Tomahawk Challenge 2018

Mount Sterling, KY
Timing/Results Friend Timing

Meet Information

Location: Montgomery County High School, 724 Woodford Drive, Mont Sterling, KY 40353 Meet Director: Edward Stepanchuk, or 859.361.8495 Starter/referee: Tim Henderlight Timer & Official: Adam Friend

Entry Fee: $70 per team, boys and girls constitute two teams = $140. Make checks payable to MCHS Track Team

Cost: $5 Adult and $3 Student/5 and under free

Upload team entries NLT 8 p.m., 13 April on under Montgomery County Tomahawk Challenge. Go to calendar, then look for date and competition, click on link and add your entries. We may need assistance to manage field events, and exchange zones. Athletes are limited to 4 total events, (Limit to 3 entries in all individual events. One relay team per event). Field events are limited to 3 attempts. Individual awards will be presented to the top six (6) finishers in each event. Top two score in each event. Individual scoring is based on the first six places. Trophies will be presented to the top two teams in both boys and girls team competition. Any questions contact coach Stepanchuk or Adam Friend.

** Coaches meeting at 5:30 pm

*** Concessions will be available.

CHECK IN Your athletes are to be at the 100 meter starting area no later than 2nd call.

Track Events 6:00 Rolling Schedule:

1. 3200 Relay (4 x 800) G/B 2. 100HH G 3. 110HH B (be ready to help raise hurdles to proper position) 4. 100 m Sprint G/B 5. 800 m Relay (4 x 200) G/B 6. 1600 m Run G/B (may combine) 7. 400 m relay (4 x 100) G/B 8. 400 m dash G/B 9. 300 m intermediate Hurdles G/B (be ready to help raise hurdles to proper position) 10. 800 m Run G/B 11. 200 m Sprint G/B 12. 3200m Run (all) 13. 1600 m Relay G/B

Field Events: 5:45 Rolling schedule (check in at event location):

Long Jump: G/B open pit (45 minutes)

Triple Jump: G/B (Follows LJ, open pit 45 minutes)

High Jump: B/G. Starting Height Girls 40, Boys 4-6 (*)

Shot Put: B/G

Discus: G/B

Pole Vault: G/B. Starting Height: Girls 6, Boys 6-6 (*)

Any questions please contact coach Stepanchuk @ (859) 361-8495.

(*) Or as selected by games committee.