Meet Information
HS - Boone Co., Calvary Christian, Campbell Co., Conner, Cooper, Grant Co., Highlands, Scott
MS - Campbell Co., Conner, Highlands, Summit View, Woodland
England-Idlewild Park
5550 Idlewild Rd., Burlington, KY 41005
Varsity: up to 10 athletes (2 waves - wave 1, 7 runners/team; wave 2, 3 runners/team)
JV: unlimited (2 waves - wave 1, 9 runners/team; wave 2, remaining runners)
MS: unlimited (2 waves - wave 1, 10 runners/team; wave 2, remaining runners)
Entry Fees
$10/athlete or $100/school ($50/boys, $50/girls) to cover timing and meet supplies.
Please send a check to Conner made out to Conner HS, attn: Cross Country, or bring a check to the meet.
Conner High School, 3310 Cougar Path, Hebron, KY 41048
All races will be 2 miles.
Tentative course maps will be attached soon.
Order of Events
Varsity Girls
Varsity Boys
JV Girls
JV Boys
MS Girls
MS Boys
Rolling schedule beginning at 4:30 with Varsity Girls
Results will be posted by C3 Timing to Milesplit after the race.