Meet Information
DATE: Tuesday, October 16th
LOCATION: Anderson Dean Park, Harrodsburg
FEE: $75 per school will cover all four races (Middle School Girls, Middle School Boys, Girls Varsity, and Boys Varsity).
Make checks payable to: West Jessamine Running Boosters with CKC Entry Fee in the MEMO line.
Send entry fees to:
West Jessamine Running Boosters
c/o Jason Moncer
122 Mill Springs Circle
Nicholasville, KY 40356
2018 Central Kentucky Conference Members:
East Jessamine
Shelby County
Woodford County
AWARDS: Winner and runner-up team trophies (boys and girls), Top 25 finishers of each race will receive awards:
- Top 2 Teams in each division will receive trophies for 1st/2nd place
- First place individual in each race will receive a plaque as CKC runner of the year
- Places 2-10 will receive medals
- Places 11 - 25 will receive ribbons
TIME: 6:00PM
- 1st Race: Combined Middle School - 6:00
- 2nd Race Combined High School - 6:30
Meet will follow a rolling time schedule.
DISTANCE: Middle school 3000m (3K)
High School Varsity 5000m (5K)
TEAM SIZE: A limit of 10 runners per school in each race.
MEETING: Coaches meeting before or after the meet to determine if there needs to be any changes to the meet format, cost, rotation, awards, new CKC contract, etc.
UNIFORM: KHSAA uniform rule will be enforced.
No parking or admission charges for this meet
Leslie Smith will provide scoring & results.
Jason Moncer is the meet director. For questions please email him at