Conner JV Meet 2016

Hebron, Ky
Hosted by Conner

Complete Results

Licensed to: Conner High School        HY-TEK's Meet Manager 3/23/2016 08:05 AM
                    2016 Conner JV Invitational - 3/22/2016                    
                     Coach Mtg - 4:30 -- Events begin 4:45                     
                           Conner HS -- Burlington, KY                           
Event 1  Girls 4x800 Meter Relay
    School                                               Seed     Finals  Points
  1 St Henry District  'A'                           11:40.77   11:13.34   10   
     1) 967 Vonlehman, Grace 10         2) 937 Klein, Kelly 11            
     3) 953 Reis, Brooke 09             4) 918 Bihl, Libby 09             
  2 Ryle  'A'                                                   11:23.51    8   
     1) 635 DeLauder, Lauren 09         2) 657 Ketron, Joellyn 11         
     3) 621 Anderson, Heidi 11          4) 682 Seitz, Melynda 09          
  3 Cooper  'A'                                                 12:11.38    6   
     1) 202 Baker, Sylvia 10            2) 217 Jackson, Ashleigh 10       
     3) 222 Kazior, Adara 10            4) 204 Brennan, Meg 08            
  4 Bishop Brossart  'A'                             12:30.00   12:36.45    4   
     1) 20 Rinehard, Leah 09            2) 18 Neltner, Kennedy 10         
     3) 17 Maxwell, Malia 09            4) 22 Schneider, Brooke 09        
  5 Conner  'A'                                                 13:29.43    2   
     1) 167 Malott, Violet 09           2) 163 Hamann, Hailey 10          
     3) 161 Frazier, Lexington 11       4) 178 Williams, Brianna 10       
Event 2  Boys 4x800 Meter Relay
    School                                               Seed     Finals  Points
  1 Grant County  'A'                                 9:50.48    9:16.61   10   
     1) 447 Algers, Jonas 09            2) 448 Beavers, Cameron 11        
     3) 453 Gouge, Derek 11             4) 469 Spratt, Benjamin 09        
  2 Highlands  'A'                                    9:25.00    9:27.14    8   
     1) 550 Paul, Jackson 12            2) 563 Staab, Donovan 09          
     3) 549 Parris, Colt 11             4) 537 Harris, Devin 09           
  3 Covington Catholic  'A'                           9:50.00    9:42.45    6   
     1) 348 Krebs, Mikey 09             2) 371 Smith, Aiden 09            
     3) 386 Wolnitzek, Casey 09         4) 343 Jacobs, Ben 09             
  4 Ryle  'A'                                                    9:45.94    4   
     1) 713 Crupper, Justin 11          2) 720 Echeverria, David 10       
     3) 757 Mefford, Ethan 10           4) 702 Bloom, Ben 10              
  5 Dixie Heights  'A'                               10:00.00    9:53.24    2   
     1) 414 Padgett, Evan 09            2) 412 Moore, Mitchell 11         
     3) 420 Schneider, Will 10          4) 419 Sanchez, Alex 09           
  6 Boone County  'A'                                10:31.00    9:55.24    1   
     1) 990 Carroll II, Brian 11        2) 993 Cernetisch, Owen 08        
     3) 981 East, Jacob 11              4) 988 Hurst, Kaleb 12            
  7 Bishop Brossart  'A'                              9:30.00   X9:56.50  
     1) 61 Orth, Adam 09                2) 38 Curtsinger, Joe 09          
     3) 51 Howard, Jack 10              4) 40 Dawson, Cameron 09          
  8 Highlands  'B'                                              x9:56.65  
     1) 567 Velasquez, Yovani 12        2) 569 Webster, Trent 11          
     3) 551 Paul, Jason 10              4) 544 Kreutzer, Kevin 11         
  9 Grant County  'B'                                 9:51.30   x9:59.00  
     1) 449 Beavers, Jemison 09         2) 450 Brockman, Alex 09          
     3) 472 Vrolijk, Jacob 11           4) 452 Flick, Aaron 10            
 10 Conner  'A'                                                 10:00.83  
     1) 185 Hampton, Ethan 09           2) 190 Meacham, Zachary 11        
     3) 199 Surprenant, Jake 11         4) 198 Smithson, Hunter 10        
 11 Covington Catholic  'B'                          10:00.00  x10:09.20  
     1) 317 Brose, Anthony 09           2) 328 Finke, Mason 09            
     3) 324 Dierig, Max 09              4) 375 Tate, Will 09              
 12 Ryle  'B'                                                  x10:25.24  
     1) 780 Renouil, David 11           2) 771 Putthoff, Connor 09        
     3) 701 Benitez, Izaiah 10          4) 704 Buck, Seth 09              
 13 Ryle  'C'                                                  x10:33.07  
     1) 740 Huff, Aiden 09              2) 731 Hamrick, Eli 09            
     3) 779 Reed, Logan 09              4) 745 Johnson, Logan 09          
 14 Ryle  'D'                                                  x10:47.78  
     1) 737 Holloway, Tyler 09          2) 777 Reed, Jordan 09            
     3) 744 Janszen, Drew 09            4) 804 Wartman, Mitchell 09       
 15 Ryle  'E'                                                  x11:32.06  
     1) 736 Holley, Gavin 09            2) 1013 Griffiith, Anthony 09     
     3) 752 Manu, Nair 09               4) 781 Renouil, Mark 09           
Event 3  Girls 100 Meter Hurdles
    Name                    Year School                  Seed     Finals  H# Points
  1   429 Byrne, Katrina      10 Grant Co               18.31      18.49   2  10   
  2   587 Owens, Erika        10 Newport Catholic       18.00      18.53   2   8   
  3   114 Weinburg, Lainey    08 Campbell Co                       19.33   1   6   
  4   224 Lillard, Madison    11 Cooper                            20.27   1   4   
  5   174 Robinson, Skylar    10 Conner                 21.33      20.58   2   2   
  6   218 Jackson, Lauren     08 Cooper                            20.64   1   1   
  7   922 Danahy, Nora        12 St Henry             1:02.36      20.66   1 
  8   660 Marland, Tara       09 Ryle                              21.07   1 
  9   170 Neiheisel, Abbie    10 Conner                 21.81      21.74   3 
 10   649 Hadley, Christy     10 Ryle                              23.35   2 
 11   652 Harrison, Sabrina   09 Ryle                             x23.52   1 
 12   665 McQueen, Mackenzie  09 Ryle                             x23.96   3 
 13   683 Sekine, Shiho       10 Ryle                             x24.26   2 
Event 4  Boys 110 Meter Hurdles
    Name                    Year School                  Seed     Finals  H# Points
  1   416 Pfaller, Jake       11 Dixie Heights          17.00      17.02   1  10   
  2   461 Nix, Caelan         09 Grant Co               19.82      18.60   1   8   
  3   413 Onishi, Ken         11 Dixie Heights          18.00      19.22   1   6   
  4   751 Malkemus, Bailey    09 Ryle                              19.33   2   4   
  5   456 Hetherington, Jack  09 Grant Co               19.72      20.04   1   2   
  6   802 Thomis, Andrew      09 Ryle                              20.17   3   1   
  7   562 Siska, Michael      11 Highlands              20.00      20.18   2 
  8   904 Todd, Taylor        11 Simon Kenton           20.74      20.38   1 
  9   708 Caggiano, Dominic   09 Ryle                             x21.13   2 
 10   872 Green, Jacobq       09 Simon Kenton           20.78      21.16   2 
 11   253 Bull, Ethan         09 Cooper                            21.23   2 
 12   852 Breeden, Johnny     10 Simon Kenton           19.70     x21.46   1 
 13   395 Buckshire, Alex     09 Dixie Heights          18.60     x21.84   3 
 14   738 Horiuchi, Tomoki    09 Ryle                             x21.93   2 
 15    52 Jump, Allen         09 Bishop Brossart                   22.26   3 
Event 5  Girls 100 Meter Dash
    Name                    Year School                  Seed     Finals  H# Points
  1   680 Rooney, Dominique   10 Ryle                              13.59   2  10   
  2   579 Henry, Catherine    10 Newport Catholic       14.10      13.82   1   8   
  3   435 Homer, Alecia       09 Grant Co               13.92      13.88   1   6   
  4   687 Smith, Briana       08 Ryle                              14.19   4   4   
  5   212 Greene, Katie       11 Cooper                 14.70      14.32   1   2   
  6   810 Burns, Kendall      11 Simon Kenton           14.70      14.71   3   1   
  7   654 Heilman, Aya        09 Ryle                             x14.72   9 
  8  1011 Arnwine, Ansley     09 Ryle                             x14.82   8 
  9   951 Palladino, Cassidy  11 St Henry               15.60      14.94   1 
 10   480 Brewer, Annalee     11 Highlands                         15.11   1 
 11   173 Phan, Vivian        10 Conner                            15.18   3 
 12   999 Mckever, Damiaria   10 Boone County                      15.19   2 
 13   205 Campbell, Isabel    11 Cooper                 14.34      15.21   3 
 14   660 Marland, Tara       09 Ryle                             x15.22   6 
 15   832 Mulberry, Alexis    09 Simon Kenton           16.05      15.48   1 
 16   658 Klaber, Kennedy     08 Ryle                             x15.57   7 
 17   957 Sayer, Andrea       11 St Henry                         X15.58   2 
 18   934 Keipert, Abigail    10 St Henry               15.59     x15.59   3 
 19    28 Twehues, Emma       09 Bishop Brossart        15.60      15.62   2 
 20   208 Crist, Cheyenne     10 Cooper                           x15.68  10 
 21   940 Lee, Jessica        10 St Henry                        Xx15.76   4 
 22   171 Ohashi, Olivia      09 Conner                 15.69      15.86   4 
 23   961 Staub, Stacey       10 St Henry                        Xx15.87   2 
 24    11 Borchers, Hope      09 Bishop Brossart        15.90      15.93   4 
 25   915 Baute, Cara         10 St Henry                        Xx15.97   6 
 26   681 Sailing, Bri        10 Ryle                             x16.00   7 
 27   692 Weaaver, Madee      11 Ryle                             x16.01  10 
 28   671 Overton, Mckenie    09 Ryle                             x16.03   8 
 29   108 Schultz, Samantha   10 Campbell Co                       16.11   3 
 30   686 Silvers, Avery      10 Ryle                             x16.14   7 
 31   653 Hartman, Hannah     08 Ryle                             x16.20   4 
 32   595 Vice, Jordan        10 Newport Catholic                  16.21   5 
 33   688 Smith, Danielle     09 Ryle                             x16.24   9 
 34   200 Adams, Teagan       09 Cooper                           x16.29   6 
