Christian County Invitational 2003

Hopkinsville, KY

Varsity Boys

Christian County High School                              Hy-Tek\'s MEET MANAGER
10/19/03 11:06 PM                  Christian                             Page 1
                               Saturday 10/18/03                               
                          Event 2 Boys 5,000 Meter Run                         
                 Results by Order of Finish - Tuesday 09/30/03                 
RANK COMP# ATHLETE NAME           YR SCHOOL                          TIME SCORE
   1   501 Eaton, Michael            Greenwood                   15:38.00     1
   2   552 Fortney, Jacob            Muhlenberg North High       15:48.00     2
   3   593 Wilson, Chase             Paducah Tilghman            16:04.00     3
   4  1114 Keown, Travis             Warren East High School     16:16.00     4
   5   562 Thompson, John            Owens. Cath.                16:18.00     5
   6   502 Sisson, Ian               Greenwood                   16:28.00     6
   7   594 Casey, Emon               Paducah Tilghman            16:29.00     7
   8   597 Willis, David             Paducah Tilghman            16:53.00     8
   9   575 Lykins, Brad              Christian County High       16:58.00     9
  10   505 Croxton, D.J.             Greenwood                   16:59.00    10
  11   843 Hall, Tim                 Madisonville N.Hopkins      17:01.00    11
  12   504 Renfro, Allon             Greenwood                   17:03.00    12
  13   865 Wathen, Mark              Apollo High School          17:06.00    13
  14   503 Osborne, Jason            Greenwood                   17:12.00    14
  15   595 Braima, Andre             Paducah Tilghman            17:14.00    15
  16   863 Todd, Obbie               Apollo High School          17:15.00    16
  17   553 Graham, Adam              Muhlenberg North High       17:16.00    17
  18  1116 Harkness, Seth            Warren East High School     17:19.00    18
  19   801 Payne, Jordan             Marshall County             17:21.00    19
  20   596 Akojie, Obehi             Paducah Tilghman            17:21.00    20
  21   576 Bailey, Dwight            Christian County High       17:29.00    21
  22   598 Wynn, Jared               Paducah Tilghman            17:30.00    22
  23   578 Ferguson, Zach            Christian County High       17:30.00    23
  24   817 Haines, James             Northwest                   17:31.00    24
  25   577 Harrisberger, Josh        Christian County High       17:31.00    25
  26   820 LeBarre, Eric             Northwest                   17:33.00    26
  27   561 Thompson, Ben             Owens. Cath.                17:36.00    27
  28   862 Austin, Kevin             Apollo High School          17:38.00    28
  29   508 Knight, Matt              Greenwood                   17:38.00    29
  30  1302 Traylor, Anthony          Webster County High         17:39.00    30
  31  1115 Stubblefield, Brent       Warren East High School     17:43.00    31
  32   563 Knott, Drew               Owens. Cath.                17:45.00    32
  33   528 Fentress, Carson          Reidland High School        17:46.00      
  34   864 Sharber, Mitchell         Apollo High School          17:47.00    33
  35   825 Finley, Melvin            Kenwood High School         17:48.00    34
  36   861 Broadley, Josh            Apollo High School          17:52.00    35
  37   834 Ramos, Frankie            Kenwood High School         17:58.00    36
  38  1117 Shuffett, Zach            Warren East High School     18:00.00    37
  39   845 Lee, Brandon              Madisonville N.Hopkins      18:01.00    38
  40   812 Russeau, Kris             Calloway County             18:02.00    39
  41   506 O\'Dell, Chris             Greenwood                   18:06.00    40
  42   507 Lowe, Nick                Greenwood                   18:12.00      
  43   565 Dotsey, Roger             Owens. Cath.                18:13.00    41
  44   844 Hundley, Micah            Madisonville N.Hopkins      18:15.00    42
  45  1118 Nickerson, James          Warren East High School     18:16.00    43
  46   866 Bratcher, Justin          Apollo High School          18:17.00    44
  47   802 Prather, Randon           Marshall County             18:18.00    45
  48   543 Wells, Jordan             Owensboro High School       18:20.00    46
  49   510 Settle, Nate              Greenwood                   18:21.00      
  50   868 Schaad, Brian             Apollo High School          18:23.00    47
  51   849 Sarles, Shawn             Madisonville N.Hopkins      18:25.00    48

