Meet Information
This meet is open to all grade schools in Campbell County.
Race Times: We will be on a rolling schedule beginning with the first race at 5:45pm.
Girls 7th-8th 2 miles
Boys 7th-8th 2 miles
Girls 6th grade and under- 1.5 Miles
Boys 6th grade and under- 1.5 miles
Grade school runners may elect to run up but not down.
There is a $5 increase per team this year due to the fact that the park is now charging a $150 rental fee to host the meet.
Entry Fee:
Race* Distance Team Fees Individuals
7th-8th Grade Girls 2 Miles $40/team $5.00
7th-8th Grade Boys 2 Miles $40/team $5.00
6th and Under Girls 1.5 Mile $40/team $5.00
6th and Under Boys 1.5 Mile $40/team $5.00
***Any grade school running a team in all 4 races will get a discount and only owes $120.
Mail Checks to:
Bishop Brossart HS
attn: Rob Braun
4 Grove Street
Alexandria, KY 41001
Scoring for the grade school races is regular meet scoring (top 5).
Grade School--Awards to the top 12 individuals, Team award to 1st and 2nd Place team
Use Milesplit to enter your team or edit your entry at any time until the deadline on 9/10/2017 at 9:00 pm.
We will be charging $2 per car. We will be collecting after vehicles are parked as to not back up traffic on the main road.
Let me know if you have any questions.