 35   916 Baute, Robyn        09 St Henry                        Xx16.35   7 
 36   220 Kanatzar, Olivia    09 Cooper                           x16.39   9 
 37   847 Wynn, Alyssa        09 Simon Kenton                     x16.44   5 
 38   441 Mullins, Kayla      11 Grant Co               16.51      16.50   5 
 39   655 Horiuchi, Honoka    07 Ryle                             x16.60   6 
 40   203 Bishop, Elizabeth   09 Cooper                           x16.67   8 
 41   219 Jackson, Makayla    10 Cooper                           x16.75   9 
 42   227 Mahoney, Maggie     08 Cooper                 16.50     x16.79   5 
 43   640 Estes, Katelyn      07 Ryle                             x16.87   4 
 44   628 Brueggen, Victoria  08 Ryle                             x16.88   5 
 45   105 Ross, Tajuana       09 Campbell Co            16.50      16.89   8 
 46   241 Smith, Genna        09 Cooper                           x16.90   9 
 47    21 Rust, Anna          09 Bishop Brossart        16.80     x16.90   6 
 48   207 Craddock, Ashley    09 Cooper                           x16.94  10 
 49   809 Beckham, Skylar     09 Simon Kenton                     x17.11   8 
 50   164 Kalyan, Disha       10 Conner                 17.96     x17.47   2 
 51  1007 Aguazul, Marlem     12 Ryle                             x17.61   5 
 52   226 Linesch, Hannah     10 Cooper                           x17.64  10 
 53   826 Lavon, Annelise     09 Simon Kenton                     x17.84   6 
 54    95 Markus, Allison     10 Campbell Co            17.57     x17.92   7 
 55   632 Clark, Kaylie       08 Ryle                             x17.98  10 
 56   626 Breeze, Juiana      10 Ryle                             x18.03   3 
 57   225 Lindhurst, Erin     11 Cooper                           x18.74  10 
 58   629 Cates, Sophie       09 Ryle                             x18.92   7 
 59   239 Pressman, Cassidy   12 Cooper                           x18.92   8 
 60   216 Hyder, Allison      10 Cooper                           x19.11   9 
Event 6  Boys 100 Meter Dash
    Name                    Year School                  Seed     Finals  H# Points
  1   764 Patterson, Connor   09 Ryle                              12.20   8  10   
  2   423 Torres, Jose        11 Dixie Heights          12.30      12.23   3   8   
  3   312 Bayer, Tanner       10 Cov. Catholic          12.50      12.25   4   6   
  4   374 Summe, Luke         09 Cov. Catholic          12.00      12.25   4   4   
  5   265 Holder, Jalen       11 Cooper                 12.70      12.26   1   2   
  6   373 Summe, Duncan       09 Cov. Catholic          12.50     x12.27   3 
  7   528 Buchanon, John      11 Highlands              12.30      12.27   4   1   
  8   610 Kelly, Kyle         09 Newport Catholic       13.10      12.40   7 
  9   565 Taylor, Sam         11 Highlands                         12.41   7 
 10   559 Seiple, Logan       10 Highlands              12.80     x12.43   2 
 11   558 Schultz, Jack       10 Highlands              12.30     x12.45   3 
 12   533 Ehrman, Liam        09 Highlands              12.80     x12.51   1 
 13   337 Harmon, Sam         10 Cov. Catholic          12.60     x12.58   3 
 14   120 Burbrink, Adam      12 Campbell Co            13.43      12.63   6 
 15   136 Hounshell, Kyle     10 Campbell Co            12.50      12.64   3 
 16   776 Rankin, Vince       09 Ryle                              12.67   9 
 17   352 McGinness, Casey    09 Cov. Catholic          12.70     x12.68   2 
 18   325 Dressman, Jake      11 Cov. Catholic          12.60     x12.69   2 
 19   361 Reusch, Tyler       09 Cov. Catholic          13.00     x12.74   7 
 20   848 Alexander, Davay    11 Simon Kenton           12.92      12.76   1 
 21   277 Lawson, Josiah      09 Cooper                 13.00      12.77   7 
 22   157 Weimer, Blake       10 Campbell Co                      x12.79   5 
 23   759 Moore, Cody         09 Ryle                             x12.81   9 
 24   607 Gabbard, Jared      09 Newport Catholic       13.00      12.82   9 
 25   894 Powell, Delshawn    09 Simon Kenton           12.86      12.83   1 
 26   906 Torres, Anthony     11 Simon Kenton                     x12.91   8 
 27   474 Whalen, Norman      11 Grant Co               13.35      12.99   6 
 28    55 Klear, Eric         10 Bishop Brossart        12.90      13.01   2 
 29    43 Duffy, Bryan        09 Bishop Brossart        12.90      13.07   1 
 30   408 Ider, Jon           10 Dixie Heights                     13.15  10 
 31    58 Moore, Bradley      10 Bishop Brossart        12.50     x13.26   2 
 32   793 Soden, Brandon      09 Ryle                             x13.27  10 
 33   369 Shelton, Andrew     09 Cov. Catholic          12.50     x13.32   4 
 34   525 Brandon, Mason      09 Highlands              13.00     x13.32   7 
 35   308 Adams, Sam          09 Cov. Catholic          13.80     x13.36   6 
 36   901 Sayre, Andrew       09 Simon Kenton                     x13.36   3 
 37   983 Ba, Osman           11 Boone County           13.50      13.37   6 
 38   355 Moon, Evan          09 Cov. Catholic          12.70     x13.49   1 
 39   125 Dinkle, Dexiante    09 Campbell Co            13.61     x13.58   6 
 40   885 Marsh, Austin       12 Simon Kenton                     x13.59   9 
 41   749 Kindzierski, Kyle   09 Ryle                             x13.60  10 
 42   282 Mayo, Jonah         10 Cooper                 13.90     x13.75   5 
 42   188 Hull, Christian     10 Conner                            13.75   8 
 44   283 McClellan, Hayden   09 Cooper                 13.80     x13.86   6 
 45   331 Foltz, Corey        10 Cov. Catholic          13.20     x13.88   7 
 46   137 Imhoff, Casey       09 Campbell Co            14.00     x14.20   5 
 47   763 Palen, Jack         09 Ryle                             x14.22   9 
 48   735 Hoffman, Jackson    09 Ryle                             x14.30   8 
 49   887 May, Hunter         10 Simon Kenton                     x14.45  10 
 50   863 Dosier, Caden       09 Simon Kenton                     x14.72   8 
 51   899 Rice, Malik         10 Simon Kenton                     x15.08  10 
 52   600 Bleser, Kole        09 Newport Catholic       16.00     x15.13   5 
 53   193 Patel, Dhruvil      11 Conner                            15.56   4 
 54   532 Eglian, Harrison    09 Highlands              13.80     x15.72   5 
 55   982 Cordas, Matt        09 Boone County           15.00      17.19   5 
 --   897 Rachford-Gibson, I  10 Simon Kenton                         FS   8 
Event 7  Girls 4x200 Meter Relay
    School                                               Seed     Finals  H# Points
  1 Newport Central Catholic  'A'                                2:01.15   1  10   
     1) 596 Zimmerman, Kara 09          2) 575 Enslen, Ellie 08           
     3)                                 4) 579 Henry, Catherine 10        
  2 Grant County  'A'                                 1:02.47    2:06.57   2   8   
     1) 429 Byrne, Katrina 10           2) 435 Homer, Alecia 09           
     3) 436 Homer, Antoinetta 11        4) 437 Howell, Molly 09           
  3 St Henry District  'A'                            2:06.19    2:07.23   2   6   
     1) 935 Kent, Kerenza 09            2) 921 Brennen, Sarah 09          
     3) 922 Danahy, Nora 12             4) 964 Syfert, Catherine 10       
  4 Cooper  'A'                                                  2:08.04   1   4   
     1) 200 Adams, Teagan 09            2) 205 Campbell, Isabel 11        
     3) 212 Greene, Katie 11            4) 234 Mogus, Megan 08            
  5 Campbell County  'A'                              2:14.00    2:12.71   1   2   
     1) 116 West, Hailey 09             2) 100 Mounts, Tia 08             
     3) 99 Miller, Darah 09             4) 93 Lackey, Sierra 10           
  6 Simon Kenton  'A'                                 2:12.00    2:13.30   2   1   
     1) 843 Warning, Meg 09             2) 832 Mulberry, Alexis 09        
     3) 847 Wynn, Alyssa 09             4) 845 Wiles, Haley 12            
  7 Conner  'A'                                                  2:14.94   1 
     1) 178 Williams, Brianna 10        2) 175 Selby, Sara 09             
     3) 169 Napier, Kari 10             4) 160 Allender, Mayah 10         
  8 Bishop Brossart  'A'                              2:08.70    2:16.30   2 
     1) 16 Mairose, Sophia 10           2) 17 Maxwell, Malia 09           
     3) 18 Neltner, Kennedy 10          4) 28 Twehues, Emma 09            
  9 Boone County  'A'                                 2:12.80    2:20.30   2 
     1) 986 Fuller, Daijah 10           2) 980 Eve, Chloe 10              
     3) 999 Mckever, Damiaria 10        4) 977 Smith, RaeAnn 09           
 10 Cooper  'C'                                                 x2:30.36   1 
     1) 225 Lindhurst, Erin 11          2) 226 Linesch, Hannah 10         
     3) 241 Smith, Genna 09             4) 239 Pressman, Cassidy 12       
 -- Ryle  'A'                                                         DQ   2  out of zone
     1) 685 Shrout, Elizabeth 10        2) 633 Creech, Ally 10            
     3) 667 Molique, Macey 10           4) 668 Muehlenkamp, Emma 10       
 -- Cooper  'B'                                                       DQ   1  out of zone
     1) 203 Bishop, Elizabeth 09        2) 207 Craddock, Ashley 09        
     3) 208 Crist, Cheyenne 10          4) 227 Mahoney, Maggie 08         
Event 8  Boys 4x200 Meter Relay
    School                                               Seed     Finals  H# Points
  1 Cooper  'A'                                       1:48.00    1:41.04   2  10   
     1) 256 Chartrau, Trevor 12         2) 294 Sebree, Jacob 11           
     3) 265 Holder, Jalen 11            4) 273 Jerry, Trey 10             
  2 Highlands  'A'                                    1:40.00    1:42.87   2   8   
     1) 530 Buckler, Dougie 11          2) 565 Taylor, Sam 11             
     3) 558 Schultz, Jack 10            4) 528 Buchanon, John 11          
  3 Ryle  'A'                                                    1:45.08   1   6   
     1) 764 Patterson, Connor 09        2) 792 Smith, Jake 09             
     3) 751 Malkemus, Bailey 09         4) 776 Rankin, Vince 09           
  4 Simon Kenton  'A'                                 1:40.00    1:47.70   2   4   
     1) 867 Eshman, Nick 10             2) 903 Tapp, Gunner 09            
     3) 901 Sayre, Andrew 09            4) 885 Marsh, Austin 12           
