Meet Information
Welcome back to Louisville, Kentucky high school track & field at Waggener High in the heart of St. Matthews. Friday April will kick-off a series of miniature track & field meets held at Waggener High exclusively on Friday's. This first meet will included all running events and relays but excluding all hurdle events. We plan on adhering to the KHSAA recommendation of a minimum of 8 teams for this first track meet. If you have any questions please do not hesitate to email Coach Thompson at:
Important Info:
-COST FOR SCHOOL (Boys & Girls) $150.00
**(If you plan on bringing only a few athletes, unfortunately the lowest payment that we can except is $20 per athlete)
PLEASE PLEASE bring your check to the meet and place in the hands on Coach Corey Thompson at the Coaches Meeting.
You may run a A & B Team in relays for the meet. Max of 6 entries allowed per event.
Meet will start promptly @ 4:30pm and continue on a rolling schedule.