Meet Information
Meet start time at 5:30. Coaches meeting at 5:10.
Pole vault will not be contested.
Meet Format: Running and field events will be in the regular order on a rolling schedule. There will be an entry limit of 6 athletes per event and 2 relays. This will be to keep us on pace. Please try to enter athletes in the races on milesplit before 4/23. Official has the right to combine boys and girls distance races due to number entered.
Field Events- Starting with Girls Discus/Boys Shot, Then Girls Shot/ boys discus. Javelin- open pit. Jumps- Triple girls/Long jump Boys, then Triple boys/Long girls. High Jump-open pit. All field events close at 7:30.
ADMISSION:there will be a $3 admission fee at the gate for spectators and nonparticipants (students $2, and children 5 years old and younger are free)
CONCESSIONS: concessions will be sold at the meet by the Foley Archery. There will also be Kona Ice and Bluegrass KettleCorn Masters. They would appreciate your patronage.
Meet will be held at madison southern.
QUESTIONS:may be sent to Coach Laurie Jakubowski at email
Registration online on Milesplit or email to HYTECK rosters to Adam Friend,, before April 22.