Meet Information
Williamstown Cross Country welcomes all runners, elementary through high school for our annual invitational, Saturday, October 1. Send full roster file to A 5K Open Race will start the day at 7:30 a.m. $5 to enter the Open Race. We will be on a rolling schedule with Girls Varsity starting at 8:30 followed by Boys Varsity, Girls JV, Boys JV, Awards, Girls Middle School, Boys Middle School, Girls Elementary (6th grade and under), Boys Elementary (6th grade and under), Girls Primary (4th grade and under), Boys Primary (4th grade and under) with awards to follow. Food, beverage and t-shirts will be available for purchase. Admission is $5 per car load. School buses will be directed to unload and park along the new road on school property. Race Fees: Each primary or elementary girls or boys teams are $25 each. Each Middle School girls or boys teams are $30 each. And each JV girls or boys teams are $35 each and each Varsity girls or boys teams are $40 each. Individual fee is $10 for any race. Make all checks payable to Williamstown Cross Country and mail payment with note indicating level and gender of teams participating to Christine Thibault, WES CC Coach, 750 Osborne Road Dry Ridge KY 41035. Please feel free to contact WES Coach Christine Thibault for any additional inquires at (859) 760 4833 (call or text) or MS/HS Coach Kinsey at (859) 640-7366. We look forward to seeing you all there.