Meet Information
Thank you for joining us for the 6th Annual Tyson & Trinity Gay Invitational. This year we will be honoring Lafayette own Olympic Champion and remembering his precious daughters vibrant life which was tragically lost by gun violence.
Boys 3200m Relay
Girls 100m HHurdles
Boys 110 HHurdles
Girls 100m Dash
Boys 100m Dash
Girls 800m Relay
Boys 800m Relay
Girls 1600m Run
Boys 1600m Run
Girls 400m Relay
Boys 400m Relay
Girls 400m Dash
Boys 400m Dash
Girls 300m Hurdles
Boys 300m Hurdles
Girls 800m Run
Boys 800m Run
Girls 200m Dash
Boys 200m Dash
Girls 3200m Run
Boys 3200m Run
Girls 1600m Relay
Boys 1600m Relay
Entry Process: High School team and unattached athlete entries will be made online.
Teams may enter 3 athletes per event and 1 team per relay. Only the top 2 athletes from each team may score in individual event when placing top 6.
The entry fee for the Tyson & Trinity Gay Invitational is $85/Boys or Girls Team, $160 total for both Boys and Girls Teams. $35 per B team. $15 for individuals. Individual medals awarded to 1st-3rd, Team Trophy awarded to 1st place teams.
Please make checks payable to Lafayette High School Track & Field.
Send checks to: Attn: Kathi Adams, Lafayette High School, 401 Reed Lane, Lexington, KY 40503
If you are planning to enter a B team, please notify Phil Wilder ( Enter athletes in the events you think they will compete in. You may change or add other events before the second call on meet day. Make sure all the athletes who will be competing are entered in at least one event to receive a competitor number.