Meet Information
In the event that you have any questions concerning the online registration process, please do the following in the order prescribed:
1. Check this link for any helpful
2. Contact Chris Hawboldt at
Please do not wait until the last minute to get your entries submitted.
Deadline is October 23 at 8:59PM
2:00pm - AA Girls
2:40pm - AA Boys
3:10pm - A Girls
The entry fee is $50/team, boys and girls are separate teams, so $100/school if you run boys and girls. There is an invoice attached to this email for your bookkeeper if you need it. Please send your entry fee BEFORE meet day. Make checks payable to North Oldham Cross Country and send to:
Brian Crumbo
NorthOldham High School
1815 S. KY 1793
Goshen, KY 40026
Theonly form required this year is the inhaler form (XC120) whereapplicable. This form is required if you have an athlete who will need touse an inhaler within the competition area, which for cross country, means theywill need it on the course itself. The 4-meet minimum is no longer ineffect, so there is no meet verification required.