  5 Campbell County  'A'                              1:48.00    1:47.93   1   2   
     1) 1008 Combs, Grant 12            2) 1009 Combs, Grady 10           
     3) 121 Chamberlin, Jacob 10        4) 137 Imhoff, Casey 09           
  6 Highlands  'B'                                    1:47.00   x1:48.02   2 
     1) 533 Ehrman, Liam 09             2) 569 Webster, Trent 11          
     3) 525 Brandon, Mason 09           4) 545 Kuper, Preston 09          
  7 Simon Kenton  'B'                                 1:52.00  Xx1:51.79   1 
     1) 898 Ramirez, Anthony 10         2) 865 Doyen, Micheal 09          
     3) 871 Goldberg, Jake 11           4) 864 Douglas, Josh 10           
  8 Bishop Brossart  'B'                                        x2:03.25   1 
     1) 45 Gilreath, Jacob 09           2) 39 Davis, Ethan 09             
     3) 71 Schoulties, Dylan 09         4) 74 Steffen, Mitchell 09        
 -- Boone County  'A'                                 1:48.47         DQ   1  out of zone
     1) 978 Thomas, Kurt 09             2) 974 Wingo, Jantje 09           
     3) 973 Stutz, Chris 09             4) 975 Loh, Sheldon 11            
 -- Bishop Brossart  'A'                              1:48.00         DQ   2  out of zone
     1) 43 Duffy, Bryan 09              2) 49 Hickman, Chris 10           
     3) 55 Klear, Eric 10               4) 58 Moore, Bradley 10           
Event 9  Girls 1600 Meter Run
    Name                    Year School                  Seed     Finals  Points
  1   445 Webster, Jenna      07 Grant Co             6:08.38    6:06.92   10   
  2   202 Baker, Sylvia       10 Cooper               6:16.62    6:12.22    8   
  3   953 Reis, Brooke        09 St Henry             6:06.23    6:20.15    6   
  4   234 Mogus, Megan        08 Cooper                          6:25.48    4   
  5   643 Fong, Jordan        07 Ryle                            6:27.04    2   
  6   479 Brady, Savannah     10 Highlands                       6:32.28    1   
  7   647 Goff, Avery         07 Ryle                            6:39.59  
  8   484 Dauer, Catherine    09 Highlands                       6:41.07  
  9    81 Daffron, Josephine  09 Campbell Co          6:50.77    6:42.98  
 10   674 Patterson, Ashley   06 Ryle                           x6:45.45  
 11   689 Truitt, Julianna    07 Ryle                           x6:46.62  
 12   204 Brennan, Meg        08 Cooper                         x6:59.39  
 13   592 Spangler, Kaitlyn   09 Newport Catholic     5:40.00    7:09.03  
 14   574 Duke, Sidney        08 Newport Catholic    14:32.00    7:16.91  
Event 10  Boys 1600 Meter Run
    Name                    Year School                  Seed     Finals  H# Points
  1   469 Spratt, Benjamin    09 Grant Co             5:07.16    5:04.77   1  10   
  2   546 Long, Michael       12 Highlands                       5:08.33   3   8   
  3   550 Paul, Jackson       12 Highlands                       5:14.86   2   6   
  4   449 Beavers, Jemison    09 Grant Co             5:16.06    5:15.08   1   4   
  5   563 Staab, Donovan      09 Highlands            5:20.00   x5:16.04   3 
  6   371 Smith, Aiden        09 Cov. Catholic        5:15.00    5:19.62   1   2   
  7   284 Miller, Orion       09 Cooper               5:23.00    5:20.36   1   1   
  8   286 Obertin, Ian        11 Cooper               5:39.00    5:20.46   1 
  9   300 Stewart, Jacob      09 Cooper               5:18.00   x5:21.54   1 
 10   702 Bloom, Ben          10 Ryle                            5:21.55   1 
 11    61 Orth, Adam          09 Bishop Brossart      5:19.00    5:22.77   2 
 12   267 Houser, Nathaniel   10 Cooper               5:48.00   x5:23.52   1 
 13   537 Harris, Devin       09 Highlands            5:20.00   x5:25.10   3 
 14   275 Keller, Aiden       12 Cooper               5:40.00   x5:25.50   2 
 15   343 Jacobs, Ben         09 Cov. Catholic        5:15.00    5:25.92   1 
 16    40 Dawson, Cameron     09 Bishop Brossart      5:25.00    5:26.32   2 
 17   190 Meacham, Zachary    11 Conner               5:26.00    5:27.24   3 
 18   419 Sanchez, Alex       09 Dixie Heights        5:35.00    5:29.49   3 
 19   330 Flowers, Ben        09 Cov. Catholic        5:45.00   x5:30.73   3 
 20   387 Baehner, Jacob      10 Dixie Heights        5:40.00    5:33.03   3 
 21   291 Ruth, Aaron         08 Cooper               5:37.00   x5:33.61   3 
 22   317 Brose, Anthony      09 Cov. Catholic        5:40.00   x5:35.62   3 
 23   253 Bull, Ethan         09 Cooper               5:30.00   x5:37.65   1 
 24   420 Schneider, Will     10 Dixie Heights        5:45.00   x5:38.58   3 
 25   328 Finke, Mason        09 Cov. Catholic        5:28.00   x5:38.92   2 
 26   364 Ritz, Blaine        10 Cov. Catholic        5:28.00   x5:39.43   1 
 27   260 Cotton, Andrew      10 Cooper               6:00.00   x5:40.37   1 
 28   182 Elliott, Kye        11 Conner               5:32.00    5:40.46   3 
 29   185 Hampton, Ethan      09 Conner               5:33.00   x5:41.68   3 
 30   731 Hamrick, Eli        09 Ryle                            5:42.97   2 
 31   880 Ingala, David       10 Simon Kenton         5:28.24    5:43.35   3 
 32   261 Dragan, Andrew      09 Cooper               6:02.00   x5:43.78   1 
 33   452 Flick, Aaron        10 Grant Co             5:34.63   x5:44.28   3 
 34   873 Grigsby, Josh       09 Simon Kenton                    5:45.36   2 
 35   993 Cernetisch, Owen    08 Boone County         5:39.00    5:45.78   2 
 36   780 Renouil, David      11 Ryle                           x5:46.36   2 
 37   410 McCann, John        10 Dixie Heights        5:50.00   x5:48.68   2 
 38  1008 Combs, Grant        12 Campbell Co                     5:49.53   3 
 39   199 Surprenant, Jake    11 Conner                         x5:49.56   2 
 40   385 Witt, Jacob         10 Cov. Catholic        5:38.00   x5:49.79   2 
 41   319 Cafazo, Vincent     09 Cov. Catholic        5:50.00   x5:49.84   1 
 42   255 Cantrell, Jon       08 Cooper               5:40.40   x5:50.81   3 
 43   290 Reis, Brandon       09 Cooper               6:03.00   x5:54.14   1 
 44   555 Rust, Chay          11 Highlands            5:45.00   x5:55.63   3 
 45   796 Stewart, Ben        10 Ryle                           x5:56.07   2 
 46   619 Vanlierop, Evan     09 Newport Catholic                5:58.04   2 
 47   712 Crane, Bryan        11 Ryle                           x5:58.66   3 
 48   350 Laws, Drew          09 Cov. Catholic        5:40.00   x6:00.45   2 
 49   363 Rich, Harrison      09 Cov. Catholic        6:10.00   x6:01.10   3 
 50   992 Huddleston, Sam     10 Boone County         6:14.59    6:03.72   3 
 51   769 Pizzano, Nick       11 Ryle                           x6:06.36   3 
 52   717 Dolwick, Kyle       10 Ryle                           x6:07.22   3 
 53   304 Vaske, Levi         09 Cooper               5:45.00   x6:07.30   1 
 54   130 Franzen, Noah       09 Campbell Co          6:17.36    6:12.43   2 
 55   384 Witt, Jackson       10 Cov. Catholic        6:10.00   x6:12.99   1 
 56   268 Howson, Jake        10 Cooper               6:47.00   x6:14.29   1 
 57   567 Velasquez, Yovani   12 Highlands            5:20.00   x6:14.83   3 
 58   285 Moore, JD           10 Cooper               6:22.00   x6:15.45   2 
 59   376 Thapar, Zachary     10 Cov. Catholic        6:10.00   x6:25.14   2 
 60   292 Sandlin, Cole       10 Cooper               6:41.00   x6:26.05   2 
 61   740 Huff, Aiden         09 Ryle                           x6:43.28   3 
 62   781 Renouil, Mark       09 Ryle                           x6:43.39   3 
 63   301 Stidham, Grant      08 Cooper               7:08.00   x7:17.96   2 
 64  1005 Koons, Alex         07 Boone County                   x7:21.81   3 
Event 11  Girls 4x100 Meter Relay
    School                                               Seed     Finals  H# Points
  1 Ryle  'D'                                                     x58.66   3 
     1) 685 Shrout, Elizabeth 10        2) 639 England, Kyla 10           
     3) 668 Muehlenkamp, Emma 10        4) 667 Molique, Macey 10          
  2 Ryle  'C'                                                     x58.94   3 
     1) 687 Smith, Briana 08            2) 637 Echeverria, Alexa 08       
     3) 658 Klaber, Kennedy 08          4) 650 Hadley, Katie 08           
  3 Simon Kenton  'A'                                 1:02.00      59.33   2  10   
     1) 834 Richards, Cynthia 10        2) 810 Burns, Kendall 11          
     3) 845 Wiles, Haley 12             4) 827 Lowe, Erin 10              
  4 Cooper  'A'                                                  1:00.23   1   8   
     1) 200 Adams, Teagan 09            2) 205 Campbell, Isabel 11        
     3) 212 Greene, Katie 11            4) 234 Mogus, Megan 08            
  5 Ryle  'B'                                                   x1:00.89   3 
     1) 680 Rooney, Dominique 10        2) 681 Sailing, Bri 10            
     3) 696 Williams, Mackenzie 10      4) 686 Silvers, Avery 10          
  6 Ryle  'A'                                                    1:02.94   2   6   
     1) 1011 Arnwine, Ansley 09         2) 671 Overton, Mckenie 09        
     3) 688 Smith, Danielle 09          4) 642 Flood, Carly 09            
  7 Bishop Brossart  'A'                                59.70    1:02.95   2   4   
     1) 11 Borchers, Hope 09            2) 21 Rust, Anna 09               
     3) 28 Twehues, Emma 09             4) 20 Rinehard, Leah 09           
  8 Bishop Brossart  'B'                                58.20   x1:03.18   2 
     1) 16 Mairose, Sophia 10           2) 22 Schneider, Brooke 09        
     3) 17 Maxwell, Malia 09            4) 18 Neltner, Kennedy 10         
  9 Conner  'A'                                                  1:03.37   1   2   
     1) 174 Robinson, Skylar 10         2) 170 Neiheisel, Abbie 10        
     3) 164 Kalyan, Disha 10            4) 173 Phan, Vivian 10            
 10 Conner  'B'                                                 x1:03.90   3 
     1) 178 Williams, Brianna 10        2) 160 Allender, Mayah 10         
     3) 169 Napier, Kari 10             4) 171 Ohashi, Olivia 09          
 11 Campbell County  'A'                              1:02.30    1:04.53   2   1   
     1) 99 Miller, Darah 09             2) 102 Orth, Isabelle 10          
     3) 108 Schultz, Samantha 10        4) 95 Markus, Allison 10          
 12 Cooper  'B'                                                 x1:04.96   1 
     1) 203 Bishop, Elizabeth 09        2) 207 Craddock, Ashley 09        
