Invitational of the South 2001

Team Scores

        SCORES FOR WOMEN                               
Rank School                     Score    Rank School                     Score 
==== ========================= =======   ==== ========================= =======
   1 Marshall County            110        11 Murray High                 28   
   2 Trigg County                83        12 Madisonville North Hopkin   27   
   3 Henderson County High       73        13 Vienna Eagles               23   
   4 Fort Campbell               60        14 Calloway County High        22   
   4 Kenwood High                60        15 Saint Mary                  20   
   6 PL Dunbar                   51        16 Paducah Tilghman            19   
   7 Northeast High              35        17 Muhlenberg North High       18   
   7 Graves County High          35        18 Union County High            6   
   9 Northwest High              31        19 Heath High                   5   
  10 Apollo High                 29                                            
                                 SCORES FOR MEN                                
Rank School                     Score    Rank School                     Score 
==== ========================= =======   ==== ========================= =======
   1 Henderson County High      122        11 PL Dunbar                   17   
   2 Kenwood High               121        12 Graves County High          12   
   3 Paducah Tilghman           100        13 Madisonville North Hopkin   11   
   4 Apollo High                 73        14 Ballard Memorial             9   
   5 Murray High                 72        15 Saint Mary                   7   
   6 Northeast High              56        16 Trigg County                 6   
   7 Owensboro High School       40        17 Union County High            4   
   8 Fort Campbell               35        17 Northwest High               4   
   9 Muhlenberg North High       28        19 Calloway County High         3   
  10 Heath High                  19        20 Marshall County              2