Meet Information
This meet is a tune-up race for the 8th Grade & Under State Championships.
Due to time constraints we are requesting that you only enter athletes that WILL run in the 8th & Under State Meet on 11/14 (our program DOES NOT take all athletes to the State Meet meet because it is supposed to be a championship caliber meet).
There is no team fee to enter, no awards will be given out.
All coaches & athletes will enter at the Track entrance just like we did for the Chick-fil-A meet in September.
All spectators will enter through a different gate that leads to the course. Spectators need to show the email receipt from the Contact Tracing Form when they arrive.
Link to Contact Tracing Form:
Parking Information. There will not be a parking attendant. You can park in one of four places.
1 - Along the bus loop circle. If you park in the bus loop only park on the right hand side so vehicles may exit the loop on the inside.
2 - Grass in between the bus loop. If you park in the grass (SUV's, trucks, taller vehicles) please take the curb at an angle and go slowly. There will be sand bags along the curb to make the transition easier, and a sign that shows where to enter the grass.
3 - The parking lot at Rosenwald Dunbar Elementary.
4 - The parking lot at West Jessamine Middle School.
Admission is $5.00 for anyone 12+.
Start Times - Sunset is at 5:34 on Thursday and we have enough light to race until 6:00. The lights on the track will be on to provide additional light near the start/finish area.
- The first wave will have boys start at 5:00.
- The second wave will have girls start at 5:02.
- Preliminary results will be emailed after the meet concludes. Final results will post on Milesplit once everything has been verified.
Please contact Jason Moncer if you have any questions.