     3) 208 Crist, Cheyenne 10          4) 227 Mahoney, Maggie 08         
 13 Grant County  'A'                                 1:02.47    1:09.97   1 
     1) 442 Phillps, Inga 11            2) 436 Homer, Antoinetta 11       
     3) 441 Mullins, Kayla 11           4) 435 Homer, Alecia 09           
 14 Boone County  'A'                                 1:14.00    1:10.97   1 
     1) 970 Cordas, Gabby 09            2) 979 Ervick, Abby 10            
     3) 980 Eve, Chloe 10               4) 972 Lucas, Rachel 10           
 15 Cooper  'C'                                                 x1:12.70   1 
     1) 225 Lindhurst, Erin 11          2) 226 Linesch, Hannah 10         
     3) 241 Smith, Genna 09             4) 239 Pressman, Cassidy 12       
Event 12  Boys 4x100 Meter Relay
    School                                               Seed     Finals  H# Points
  1 Highlands  'A'                                      47.00      48.96   2  10   
     1) 528 Buchanon, John 11           2) 530 Buckler, Dougie 11         
     3) 565 Taylor, Sam 11              4) 559 Seiple, Logan 10           
  2 Grant County  'A'                                   49.51      49.76   2   8   
     1) 474 Whalen, Norman 11           2) 451 Ensminger, Tristan 12      
     3) 461 Nix, Caelan 09              4) 456 Hetherington, Jack 09      
  3 Campbell County  'A'                                50.30      50.31   1   6   
     1) 157 Weimer, Blake 10            2) 121 Chamberlin, Jacob 10       
     3) 136 Hounshell, Kyle 10          4) 148 Riera, Luis 11             
  4 Ryle  'A'                                                      51.24   2   4   
     1) 801 Tarvin, Adam 09             2) 759 Moore, Cody 09             
     3) 793 Soden, Brandon 09           4) 776 Rankin, Vince 09           
  5 Boone County  'A'                                   51.40      51.24   1   2   
     1) 975 Loh, Sheldon 11             2) 973 Stutz, Chris 09            
     3) 978 Thomas, Kurt 09             4) 974 Wingo, Jantje 09           
  6 Bishop Brossart  'A'                                50.00      52.55   2   1   
     1) 48 Henn, Justin 10              2) 55 Klear, Eric 10              
     3) 43 Duffy, Bryan 09              4) 51 Howard, Jack 10             
  7 Highlands  'B'                                      53.00     x53.91   1 
     1) 525 Brandon, Mason 09           2) 533 Ehrman, Liam 09            
     3) 545 Kuper, Preston 09           4) 566 Valentine, Simon 09        
  8 Simon Kenton  'B'                                   54.00    Xx55.20   1 
     1) 871 Goldberg, Jake 11           2) 897 Rachford-Gibson, Ian 10    
     3) 887 May, Hunter 10              4) 863 Dosier, Caden 09           
  9 Bishop Brossart  'B'                                        x1:00.15   1 
     1) 71 Schoulties, Dylan 09         2) 39 Davis, Ethan 09             
     3) 45 Gilreath, Jacob 09           4) 74 Steffen, Mitchell 09        
 -- Simon Kenton  'A'                                   47.80         DQ   2  out of zone
     1) 848 Alexander, Davay 11         2) 894 Powell, Delshawn 09        
     3) 906 Torres, Anthony 11          4) 857 Chen, Jason 10             
 -- Cooper  'A'                                         50.00         DQ   2  out of zone
     1) 265 Holder, Jalen 11            2) 287 Page, Donovan 10           
     3) 273 Jerry, Trey 10              4) 277 Lawson, Josiah 09          
Event 13  Girls 400 Meter Dash
    Name                    Year School                  Seed     Finals  H# Points
  1   937 Klein, Kelly        11 St Henry             1:10.91    1:10.94   2  10   
  2   676 Preston, Kylee      09 Ryle                            1:11.47   3   8   
  3   480 Brewer, Annalee     11 Highlands                       1:12.86   2   6   
  4   643 Fong, Jordan        07 Ryle                            1:13.04   4   4   
  5   952 Pope, Natalie       09 St Henry                       X1:13.13   1   2   
  6   650 Hadley, Katie       08 Ryle                           x1:13.54   2 
  7   961 Staub, Stacey       10 St Henry             1:14.97   x1:15.13   1 
  8   693 Weber, Mollie       11 Ryle                           x1:16.03   2 
  9   238 Prather, Gabby      12 Cooper                          1:16.69   1   1   
 10   479 Brady, Savannah     10 Highlands                       1:17.16   3 
 11   444 Roberts, Lauren     09 Grant Co             1:16.30    1:18.35   1 
 12   916 Baute, Robyn        09 St Henry                      Xx1:19.68   1 
 13   660 Marland, Tara       09 Ryle                           x1:19.76   3 
 14    99 Miller, Darah       09 Campbell Co          1:20.73    1:20.04   4 
 15   661 Mason, Claire       08 Ryle                           x1:20.17   3 
 16   217 Jackson, Ashleigh   10 Cooper                          1:20.84   4 
 17   630 Celenza, Anna       10 Ryle                           x1:21.75   4 
 18   678 Proffitt, Lily      09 Ryle                           x1:22.18   3 
 19   994 Mulroney, Rebecca   08 Boone County         1:21.80    1:22.99   1 
 20   581 Huseman, Natalie    09 Newport Catholic                1:24.11   2 
 21   628 Brueggen, Victoria  08 Ryle                           x1:29.08   2 
 22   632 Clark, Kaylie       08 Ryle                           x1:32.14   3 
Event 14  Boys 400 Meter Dash
    Name                    Year School                  Seed     Finals  H# Points
  1   374 Summe, Luke         09 Cov. Catholic          56.00      55.61   2  10   
  2   256 Chartrau, Trevor    12 Cooper                 57.00      56.98   2   8   
  3   294 Sebree, Jacob       11 Cooper                 58.00      57.41   3   6   
  4   351 Listerman, Adam     11 Cov. Catholic          56.00      58.06   1   4   
  5   562 Siska, Michael      11 Highlands              59.00      59.26   2   2   
  6   187 Hart, Luke          11 Conner                            59.61   9   1   
  7   310 Alcorn, Andrew      11 Cov. Catholic          59.00   x1:00.50   9 
  8   713 Crupper, Justin     11 Ryle                            1:00.51   4 
  9   792 Smith, Jake         09 Ryle                            1:00.77   8 
 10   340 Hooper, John        10 Cov. Catholic        1:00.00   x1:00.83   3 
 11   803 Truitt, Joey        10 Ryle                           x1:01.12   4 
 12   857 Chen, Jason         10 Simon Kenton           59.06    1:01.14   6 
 13   903 Tapp, Gunner        09 Simon Kenton           59.85    1:01.65   1 
 14   369 Shelton, Andrew     09 Cov. Catholic          58.00   x1:01.75   3 
 15   355 Moon, Evan          09 Cov. Catholic        1:00.00   x1:01.89   1 
 16   158 Westlund, Evan      09 Campbell Co                     1:02.60   4 
 17   148 Riera, Luis         11 Campbell Co                     1:02.85   7 
 18   188 Hull, Christian     10 Conner                          1:03.14   7 
 19   472 Vrolijk, Jacob      11 Grant Co                        1:03.17   5 
 20   145 Padin, Nicholas     11 Campbell Co          1:05.29   x1:03.42   5 
 21   867 Eshman, Nick        10 Simon Kenton         1:00.42   x1:03.59   2 
 22   361 Reusch, Tyler       09 Cov. Catholic          59.00   x1:03.71   2 
 23   701 Benitez, Izaiah     10 Ryle                           x1:03.72   6 
 24   308 Adams, Sam          09 Cov. Catholic        1:00.00   x1:03.88   1 
 25   779 Reed, Logan         09 Ryle                           x1:04.16   6 
 26   975 Loh, Sheldon        11 Boone County                    1:04.29   8 
 27    51 Howard, Jack        10 Bishop Brossart        59.89    1:04.30   1 
 28   569 Webster, Trent      11 Highlands              59.00    1:04.41   1 
 29   704 Buck, Seth          09 Ryle                           x1:04.52   4 
 30   858 Chow, Braden        09 Simon Kenton         1:00.09   x1:04.62   3 
 31   610 Kelly, Kyle         09 Newport Catholic     1:05.00    1:04.92   5 
 32    49 Hickman, Chris      10 Bishop Brossart      1:01.00    1:05.05   2 
 33   393 Brown, Ethan        11 Dixie Heights                   1:05.75   4 
 34   771 Putthoff, Connor    09 Ryle                           x1:05.98   9 
 35   460 Lee, Wei            10 Grant Co             1:04.59    1:06.46   5 
 36   551 Paul, Jason         10 Highlands                      x1:07.12   4 
 37    61 Orth, Adam          09 Bishop Brossart                x1:07.30   5 
 38    74 Steffen, Mitchell   09 Bishop Brossart      1:02.00   x1:07.56   6 
 39   996 Smith, Tyran        09 Boone County         1:08.68    1:07.66   7 
 40  1013 Griffiith, Anthony  09 Ryle                           x1:08.04   9 
 41   863 Dosier, Caden       09 Simon Kenton         1:08.85   x1:09.38   7 
 42   422 Thornton, Nicholas  10 Dixie Heights        1:03.00    1:10.12   5 
 43   255 Cantrell, Jon       08 Cooper                         x1:10.16   3 
 44   566 Valentine, Simon    09 Highlands            1:10.00   x1:12.10   8 
 45    33 Caricola, Gio       09 Bishop Brossart      1:15.00   x1:13.93   8 
 46    71 Schoulties, Dylan   09 Bishop Brossart      1:08.00   x1:15.23   7 
 47   982 Cordas, Matt        09 Boone County         1:19.50  Xx1:16.81   8 
 48   600 Bleser, Kole        09 Newport Catholic     1:20.00    1:18.22   8 
 49   189 Kaiser, Jack        09 Conner                         x1:28.19   7 
Event 15  Girls 300 Meter Hurdles
    Name                    Year School                  Seed     Finals  H# Points
  1   107 Rust, Brittany      11 Campbell Co                       55.49   1  10   
  2   429 Byrne, Katrina      10 Grant Co               55.05      56.28   1   8   
  3   218 Jackson, Lauren     08 Cooper                            57.45   2   6   
  4   587 Owens, Erika        10 Newport Catholic       43.00      58.75   1   4   
  5    22 Schneider, Brooke   09 Bishop Brossart        57.00    1:01.35   1   2   
  6   234 Mogus, Megan        08 Cooper                          1:01.66   1   1   
  7   647 Goff, Avery         07 Ryle                            1:02.25   2 
  8   667 Molique, Macey      10 Ryle                            1:02.52   1 
  9   665 McQueen, Mackenzie  09 Ryle                           x1:03.29   2 
 10   674 Patterson, Ashley   06 Ryle                           x1:03.89   2 
 11   643 Fong, Jordan        07 Ryle                           x1:05.48   2 
 12   625 Bodie, Alexyss      10 Ryle                           x1:18.55   2 
Event 16  Boys 300 Meter Hurdles
    Name                    Year School                  Seed     Finals  H# Points
