1.This will be determined once entries are finalized.Events:
Regular order of running events.
Teams competing will be responsible to cover a field event.
**Pole Vault - The Conference Pole Vault Champion will be crowned based upon the results at the Scott meet on 5/20/2021. There is no fee for this event and results will be compiled separate from the meet.**
Turbo Javelin - The Turbo Jav will be contested and points will be awarded.
**A throwers 4X1 will also be contested and awarded points. The participant in this event MUST HAVE thrown in this meet (shot put and/or discus) and the teams will consist of 2 male throwers and 2 female throwers.
Field events: All field events will be 4 attempts, no finals.High Jump will open at 3'8" for girls and 4'8" for boys.
Round 1: Girls Discus, Boys Shot Put, Girls Long Jump, Boys Triple, Girls High Jump
Round 2: Boys Discus, Girls Shot Put, Boys Long Jump, Girls Triple, Boys High Jump
Contact: Adam Wise -