Meet Information
Warren East will be hosting the Bowling Green/Warren County City-County Meet @ Warren East High School.
Schools allowed: Bowling Green High School, Greenwood High School, South Warren High School, Warren Central High School, Warren East High School. Bowling Green Jr High School, Drakes Creek Middle School, South Warren Middle School, Moss Middle School, Warren East Middle School.
Athletes can compete on one team only. A middle school athlete cannot compete for the high school and middle school teams.
2 athletes per event, 1 relay. Athletes can only sub for other athletes, they cannot be added.
Entry fee: $50 for each team: high school boys $50, high school girls $50, middle school boys $50, middle school girls $50. Make checks to Warren East track and field boosters
Awards: top team will receive a traveling trophy. Top 3 in each event will receive a medal. LAST YEARS TEAM CHAMPIONS NEED TO BRING THE TRAVELING TROPHY TO THE MEET OR GET IT WARREN EAST BEFORE MAY 2.
Senior Night:
Please email the following information about each of your senior athletes. They will be recognized at 5:15.
Number of years they have competed in track and field
Broad category for events they compete in (sprinter, jumper, thrower, mid-distance, distance, vaulter)
If a regional champion, list event and year
If state champion or runner up, list event and year
If a school record holder, list event
If they will continue their track and field career in college, list the school
Schools allowed: Bowling Green High School, Greenwood High School, South Warren High School, Warren Central High School, Warren East High School. Bowling Green Jr High School, Drakes Creek Middle School, South Warren Middle School, Moss Middle School, Warren East Middle School.
Athletes can compete on one team only. A middle school athlete cannot compete for the high school and middle school teams.
2 athletes per event, 1 relay. Athletes can only sub for other athletes, they cannot be added.
Entry fee: $50 for each team: high school boys $50, high school girls $50, middle school boys $50, middle school girls $50. Make checks to Warren East track and field boosters
Awards: top team will receive a traveling trophy. Top 3 in each event will receive a medal. LAST YEARS TEAM CHAMPIONS NEED TO BRING THE TRAVELING TROPHY TO THE MEET OR GET IT WARREN EAST BEFORE MAY 2.
Senior Night:
Please email the following information about each of your senior athletes. They will be recognized at 5:15.
Number of years they have competed in track and field
Broad category for events they compete in (sprinter, jumper, thrower, mid-distance, distance, vaulter)
If a regional champion, list event and year
If state champion or runner up, list event and year
If a school record holder, list event
If they will continue their track and field career in college, list the school