  1   416 Pfaller, Jake       11 Dixie Heights          44.00      44.52   1  10   
  2   413 Onishi, Ken         11 Dixie Heights          48.00      47.93   1   8   
  3   119 Blades, Damien      11 Campbell Co            49.93      48.66   1   6   
  4   738 Horiuchi, Tomoki    09 Ryle                              49.22   3   4   
  5   852 Breeden, Johnny     10 Simon Kenton           50.61      49.92   1   2   
  6   530 Buckler, Dougie     11 Highlands              49.00      50.44   1   1   
  7   802 Thomis, Andrew      09 Ryle                              50.81   3 
  8   607 Gabbard, Jared      09 Newport Catholic       57.00      50.85   2 
  9   395 Buckshire, Alex     09 Dixie Heights                    x52.44   3 
 10   180 Cochran, Cody       08 Conner                            52.71   3 
 11    52 Jump, Allen         09 Bishop Brossart                   52.90   2 
 12   904 Todd, Taylor        11 Simon Kenton           51.99      53.33   2 
 13   872 Green, Jacobq       09 Simon Kenton           54.96     x55.50   2 
 14   253 Bull, Ethan         09 Cooper                 49.00      56.38   1 
 15   990 Carroll II, Brian   11 Boone County           57.57      56.97   2 
 16   619 Vanlierop, Evan     09 Newport Catholic       59.50      58.57   2 
Event 17  Girls 800 Meter Run
    Name                    Year School                  Seed     Finals  Points
  1   967 Vonlehman, Grace    10 St Henry             2:49.23    2:42.56   10   
  2   437 Howell, Molly       09 Grant Co             2:42.60    2:46.33    8   
  3   918 Bihl, Libby         09 St Henry             2:45.89    2:55.81    6   
  4    20 Rinehard, Leah      09 Bishop Brossart      2:57.70    2:59.12    4   
  5   689 Truitt, Julianna    07 Ryle                            2:59.96    2   
  6   479 Brady, Savannah     10 Highlands                       3:01.38    1   
  7    81 Daffron, Josephine  09 Campbell Co                     3:07.92  
  8   661 Mason, Claire       08 Ryle                            3:10.16  
  9   942 Maschinot, Claire   10 St Henry                       x3:12.61  
 10   115 Wendling, Allison   12 Campbell Co          3:28.90    3:14.31  
 11   588 Powers, Michaela    11 Newport Catholic                3:16.49  
 12   945 Mullikin, Grace     09 St Henry                       x3:19.52  
 13   111 Stadtmiller, Brian  09 Campbell Co                    x3:22.42  
 14   161 Frazier, Lexington  11 Conner                          3:25.96  
 15   995 Vickers, Chloe      08 Boone County         3:37.65    3:32.47  
Event 18  Boys 800 Meter Run
    Name                    Year School                  Seed     Finals  H# Points
  1   544 Kreutzer, Kevin     11 Highlands                       2:12.68   1  10   
  2   323 Danneman, Drew      10 Cov. Catholic        2:20.00    2:17.03   1   8   
  3   453 Gouge, Derek        11 Grant Co             2:18.06    2:22.15   1   6   
  4   549 Parris, Colt        11 Highlands                       2:22.84   1   4   
  5   386 Wolnitzek, Casey    09 Cov. Catholic        2:30.00    2:23.60   1   2   
  6   877 Heckler, Robert     09 Simon Kenton                    2:23.99   1   1   
  7    38 Curtsinger, Joe     09 Bishop Brossart      2:21.00    2:24.56   2 
  8   856 Chaney, Ethan       10 Simon Kenton                    2:25.58   1 
  9   448 Beavers, Cameron    11 Grant Co                        2:26.36   2 
 10   390 Bolin, Andrew       10 Dixie Heights        2:26.00    2:27.21   1 
 11   375 Tate, Will          09 Cov. Catholic        2:25.00   x2:27.41   1 
 12   348 Krebs, Mikey        09 Cov. Catholic        2:28.00   x2:27.53   1 
 13   757 Mefford, Ethan      10 Ryle                            2:27.86   2 
 14   731 Hamrick, Eli        09 Ryle                            2:28.81   1 
 15   324 Dierig, Max         09 Cov. Catholic        2:32.00   x2:30.26   1 
 16   864 Douglas, Josh       10 Simon Kenton                   x2:30.51   1 
 17   414 Padgett, Evan       09 Dixie Heights        2:30.00    2:30.64   1 
 18   364 Ritz, Blaine        10 Cov. Catholic        2:25.00   x2:31.20   1 
 19   158 Westlund, Evan      09 Campbell Co          2:32.82    2:31.45   2 
 20   330 Flowers, Ben        09 Cov. Catholic        2:40.00   x2:31.67   2 
 21   524 Armstrong, Nathan   11 Highlands                      x2:31.82   1 
 22   708 Caggiano, Dominic   09 Ryle                           x2:33.38   2 
 23   387 Baehner, Jacob      10 Dixie Heights        2:25.00   x2:34.23   1 
 24   717 Dolwick, Kyle       10 Ryle                           x2:35.56   2 
 25   410 McCann, John        10 Dixie Heights        2:40.00   x2:36.32   2 
 26   796 Stewart, Ben        10 Ryle                           x2:37.47   2 
 27   769 Pizzano, Nick       11 Ryle                           x2:38.02   2 
 28   712 Crane, Bryan        11 Ryle                           x2:39.43   2 
 29   744 Janszen, Drew       09 Ryle                           x2:40.47   2 
 30   555 Rust, Chay          11 Highlands            2:30.00   x2:41.33   1 
 31   350 Laws, Drew          09 Cov. Catholic        2:33.00   x2:41.46   1 
 32   385 Witt, Jacob         10 Cov. Catholic        2:30.00   x2:41.49   1 
 33   777 Reed, Jordan        09 Ryle                           x2:41.78   2 
 34   804 Wartman, Mitchell   09 Ryle                           x2:43.34   2 
 35   992 Huddleston, Sam     10 Boone County         2:51.55    2:43.98   2 
 36   542 Keller, Luke        09 Highlands            2:30.00   x2:49.34   1 
 37   384 Witt, Jackson       10 Cov. Catholic        2:45.00   x2:49.82   2 
 38   319 Cafazo, Vincent     09 Cov. Catholic        2:40.00   x2:50.45   2 
 39   130 Franzen, Noah       09 Campbell Co          2:53.66    2:50.70   2 
 40   363 Rich, Harrison      09 Cov. Catholic        2:45.00   x2:52.65   2 
 41   376 Thapar, Zachary     10 Cov. Catholic        2:45.00   x2:57.31   2 
 42   752 Manu, Nair          09 Ryle                           x2:59.16   2 
 43   849 Arlinghaus, Trista  11 Simon Kenton                   x3:00.05   2 
 44  1005 Koons, Alex         07 Boone County                    3:03.95   2 
Event 19  Girls 200 Meter Dash
    Name                    Year School                  Seed     Finals  H# Points
  1   579 Henry, Catherine    10 Newport Catholic       31.00      29.15   4  10   
  2   654 Heilman, Aya        09 Ryle                              30.50   5   8   
  3   935 Kent, Kerenza       09 St Henry               30.35      30.51   5   6   
  4   107 Rust, Brittany      11 Campbell Co                       30.82   1   4   
  5   952 Pope, Natalie       09 St Henry                         X31.05   1   2   
  6   843 Warning, Meg        09 Simon Kenton                      31.57   1   1   
  7   637 Echeverria, Alexa   08 Ryle                              31.90   5 
  8   969 Zalla, Morgan       09 St Henry               32.02     x32.04   4 
  9   951 Palladino, Cassidy  11 St Henry                        Xx32.07   2 
 10   921 Brennen, Sarah      09 St Henry               32.06     x32.58   4 
 11   642 Flood, Carly        09 Ryle                             x32.72   5 
 12   961 Staub, Stacey       10 St Henry                        Xx33.51   2 
 13   479 Brady, Savannah     10 Highlands                         33.55   3 
 14   934 Keipert, Abigail    10 St Henry                        Xx33.62   2 
 15    11 Borchers, Hope      09 Bishop Brossart        33.00      33.72   3 
 16   436 Homer, Antoinetta   11 Grant Co               32.58      33.79   4 
 17   160 Allender, Mayah     10 Conner                            33.89   1 
 18   650 Hadley, Katie       08 Ryle                             x34.28   5 
 19   169 Napier, Kari        10 Conner                            34.33   1 
 20   915 Baute, Cara         10 St Henry                        Xx34.39   2 
 21   940 Lee, Jessica        10 St Henry                        Xx34.40   2 
 22   116 West, Hailey        09 Campbell Co            32.80      34.66   3 
 23    17 Maxwell, Malia      09 Bishop Brossart        32.70      34.80   4 
 24   957 Sayer, Andrea       11 St Henry                        Xx34.82   2 
 25   581 Huseman, Natalie    09 Newport Catholic       32.00      35.16   4 
 26    14 Dierig, Christina   10 Bishop Brossart        34.20     x35.40   3 
 27    16 Mairose, Sophia     10 Bishop Brossart        35.00     x35.93   3 
 28   105 Ross, Tajuana       09 Campbell Co            35.42     x37.39   3 
Event 20  Boys 200 Meter Dash
    Name                    Year School                  Seed     Finals  H# Points
  1   374 Summe, Luke         09 Cov. Catholic          24.70      24.74   1  10   
  2   451 Ensminger, Tristan  12 Grant Co                          25.07   4   8   
  3   423 Torres, Jose        11 Dixie Heights          25.00      25.08   1   6   
  4   373 Summe, Duncan       09 Cov. Catholic          25.20      25.69   1   4   
  5   351 Listerman, Adam     11 Cov. Catholic                    x26.20   7 
  6   607 Gabbard, Jared      09 Newport Catholic       26.80      26.33   3   2   
  7   408 Ider, Jon           10 Dixie Heights                     26.35   7   1   
  8   610 Kelly, Kyle         09 Newport Catholic       26.90      26.35   4 
  9   562 Siska, Michael      11 Highlands              25.50      26.38   1 
 10   340 Hooper, John        10 Cov. Catholic          26.40     x26.53   3 
 11   533 Ehrman, Liam        09 Highlands              26.00      26.59   2 
 12   120 Burbrink, Adam      12 Campbell Co            27.67      26.77   4 
 13   119 Blades, Damien      11 Campbell Co            26.54      26.83   3 
 14   848 Alexander, Davay    11 Simon Kenton           26.83      26.84   4 
 15   361 Reusch, Tyler       09 Cov. Catholic                    x26.86   5 
 16   337 Harmon, Sam         10 Cov. Catholic          25.80     x26.98   2 
 17   903 Tapp, Gunner        09 Simon Kenton           26.22      27.06   2 
 18   474 Whalen, Norman      11 Grant Co                          27.07   6 
 19   894 Powell, Delshawn    09 Simon Kenton                     x27.21   5 
 20   525 Brandon, Mason      09 Highlands              26.00     x27.30   2 
 21   352 McGinness, Casey    09 Cov. Catholic          26.00     x27.44   2 
 22   801 Tarvin, Adam        09 Ryle                              27.45   7 
 23   310 Alcorn, Andrew      11 Cov. Catholic          26.00     x27.54   3 
 24   369 Shelton, Andrew     09 Cov. Catholic          25.30     x27.61   1 