Christian County High School                              Hy-Tek\'s MEET MANAGER
10/19/03 11:06 PM                  Christian                             Page 2
                               Saturday 10/18/03                               
                          Event 2 Boys 5,000 Meter Run                         
                 Results by Order of Finish - Tuesday 09/30/03                 
RANK COMP# ATHLETE NAME           YR SCHOOL                          TIME SCORE
  52  1120 Beals, Kolby              Warren East High School     18:26.00    49
  53   833 Moreno, Isaac             Kenwood High School         18:27.00    50
  54   568 Wills, Matt               Owens. Cath.                18:29.00    51
  55   569 Mattingly, Paul           Owens. Cath.                18:29.00    52
  56   566 Tucker, Nick              Owens. Cath.                18:29.00    53
  57   513 Sowers, Andrew            Greenwood                   18:30.00      
  58   803 Smith, Wes                Marshall County             18:33.00    54
  59  1304 Woodring, Jeff            Webster County High         18:35.00    55
  60   583 Butler, Chris             Union County                18:35.00    56
  61   523 Knight, Zach              Fort Campbell High          18:38.00    57
  62   509 Hussungn, Jeremiah        Greenwood                   18:39.00      
  63   819 Brock, Tyler              Northwest                   18:41.00    58
  64   867 Gleason, Rob              Apollo High School          18:43.00      
  65   831 Luna, Teddy               Kenwood High School         18:44.00    59
  66   534 Poore, Aaron              Muhlenberg South High       18:46.00    60
  67   824 DiSilvio, Nick            Kenwood High School         18:48.00    61
  68   555 Jarvis, Buddy             Muhlenberg North High       18:49.00    62
  69   804 Bowens, James             Marshall County             18:54.00    63
  70   519 Smith, David              Logan County High School    18:56.00      
  71  1119 Wilbert, Jeremy           Warren East High School     18:58.00    64
  72   511 Hamlet, Sean              Greenwood                   18:59.00      
  73   835 Westover, David           Kenwood High School         19:01.00    65
  74   540 Smith, Jeremiah           Owensboro High School       19:01.00    66
  75   541 Harry, Jon Mical          Owensboro High School       19:01.00    67
  76   960 Crowley, Wade             Madisonville N. Hopkins     19:04.00      
  77   579 Bolt, Karsen              Christian County High       19:05.00    68
  78   529 Sullivan, Chris           Muhlenberg South High       19:06.00    69
  79   590 Wright, Zack              Trigg County                19:09.00      
  80  1160 Darnell, Matt             Graves County High          19:13.00    70
  81   544 Allen, Doug               Owensboro High School       19:15.00    71
  82   869 Allen, Marcus             Apollo High School          19:18.00      
  83   846 Allen, Andrew             Madisonville N.Hopkins      19:20.00    72
  84   588 Hunter, Blaine            Union County                19:21.00    73
  85  1121 Metcalf, Nic              Warren East High School     19:22.00      
  86   810 Roach, Jacob              Calloway County             19:24.00    74
  87  1161 Langston, Levi            Graves County High          19:29.00    75
  88   830 Hernandez, Miguel         Kenwood High School         19:31.00    76
  89   836 Wilcox, Zac               Kenwood High School         19:32.00      
  90  1162 Stahr, Drake              Graves County High          19:33.00    77
  91   822 Lopez, Jesus              Northwest                   19:34.00    78
  92   964 Wallace, Colton           Madisonville N. Hopkins     19:35.00      
  93   599 Johnson, Alex             Paducah Tilghman            19:35.00    79
  94  1300 Larson, Nick              Marshall County             19:36.00    80
  95   542 Zimmerman, Jake           Owensboro High School       19:36.00    81
  96   587 VanSickle, Logan          Union County                19:37.00    82
  97   850 Chappell, Brandon         Dawson Springs              19:37.00    83
  98  1163 Jameson, Austin           Graves County High          19:45.00    84
  99   554 Miller, Nick              Muhlenberg North High       19:46.00    85
 100   557 Kirkpatrick, John         Muhlenberg North High       19:47.00    86
 101   851 Martin, Reese             Dawson Springs              19:48.00    87
 102   573 Johnson, Matt             Owens. Cath.                19:48.00      

