Meet Information
Race schedule: Middle School boys/girls combined 2K at 5:30pm, rolling schedule after that with Elementary boys/girls combined 2K approximately at 5:50, Varsity boys 5K at 6:15 and Varsity girls at approximately 7:00. Since the Middle School race is also a 2K, the Elementary race will be for 5th grade and under and the Middle School race will be for 6th - 8th grade. Awards will be medals to the top ten boys and girls in each race. Trophies will be for the team champion in the Middle School and Elementary races and team champion and runner-up in the varsity races. Cost is $50 per school which covers all of your athletes both boys and girls for all races. With the entry fee being only $50, we will also charge $5 per vehicle parking fee. Please inform your parents and fans ahead of time.