 25   456 Hetherington, Jack  09 Grant Co                         x27.68   7 
 25   988 Hurst, Kaleb        12 Boone County                      27.68   8 
 27   792 Smith, Jake         09 Ryle                              27.71   5 
 28   121 Chamberlin, Jacob   10 Campbell Co            28.44     x27.96   4 
 29  1010 Bussberg, Ryan      10 Campbell Co                      x28.03   8 
 30   867 Eshman, Nick        10 Simon Kenton                     x28.20   6 
 31   989 Traylor, Cody       12 Boone County           28.00      28.25   8 
 32   125 Dinkle, Dexiante    09 Campbell Co            28.64     x28.25   5 
 33   885 Marsh, Austin       12 Simon Kenton                     x28.26   5 
 34   355 Moon, Evan          09 Cov. Catholic          26.00     x28.27   2 
 35   749 Kindzierski, Kyle   09 Ryle                             x28.52   7 
 36   422 Thornton, Nicholas  10 Dixie Heights          26.50     x29.21   3 
 37   802 Thomis, Andrew      09 Ryle                             x29.25   8 
 38   331 Foltz, Corey        10 Cov. Catholic          26.40     x29.33   3 
 39    74 Steffen, Mitchell   09 Bishop Brossart                   29.38   7 
 40   735 Hoffman, Jackson    09 Ryle                             x30.07   8 
 41   897 Rachford-Gibson, I  10 Simon Kenton           29.80     x30.14   6 
 42   887 May, Hunter         10 Simon Kenton                     x31.28   8 
 43    33 Caricola, Gio       09 Bishop Brossart        32.00      32.58   6 
 44   532 Eglian, Harrison    09 Highlands              27.00     x33.12   4 
 45   137 Imhoff, Casey       09 Campbell Co            30.88     x35.20   6 
 46   189 Kaiser, Jack        09 Conner                            41.17   6 
Event 21  Girls 3200 Meter Run
    Name                    Year School                  Seed     Finals  Points
  1   445 Webster, Jenna      07 Grant Co            13:19.57   13:11.87   10   
Event 22  Boys 3200 Meter Run
    Name                    Year School                  Seed     Finals  Points
  1   415 Perry, Andrew       11 Dixie Heights       11:00.00   11:02.41   10   
  2   546 Long, Michael       12 Highlands           11:00.00   11:09.50    8   
  3   745 Johnson, Logan      09 Ryle                           12:07.06    6   
  4   452 Flick, Aaron        10 Grant Co            12:17.54   12:24.07    4   
  5   873 Grigsby, Josh       09 Simon Kenton                   12:33.46    2   
  6   737 Holloway, Tyler     09 Ryle                           12:34.94    1   
Event 23  Girls 4x400 Meter Relay
    School                                               Seed     Finals  Points
  1 St Henry District  'A'                            4:48.40    4:48.93   10   
     1) 967 Vonlehman, Grace 10         2) 937 Klein, Kelly 11            
     3) 953 Reis, Brooke 09             4) 918 Bihl, Libby 09             
  2 Grant County  'A'                                 4:51.20    4:57.69    8   
     1) 435 Homer, Alecia 09            2) 429 Byrne, Katrina 10          
     3) 437 Howell, Molly 09            4) 444 Roberts, Lauren 09         
  3 Ryle  'A'                                                    5:09.18    6   
     1) 654 Heilman, Aya 09             2) 676 Preston, Kylee 09          
     3) 635 DeLauder, Lauren 09         4) 642 Flood, Carly 09            
  4 St Henry District  'B'                                     Xx5:22.80  
     1) 942 Maschinot, Claire 10        2) 945 Mullikin, Grace 09         
     3) 922 Danahy, Nora 12             4) 935 Kent, Kerenza 09           
Event 24  Boys 4x400 Meter Relay
    School                                               Seed     Finals  Points
  1 Highlands  'A'                                    4:17.00    4:05.42   10   
     1) 530 Buckler, Dougie 11          2) 555 Rust, Chay 11              
     3) 528 Buchanon, John 11           4) 524 Armstrong, Nathan 11       
  2 Simon Kenton  'A'                                 4:04.00    4:06.50    8   
     1) 856 Chaney, Ethan 10            2) 857 Chen, Jason 10             
     3) 903 Tapp, Gunner 09             4) 906 Torres, Anthony 11         
  3 Grant County  'A'                                 4:11.74    4:10.95    6   
     1) 460 Lee, Wei 10                 2) 450 Brockman, Alex 09          
     3) 472 Vrolijk, Jacob 11           4) 453 Gouge, Derek 11            
Event 25  Girls High Jump 3 Attempts
    Name                    Year School                  Seed     Finals  Points
  1   644 Fong, Kennedy       09 Ryle                            4-08.00   10   
     4-00.00 4-02.00 4-04.00 4-06.00 4-08.00 4-09.00 
         O       O       O       O     XXO     XXX   
  2   925 Fohl, Lexi          10 St Henry             4-06.00    4-06.00    8   
     4-00.00 4-02.00 4-04.00 4-06.00 4-08.00 
         O       O      XO      XO     XXX   
  3   107 Rust, Brittany      11 Campbell Co                     4-04.00    6   
     4-00.00 4-02.00 4-04.00 4-06.00 
         O       O       O     XXX   
  4   114 Weinburg, Lainey    08 Campbell Co                     4-02.00    4   
     4-00.00 4-02.00 4-04.00 
         O       O     XXX   
  5   918 Bihl, Libby         09 St Henry             4-04.00    4-02.00    2   
     4-00.00 4-02.00 4-04.00 
        XO       O     XXX   
  6   969 Zalla, Morgan       09 St Henry                       X4-02.00  
     4-00.00 4-02.00 4-04.00 
       XXO       O     XXX   
  7   583 Kinnett, Maria      09 Newport Catholic                4-02.00    1   
     4-00.00 4-02.00 4-04.00 
        XO     XXO     XXX   
  8   108 Schultz, Samantha   10 Campbell Co                    x4-00.00  
     4-00.00 4-02.00 
         O     XXX   
  8   177 Taylor, Lauren      08 Conner                          4-00.00  
     4-00.00 4-02.00 
         O     XXX   
  8    16 Mairose, Sophia     10 Bishop Brossart                 4-00.00  
     4-00.00 4-02.00 
         O     XXX   
 11    20 Rinehard, Leah      09 Bishop Brossart                 4-00.00  
     4-00.00 4-02.00 
       XXO     XXX   
 --   915 Baute, Cara         10 St Henry                            XNH  
 --   998 Sanchez, Sophia     09 Boone County                         NH  
 --   928 Helmle, Lauren      10 St Henry                            XNH  
 --   934 Keipert, Abigail    10 St Henry             4-02.00         NH  
 --    11 Borchers, Hope      09 Bishop Brossart                      NH  
 --   576 Eviston, Sarah      09 Newport Catholic     4-06.00         NH  
Event 26  Boys High Jump 3 Attempts
    Name                    Year School                  Seed     Finals  Points
  1   136 Hounshell, Kyle     10 Campbell Co          5-10.00    5-08.00   10   
     5-00.00 5-02.00 5-04.00 5-06.00 5-08.00 5-10.00 
         O       O       O       O      XO     XXX   
  2   401 Eggers, Brent       10 Dixie Heights        5-08.00    5-04.00    8   
     5-00.00 5-02.00 5-04.00 5-06.00 
         O       O      XO     XXX   
  3   879 Huggins, Tanner     11 Simon Kenton                    5-04.00    6   
     5-02.00 5-04.00 5-06.00 
        XO     XXO     XXX   
  4   866 Dyrstad, Gage       09 Simon Kenton                    5-02.00    4   
     5-00.00 5-02.00 5-04.00 
         O       O     XXX   
  5   300 Stewart, Jacob      09 Cooper                          5-02.00    2   
     5-00.00 5-02.00 5-04.00 
       XXO     OXX     XXX   
  6   792 Smith, Jake         09 Ryle                            5-02.00    1   
     5-00.00 5-02.00 5-04.00 
        XO     XXO      XX   
  7   158 Westlund, Evan      09 Campbell Co                     5-00.00  
     5-00.00 5-02.00 
         O     XXX   
  7   399 Demoss, Zach        10 Dixie Heights        5-00.00    5-00.00  
     5-00.00 5-02.00 
         O     XXX   
  9   619 Vanlierop, Evan     09 Newport Catholic     4-06.00   J5-00.00  
     5-00.00 5-02.00 
        XO     XXX   
  9   771 Putthoff, Connor    09 Ryle                           J5-00.00  
     5-00.00 5-02.00 
        XO     XXX   
  9   461 Nix, Caelan         09 Grant Co                       J5-00.00  
     5-00.00 5-02.00 
        XO     XXX   
 12   390 Bolin, Andrew       10 Dixie Heights        5-02.00   x5-00.00  
     5-00.00 5-02.00 
       XXO     XXX   
 --   751 Malkemus, Bailey    09 Ryle                                 NH  
 --   704 Buck, Seth          09 Ryle                                 NH  
 --   425 Williams, Lemuel    10 Dixie Heights        5-00.00         NH  
 --   393 Brown, Ethan        11 Dixie Heights                        NH  
 --   253 Bull, Ethan         09 Cooper                               NH  
 --   801 Tarvin, Adam        09 Ryle                                 NH  
 --   395 Buckshire, Alex     09 Dixie Heights        5-00.00         NH  
Event 27  Girls Long Jump 3 Attempts
    Name                    Year School                  Seed     Finals  Points
  1   644 Fong, Kennedy       09 Ryle                           14-02.00   10   
      12-01  13-03.50  14-02         
  2   947 Munzer, Emily       11 St Henry                       13-10.00    8   
      13-10  13-09  13-04           
  3   587 Owens, Erika        10 Newport Catholic    13-00.00   12-05.00    6   
      FOUL  12-05  FOUL           
  4   676 Preston, Kylee      09 Ryle                           12-04.00    4   
      FOUL  12-04  10-02         
  5   934 Keipert, Abigail    10 St Henry                      X12-00.00  
      FOUL  11-10  12-00         
  6   497 Kappesser, Joy      10 Highlands                      11-10.50    2   
      11-10.50  11-05.50  9-10         
  7   936 Klein, Elizabeth    10 St Henry                      X11-10.00  
      11-10  11-00  11-03.50         
  8   656 Jansby, Julianne    10 Ryle                          x11-10.00  
      9-02.50  10-08  11-10            
  9    22 Schneider, Brooke   09 Bishop Brossart     12-10.00   11-07.00    1   
      9-10  11-01.50  11-07           
 10   961 Staub, Stacey       10 St Henry            12-06.00   11-06.50  
      11-06.50  10-07  10-09.75           
 11   957 Sayer, Andrea       11 St Henry            12-04.00  x11-04.50  
      11-03  11-04.50  10-02         
 12   845 Wiles, Haley        12 Simon Kenton                   11-01.00  
      8-01  11-01  10-08           
 13   696 Williams, Mackenzi  10 Ryle                          x11-01.00  
      10-04  10-07  11-01         
 14   665 McQueen, Mackenzie  09 Ryle                          x10-09.50  
      9-03  9-08.50  10-09.50         
 15    18 Neltner, Kennedy    10 Bishop Brossart     12-01.00   10-06.00  
