Johnny Conn Invitational C Teams 2018

Louisville, KY
Hosted by Male
Timing/Results LS Timing

Meet Information

DATE: Saturday, April 14, 2018

PLACE:Louisville Male Traditional High School



DEADLINE:Entry will be done on MileSplit by Wednesday,April 11, 2018

There will be 3 meets set up in MileSplit toaccommodate those that like toenter multipleteams - Johnny Conn Invitational Team A, Johnny ConnInvitationalTeam B, and Johnny Conn Invitational Team C.

First email LindaSarrett Mathis (

to tell her how manyteams you will be entering into the meet and then she will give you thepasswords to be able to enter. To enter just 1 team enter the meet that saysTeam A, to enter a 2ndteam, enter those athletes in the meet thatsays Team B, to enter a 3rdteam, enter those athletes in the meetthat says Team C.

EnterONLY 2athletes

per event andONLY 1relay team

To enter more athletes enter

A- B-C team if needed

ENTRY FEES: Boys' Team = $85

Girls' Team = $85

Individuals = $10

You will receive a $10

discount per team if you register more than 1 team.

Make checks payable to:Louisville Male High School

Mail to: 4409 Preston Highway Louisville, KY 40213 (Att: John Kelsey)

AWARDS:Top 3 individuals will receive metals. Top 2 teams will receive trophies.

CONCESSIONS:Available on the grounds



(8) lane rubberized 400 meter track (starting blocks supplied)

TENTS:All tentsare to be placed in an area outside the fence around the track.

Any questions contact:

Damon Smith (502) 541-3438

Sheree Beaumont