Central Kentucky Conference 2018

Nicholasville, KY

Meet Information

Central Kentucky

Conference (CKC)

Track planning

meeting- 1-24-18

Danville HS- Flex


Member schools met to discuss upcoming conference track

meet.  Schools present were:  Boyle, Burgin, Casey (via email), Danville,

East Jessamine, Garrard, Henry Clay, Lincoln, Mercer, Pulaski, Rockcastle,

Shelby, West Jessamine, and Woodford. 

Anderson and Bourbon were not in attendance.

There was a brief discussion about recently passed

by-laws.  It was agreed to take out the

language regarding officers, and the update the by-laws to current year


Meet rotation was extensively reviewed.  Discussion included site rotation as well as

host rotation.  Due to increased

geographical spread of the conference, ideas were submitted to consider creating

a new way of determining who and where the meet will be held.  By rule, these decisions will be made each

year, but a majority of schools agreed that a school's desire to host took

precedence, and then voting about a site would be considered.  The site rotation would then be established

so that no one school, or a group of schools would always host.  This year's host will be East Jessamine.  Their tentative plan is to host at West

Jessamine's facility, but if that is not possible, then Transylvania University

in Lexington may be considered.  They

will inform the conference by March 15 of their plan.

The date of Friday May 4, 2018 was agreed upon by all.  As in the past, it was agreed that every

attempt to complete the meet on Friday night would be used, and that only after

a discussion at the meet involving all member schools and officials would a

final decision be made.  It is always a

possibility that Saturday could be used as a back-up date, but most agreed that

difficulties with getting a bus and other commitments would make this very


Meet will begin at 6:00pm. 

We will start meet at 6:00pm unless a school contacts either the meet

manager, or officials to let them know they are running behind.  When the last bus arrives on site, we will

start meet 30 minutes later to allow for warm-up time.  Coaches meeting will take place fifteen

minutes prior to meet start.  East

Jessamine HS will be responsible for communication.  Contact Jordan Marcum, jordan.marcum@jessamine.kyschools.us

(606)269-2546, on meet day if you are going to be late.

Regarding field events, we all agreed to have a one-hour

open pit, with 4 jumps or throws and no finals. 

Starting heights will be HJ Boys 5'2", Girls 4'2" and PV Boys 8', Girls

6'.  The following assignments for events

were made:

Long jump: Burgin and Danville

Triple jump: Boyle and Rockcastle

High jump: Lincoln and Bourbon

Pole vault: Woodford and West Jessamine

Shot put: Anderson and Garrard

Discus: Pulaski and Casey

Hurdles:  Shelby

Exchange zones: Henry Clay

Blocks and runners: Mercer

East Jessamine will be responsible for everything else

including clerking, awards, t-shirts, concessions, gate, finish line, and


Discussion of ordering trophies/medals included that Terry

Yeast will order medals from Hasty Awards and will have the bill sent to East

Jessamine.  Trophies will be ordered by

East Jessamine from Coffman's in Junction City.

Gordon Bocock will be the starter/referee.  Leslie Smith and Vicki Hiestand will do

Hytek/Finish Lynx.

By contract, Conference dues are

$150.00 and payable to East Jessamine HS, c/o Jordan Marcum, 815 Sulphur Well

Road, Nicholasville, KY 40356 8917
.  Fees should be paid ASAP but definitely by

date of meet.  If additional forms are

needed from your school, please contact Jordan Marcum.

New Contracts were

distributed and those need to be signed by a principal or athletic

and sent to Chris Verhoven, 203 East

Lexington Avenue, Danville, KY 40422 by Mach 15.