      10-02  10-06  10-03         
 16   949 Osborn, Ashley      11 St Henry                      X10-05.50  
      10-05.50  10-02  10-04.50         
 17   693 Weber, Mollie       11 Ryle                         xJ10-05.50  
      10-05.50  9-03  10-02         
 18   102 Orth, Isabelle      10 Campbell Co                    10-03.00  
      8-11  10-03  9-09         
 19   834 Richards, Cynthia   10 Simon Kenton                   10-03.00  
      FOUL  9-07  10-03         
 20   692 Weaaver, Madee      11 Ryle                          x10-00.00  
      FOUL  9-00  10-00         
 21   207 Craddock, Ashley    09 Cooper                          9-05.00  
      8-06  FOUL  9-05         
 22  1002 Malonda, Pricilla   10 Boone County                    9-01.00  
      FOUL  9-01  FOUL         
 23   635 DeLauder, Lauren    09 Ryle                           x8-04.00  
      FOUL  8-04  FOUL         
 --   671 Overton, Mckenie    09 Ryle                               FOUL  
      FOUL  FOUL  FOUL           
 --   591 Scmitt, Alli        09 Newport Catholic                   FOUL  
      FOUL  FOUL  FOUL           
Event 28  Boys Long Jump 3 Attempts
    Name                    Year School                  Seed     Finals  Points
  1   287 Page, Donovan       10 Cooper                         17-03.00   10   
      17-03  16-00  FOUL         
  2   406 High, Sheldon       12 Dixie Heights       17-06.00   16-06.00    8   
      16-06  15-01  15-06.50           
  3   461 Nix, Caelan         09 Grant Co            18-07.00   15-07.00    6   
      FOUL  FOUL  15-07         
  4   757 Mefford, Ethan      10 Ryle                           15-06.00    4   
      15-06  14-09  14-02         
  5   559 Seiple, Logan       10 Highlands                      15-04.00    2   
      FOUL  14-09  15-04            
  6   906 Torres, Anthony     11 Simon Kenton                  J15-04.00    1   
      13-03  14-01  15-04           
  7   273 Jerry, Trey         10 Cooper                         15-03.00  
      FOUL  FOUL  15-03         
  8   764 Patterson, Connor   09 Ryle                           15-02.00  
      14-08  15-00  15-02         
  9   401 Eggers, Brent       10 Dixie Heights       17-00.00   14-11.00  
      13-11  14-11  FOUL         
 10   981 East, Jacob         11 Boone County                   14-10.00  
      14-10  13-09  14-05         
 11   456 Hetherington, Jack  09 Grant Co            16-02.00   14-09.25  
      14-09.25  14-08  13-06         
 12    52 Jump, Allen         09 Bishop Brossart     16-10.00   13-11.50  
      13-08  13-11.50  FOUL         
 13   157 Weimer, Blake       10 Campbell Co                    13-10.50  
      13-10.50  13-08  12-03         
 14   425 Williams, Lemuel    10 Dixie Heights                 x13-10.00  
      13-10  13-06  FOUL            
 15    43 Duffy, Bryan        09 Bishop Brossart                13-06.00  
      11-05  13-06  12-10         
 16   983 Ba, Osman           11 Boone County                   13-03.50  
      13-02  13-03.50  12-08         
 17   556 Rust, Conner        08 Highlands                      13-00.00  
      13-00  12-04  FOUL         
 18   283 McClellan, Hayden   09 Cooper                        x12-11.00  
      12-11  12-09  12-04            
 19   393 Brown, Ethan        11 Dixie Heights                 x12-08.00  
      FOUL  12-08  FOUL         
 20   894 Powell, Delshawn    09 Simon Kenton                   12-07.00  
      12-07  12-00  11-11         
 21  1010 Bussberg, Ryan      10 Campbell Co                    12-03.00  
      11-09  11-00  12-03         
 22   607 Gabbard, Jared      09 Newport Catholic    14-00.00   12-01.00  
      12-01  12-00.50  10-10         
 23    55 Klear, Eric         10 Bishop Brossart     15-10.00  x11-01.00  
      11-01  FOUL  11-01           
 24   600 Bleser, Kole        09 Newport Catholic    12-00.00   10-07.50  
      FOUL  10-07.50  8-03         
 25   619 Vanlierop, Evan     09 Newport Catholic    13-06.00   x9-10.00  
      FOUL  9-07  9-10         
Event 29  Girls Triple Jump 3 Attempts
    Name                    Year School                  Seed     Finals  Points
  1   947 Munzer, Emily       11 St Henry                       30-04.00   10   
      28-08  29-05  30-04         
  2   690 Tymula, Schuyler    12 Ryle                           26-00.00    8   
      26-00  FOUL  FOUL           
  3   596 Zimmerman, Kara     09 Newport Catholic               25-11.00    6   
      FOUL  FOUL  25-11           
  4   116 West, Hailey        09 Campbell Co                    23-06.00    4   
      FOUL  23-06  FOUL           
Event 30  Boys Triple Jump 3 Attempts
    Name                    Year School                  Seed     Finals  Points
  1   287 Page, Donovan       10 Cooper                         36-06.50   10   
      36-06.50  35-00  FOUL           
  2   759 Moore, Cody         09 Ryle                           35-04.50    8   
      33-10  35-04.50  33-08.50           
  3   556 Rust, Conner        08 Highlands                      32-04.50    6   
      31-11  32-00.50  32-04.50         
  4   981 East, Jacob         11 Boone County                   32-01.25    4   
      FOUL  32-01.25  FOUL           
  5   273 Jerry, Trey         10 Cooper                         32-00.00    2   
      FOUL  29-01.50  32-00           
  6    52 Jump, Allen         09 Bishop Brossart     30-05.00   30-08.00    1   
      30-08  29-04.50  28-06           
Event 31  Girls Discus Throw 3 Attempts
    Name                    Year School                  Seed     Finals  Points
  1   518 Smith, Anna         11 Highlands                         73-03   10   
      63-09  56-11  73-03           
  2   232 McGuire, Shannon    09 Cooper                            67-10    8   
      57-11  67-10  FOUL         
  3   427 Arnsperger, Taylor  09 Grant Co               54-09      65-09    6   
      59-09  65-09  60-04         
  4   573 Dill, Julia         11 Newport Catholic       76-00      65-07    4   
      64-02  64-06  65-07         
  5   517 Schweitzer, Emily   10 Highlands                         63-05    2   
      55-03  63-05  58-11         
  6    14 Dierig, Christina   10 Bishop Brossart        67-00      62-05    1   
      57-03  62-05  62-00         
  7   670 Obiea, Ameera       09 Ryle                              59-10  
      49-02  FOUL  59-10         
  8   248 Villari, Allison    11 Cooper                            58-00  
      57-01  FOUL  58-00         
  9   216 Hyder, Allison      10 Cooper                           x57-00  
      56-10  55-08  57-00         
 10   217 Jackson, Ashleigh   10 Cooper                           x55-11  
      55-11  54-06  54-09         
 11   986 Fuller, Daijah      10 Boone County                      54-10  
      54-10  FOUL  FOUL           
 12   812 Connor, Olivia      10 Simon Kenton                      54-08  
      49-03  48-03  54-08           
 13   821 Hamlet, Maeve       09 Simon Kenton                      54-03  
      54-03  52-10  FOUL           
 14    15 Jones, Megan        09 Bishop Brossart        50-00      52-02  
      52-02  49-03  47-10         
 15   165 Lindemann, Payton   10 Conner                            50-09  
      48-06  46-09  50-09         
 16   839 Stone, MacKenzie    12 Simon Kenton                     x48-02  
      44-08  48-00  48-02           
 17   846 Wolfe, Audrianna    09 Simon Kenton                     x47-06  
      39-03  47-01  47-06         
 18   176 Supe, Abbie         10 Conner                            41-02  
      33-10  34-07  41-02         
 19   991 Ba, Arame           10 Boone County                      38-06  
      38-06  34-10  FOUL         
Event 32  Boys Discus Throw 3 Attempts
    Name                    Year School                  Seed     Finals  Points
  1   406 High, Sheldon       12 Dixie Heights          90-00     114-00   10   
      109-00  114-00  106-00           
  2   274 Jonson, Nick        11 Cooper                            95-04    8   
      95-04  90-07  74-05         
  3   370 Simpson, Malone     10 Cov. Catholic                     92-04    6   
      79-08  86-00  92-04         
  4   132 Geiman, Connor      09 Campbell Co                       90-03    4   
      83-09  90-03  77-05         
  5   536 Haas, Carson        12 Highlands             100-00      88-03    2   
      83-03  88-03  FOUL           
  6   770 Principata, Ryan    10 Ryle                              87-05    1   
      FOUL  87-05  FOUL           
  7   787 Schauberger, Ryan   11 Ryle                              82-06  
      82-06  80-00  80-07           
  8   805 Weber, Kevin        10 Ryle                             x81-00  
      72-08  75-06  81-00           
  9   293 Schafer, John       11 Cooper                            80-05  
      77-07  80-05  FOUL         
 10   181 Devlin, Dakota      10 Conner                            77-03  
      FOUL  71-10  77-03         
 11   707 Caggiano, Anthony   08 Ryle                             x76-06  
      74-01  66-05  76-06           
 12   909 Webster, Devin      09 Simon Kenton                      75-04  
      71-05  74-01  75-04            
 13  1012 Burch, Chad         10 Ryle                             x75-03  
      75-03  73-04  65-08           
 14   704 Buck, Seth          09 Ryle                             x74-05  
      71-00  FOUL  74-05         
 15    56 Litmer, Tyler       09 Bishop Brossart                   74-04  
      FOUL  74-04  66-03         
 16   706 Bulmer, Donnie      11 Ryle                             x73-10  
      67-05  73-10  FOUL           
 17   353 Merkle, Liam        09 Cov. Catholic                     73-07  
      70-09  FOUL  73-07         
 18   270 Hutson, Michael     11 Cooper                           x73-01  
      60-05  63-07  73-01         
 19   251 Bachman, Nick       12 Cooper                           x73-00  
      FOUL  70-04  73-00         
 20    65 Ritter, Eric        11 Bishop Brossart                   72-10  
      FOUL  70-00  72-10         
 21   305 Vaske, Luke         12 Cooper                           x72-04  
      69-08  72-04  69-04         
 22   276 Keller, Seth        12 Cooper                           x72-01  
      69-00  72-01  69-07         
 23   761 Morrison, Stephen   10 Ryle                             x71-00  
      70-04  71-00  55-03           
 24   334 Garrett, Chris      11 Cov. Catholic                    x71-00  
