Meet Information
Marion County High School is scheduled to host your school for Track Meet on 4/13.
Meet start time is 5:30pm eastern time.
- Online tickets can be purchased at
No cash sales at the gate should a game get rained out GO FAN will refund the tickets within 24-36 hours.
NO PASSES will be accepted however
we are honoring a 5 person pass list (Administrators, Coaches Wives, etc.).
Just send those names as well as email address to me and I will get them a complimentary ticket.
We are not restricting ticket sales currently, but we do ask that anyone not participating on the field always wear
a mask unless eating or drinking.
Teams attending: Washington Co, Bardstown, John Hardin, Marion Co, Green Co.
We will have concessions (burgers, hotdogs, nachos, candy and drinks).
NO WATER COOLERS will be provided for your team. You must provide your team's water
Also, our JROTC program will be running a fundraiser during our track meet to help a local nonprofit
animal rescue group. They are also the kids that will be working our meet
to keep things running smoothly. We are asking each team to take up a few
donations (dog food, blankets, puppy pads, treats, toys, etc.) to bring to the
meet to give to the ROTC program to help with their cause. Thank you!
For meet questions please contact:
Robby Peterson
for entry/timing questions please contact:
Dan Knoy