      71-00  FOUL  66-06         
 25   359 Pastura, Quinn      11 Cov. Catholic                    x70-03  
      59-06  55-00  70-03         
 26   411 Meyers, Carson      10 Dixie Heights          70-00      69-00  
      63-05  69-00  67-05           
 27    62 Reis, Jack          09 Bishop Brossart                  x68-07  
      65-09  68-07  66-09         
 28   799 Tagher, Alex        09 Ryle                             x68-03  
      64-07  68-03  66-04         
 29   705 Bulmer, Brad        09 Ryle                             x67-09  
      67-09  65-08  60-00         
 30   195 Roa, Quentin        09 Conner                            67-02  
      67-02  61-11  61-09         
 31   399 Demoss, Zach        10 Dixie Heights                    x66-09  
      56-09  56-00  66-09         
 32   403 Finnell, Cody       11 Dixie Heights                    x66-05  
      66-05  FOUL  FOUL           
 33   123 Crowe, David        12 Campbell Co                       64-09  
      55-00  58-00  64-09         
 34   398 DeMatteo, Joe       11 Dixie Heights                    x64-02  
      64-00  64-02  49-08         
 35   424 Vallandingham, Gar  10 Dixie Heights                    x62-08  
      49-09  62-08  49-00           
 36   881 Johnting, Justin    09 Simon Kenton                      59-10  
      59-10  56-05  FOUL            
 37    60 Morgan, Grant       09 Bishop Brossart                  x57-05  
      55-03  48-11  57-05         
 38   298 Spake, Kobe         08 Cooper                           x57-04  
      57-04  46-00  55-10         
 39    41 Dennis, Brady       10 Bishop Brossart                  x54-09  
      50-09  48-05  54-09         
 40   400 Eckler, Joey        10 Dixie Heights                    x54-05  
      54-05  FOUL  FOUL           
 41   397 Cundiff, Keegan     10 Dixie Heights          65-00     x53-01  
      53-01  FOUL  50-06           
 42  1003 McDaniel, Michael   09 Boone County                      50-04  
      50-00  50-04  45-01          
 43   605 Craig, Ethan        12 Newport Catholic       70-00      47-10  
      47-10  FOUL  FOUL           
 44   911 Wind, Connor        09 Simon Kenton                     x46-10  
      46-10  46-00  45-08           
 45    46 Gilreath, Jared     09 Bishop Brossart                  x43-10  
      37-07  43-10  42-01         
 46    66 Ritter, Noah        09 Bishop Brossart                  x40-09  
      40-09  FOUL  38-03         
 47  1014 Zhang, Jackie       09 Ryle                             x34-04  
      34-04  FOUL  27-11           
 --   391 Brock, Ryan         10 Dixie Heights          85-00       FOUL  
      FOUL  FOUL  FOUL           
Event 33  Girls Shot Put 3 Attempts
    Name                    Year School                  Seed     Finals  Points
  1   216 Hyder, Allison      10 Cooper                         24-02.00   10   
      24-00  24-02  22-11         
  2   232 McGuire, Shannon    09 Cooper                         24-00.00    8   
      24-00  21-05  21-01          
  3   248 Villari, Allison    11 Cooper                        x21-11.00  
      21-06  21-11  21-06         
  4   517 Schweitzer, Emily   10 Highlands                      21-08.00    6   
      21-08  20-00  21-00           
  5   670 Obiea, Ameera       09 Ryle                           21-07.00    4   
      20-09  17-01  21-07         
  6   986 Fuller, Daijah      10 Boone County                   21-04.00    2   
      18-09  21-04  18-06         
  7   427 Arnsperger, Taylor  09 Grant Co            22-03.25   20-09.00    1   
      FOUL  19-09  20-09         
  8    14 Dierig, Christina   10 Bishop Brossart     19-00.00   20-07.00  
      20-07  15-07  19-08         
  9   217 Jackson, Ashleigh   10 Cooper                        x20-02.00  
      20-00  FOUL  20-02         
 10   573 Dill, Julia         11 Newport Catholic    28-00.00   20-00.00  
      20-00  17-10  19-04         
 11   518 Smith, Anna         11 Highlands                      19-03.00  
      17-02  18-10  19-03         
 12   812 Connor, Olivia      10 Simon Kenton                   19-00.00  
      18-02  19-00  18-06           
 13    15 Jones, Megan        09 Bishop Brossart     20-00.00   19-00.00  
      19-00  18-00  16-09           
 14   839 Stone, MacKenzie    12 Simon Kenton                   18-02.00  
      18-02  17-08  16-06         
 15   991 Ba, Arame           10 Boone County                   18-00.00  
      16-05  18-00  15-08         
 16   247 Vaughn, Michaela    10 Cooper                        x17-08.00  
      17-08  16-06  15-09         
 17   846 Wolfe, Audrianna    09 Simon Kenton                  x15-11.00  
      15-11  15-08  13-05         
 18   243 Smith, Sierra       07 Cooper                        x15-09.00  
      15-09  14-05  15-00          
 19   821 Hamlet, Maeve       09 Simon Kenton                  x15-05.00  
      15-02  15-04  15-05           
Event 34  Boys Shot Put 3 Attempts
    Name                    Year School                  Seed     Finals  Points
  1   536 Haas, Carson        12 Highlands           36-00.00   35-05.00   10   
      34-00  35-05  33-04           
  2    56 Litmer, Tyler       09 Bishop Brossart                32-11.00    8   
      32-11  31-06  30-05         
  3   770 Principata, Ryan    10 Ryle                           32-09.00    6   
      32-09  32-00  32-08         
  4   251 Bachman, Nick       12 Cooper                         32-08.00    4   
      32-01  32-08  32-07         
  5    62 Reis, Jack          09 Bishop Brossart                32-04.00    2   
      31-10  28-06  32-04         
  6   293 Schafer, John       11 Cooper                         31-08.00    1   
      27-00  31-08  29-09           
  7   784 Riddick, Andre      10 Ryle                           30-10.00  
      30-02  30-10  29-00         
  8   787 Schauberger, Ryan   11 Ryle                          x30-08.00  
      30-08  27-04  27-11           
  9   305 Vaske, Luke         12 Cooper                        x30-02.00  
      29-09  30-02  27-04         
 10   400 Eckler, Joey        10 Dixie Heights                  29-08.00  
      29-00  29-08  26-07         
 11   403 Finnell, Cody       11 Dixie Heights                  29-01.00  
      29-01  28-04  28-06         
 12   270 Hutson, Michael     11 Cooper                        x28-10.00  
      FOUL  28-10  28-09         
 13    65 Ritter, Eric        11 Bishop Brossart               x28-10.00  
      28-08  28-10  26-11         
 14   805 Weber, Kevin        10 Ryle                          x28-10.00  
      28-05  25-04  28-10         
 15   398 DeMatteo, Joe       11 Dixie Heights       33-00.00  x28-08.00  
      27-06  27-09  28-08         
 16   424 Vallandingham, Gar  10 Dixie Heights                 x28-07.00  
      28-07  28-06  28-05         
 17   397 Cundiff, Keegan     10 Dixie Heights       32-00.00  x28-05.00  
      26-03  28-05  26-11         
 18   274 Jonson, Nick        11 Cooper                        x28-04.00  
      28-04  27-02  26-07         
 19   362 Reynolds, Michael   10 Cov. Catholic                  27-09.00  
      27-05  25-07  27-09         
 20   181 Devlin, Dakota      10 Conner                        J27-09.00  
      25-04  27-09  27-01         
 21   391 Brock, Ryan         10 Dixie Heights       32-00.00  x27-08.00  
      FOUL  26-11  27-08         
 22   356 Moore, Harrison     11 Cov. Catholic                  27-08.00  
      26-09  22-03  27-08         
 23  1012 Burch, Chad         10 Ryle                          x27-03.00  
      26-07  FOUL  27-03         
 24    41 Dennis, Brady       10 Bishop Brossart               x27-01.00  
      20-07  27-01  26-11         
 25   605 Craig, Ethan        12 Newport Catholic    27-00.00   27-00.00  
      FOUL  23-10  27-00           
 26   707 Caggiano, Anthony   08 Ryle                          x26-07.00  
      24-09  26-04  26-07         
 27   188 Hull, Christian     10 Conner                         25-09.00  
      23-05  21-08  25-09         
 28   358 Naberhaus, Warren   09 Cov. Catholic                 x25-08.00  
      FOUL  25-02  25-08         
 29   799 Tagher, Alex        09 Ryle                          x25-07.00  
      25-07  25-06  23-08         
 30   399 Demoss, Zach        10 Dixie Heights                 x25-06.00  
      25-02  25-06  25-06         
 31   705 Bulmer, Brad        09 Ryle                          x25-04.00  
      22-08  22-09  25-04         
 32   706 Bulmer, Donnie      11 Ryle                          x25-02.00  
      25-02  24-09  24-10         
 33   909 Webster, Devin      09 Simon Kenton                   24-06.00  
      23-05  24-06  24-03         
 34   411 Meyers, Carson      10 Dixie Heights       28-00.00  x24-03.00  
      23-11  23-08  24-03         
 35   761 Morrison, Stephen   10 Ryle                         xJ24-03.00  
      23-09  24-03  23-10           
 36  1006 Simpson, Matt       10 Boone County                   23-11.00  
      FOUL  23-11  FOUL         
 37   298 Spake, Kobe         08 Cooper                        x23-06.00  
      23-01  23-06  21-09         
 38  1003 McDaniel, Michael   09 Boone County                   23-00.00  
      21-09  23-00  22-02         
 39   195 Roa, Quentin        09 Conner                        x22-10.00  
      22-02  22-10  22-03         
 40  1004 Mazur, Mateusz      09 Boone County                  x22-08.00  
      22-08  FOUL  21-10           
 41   881 Johnting, Justin    09 Simon Kenton                   22-07.00  
      22-07  20-00  22-01         
 42   718 Downs, Tyler        10 Ryle                          x22-04.00  
      19-11  22-04  22-01         
 43    46 Gilreath, Jared     09 Bishop Brossart               x21-05.00  
      21-05  15-07  20-07         
 44    60 Morgan, Grant       09 Bishop Brossart               x21-03.00  
      21-03  20-03  18-09         
 45   911 Wind, Connor        09 Simon Kenton                  x20-04.00  
      17-07  19-04  20-04         
 46   134 Gosney, Dustin      10 Campbell Co                    19-06.00  
      19-02  19-06  19-04            
 47  1014 Zhang, Jackie       09 Ryle                         xJ19-06.00  
      19-06  18-00  18-05         
 48    69 Schack, Jason       09 Bishop Brossart               x18-10.00  
      17-11  18-10  18-05         
 49    66 Ritter, Noah        09 Bishop Brossart               x16-00.00  
      16-00  15-01  16-00