Christian County High School                              Hy-Tek\'s MEET MANAGER
10/19/03 11:06 PM                  Christian                             Page 3
                               Saturday 10/18/03                               
                          Event 2 Boys 5,000 Meter Run                         
                 Results by Order of Finish - Tuesday 09/30/03                 
RANK COMP# ATHLETE NAME           YR SCHOOL                          TIME SCORE
 103   848 Johnson, Brad             Madisonville N.Hopkins      19:51.00    88
 104   837 Alford, Dave              Madisonville N.Hopkins      19:51.00    89
 105   847 Bannister, Chase          Madisonville N.Hopkins      19:58.00      
 106   589 Martin, Lewis             Union County                20:00.00    90
 107   567 Duvall, Nick              Owens. Cath.                20:00.00      
 108  1122 Green, Jeffrey            Warren East High School     20:01.00      
 109   586 McBride, A.J.             Union County                20:05.00    91
 110   829 Green, Leroy              Kenwood High School         20:06.00      
 111   870 Crabtree, Allen           Apollo High School          20:06.00      
 112   827 Goettel, James            Kenwood High School         20:06.00      
 113   585 Crowdus, Evan             Union County                20:07.00    92
 114  1326 Settle, Josh              Greenwood                   20:09.00      
 115  1165 Rowe, Mitchell            Graves County High          20:14.00    93
 116   520 Thomas, Josh              Logan County High School    20:26.00      
 117   524 Johnson, Rob              Fort Campbell High          20:29.00    94
 118   535 Diedrich, Logan           Muhlenberg South High       20:32.00    95
 119   521 Goodman, Nick             Logan County High School    20:34.00      
 120  1164 Linder, Sean              Graves County High          20:35.00    96
 121   574 McCarty, Chris            Owens. Cath.                20:38.00      
 122  1305 Belt, Chris               Webster County High         20:40.00    97
 123   518 Vanzee, Ted               Logan County High School    20:41.00      
 124   808 Chalepah, Theron          Marshall County             20:44.00    98
 125  1171 Marroitt, Greg            Graves County High          20:48.00    99
 126  1327 Rowland, Kelsey           Graves County High          20:57.00      
 127   512 Carter, David             Greenwood                   20:57.00      
 128   580 Reed, Chase               Christian County High       20:59.00   100
 129   572 Searcy, Nick              Owens. Cath.                21:03.00      
 130   813 Johnson, Ryan             Calloway County             21:12.00   101
 131   525 Leonard, Matt             Fort Campbell High          21:13.00   102
 132   556 Tuphy, Bobby              Muhlenberg North High       21:15.00   103
 133   581 Jones, D.J.               Christian County High       21:18.00   104
 134   821 Franklin, Luther          Northwest                   21:28.00   105
 135   538 Stewart, Justin           Muhlenberg South High       21:29.00   106
 136   832 Lundy, Will               Kenwood High School         21:30.00      
 137   532 Foley, Sean               Muhlenberg South High       21:37.00   107
 138  1344 Gill, Jim ED              Caldwell County             21:43.00      
 139   841 Thurby, Shaun             Madisonville N.Hopkins      21:47.00      
 140  1166 Haneline, Dustin          Graves County High          21:50.00      
 141   826 Fowler, Donald            Kenwood High School         21:52.00      
 142  1233 Buck, Brandon             Owens. Cath.                21:53.00      
 143   516 Thompson, Dan             Greenwood                   21:54.00      
 144   537 Cor, Cameron              Muhlenberg South High       21:55.00   108
 145   962 Gerwe, Austin             Madisonville N. Hopkins     22:06.00      
 146   963 Gillespie, Trevor         Madisonville N. Hopkins     22:06.00      
 147   526 McKibben, Kyle            Fort Campbell High          22:06.00   109
 148   571 Hurley, Peter             Owens. Cath.                22:06.00      
 149   853 Kirkwood, Daniel          Dawson Springs              22:06.00   110
 150   910 Dale, Leighton            Calloway County             22:06.00   111
 151  1307 Stanley, Mykel            Webster County High         22:06.00   112
 152   860 Denver, John              Dawson Springs              22:06.00   113
 153   582 Adelman, Scott            Union County                22:06.00   114

Christian County High School                              Hy-Tek\'s MEET MANAGER
10/19/03 11:06 PM                  Christian                             Page 4
                               Saturday 10/18/03                               
                          Event 2 Boys 5,000 Meter Run                         
                 Results by Order of Finish - Tuesday 09/30/03                 
RANK COMP# ATHLETE NAME           YR SCHOOL                          TIME SCORE
 154  1325 Haley, Drew               Calloway County             22:06.00   115
 155   558 Jarvis, Matt              Muhlenberg North High       22:06.00   116
 156   852 Mitchell, Michael         Dawson Springs              22:06.00   117
 157  1303 Cullen, Dustin            Webster County High         22:06.00   118
 158   855 Chappell, Kyle            Dawson Springs              22:06.00   119
 159   854 Scott, Derek              Dawson Springs              22:06.00   120
 160   548 Griffith, David           Hopkinsville High School    22:06.00      
 161   531 Childs, Chris             Muhlenberg South High       22:06.00   121
 162   858 Mitchell, Justin          Dawson Springs              22:06.00      
 163   856 Brantley, Matt            Dawson Springs              22:06.00      
 164   592 Bruce, Mike               Trigg County                22:06.00      
 165  1342 Rasnake, Javan            Caldwell County             22:06.00      
 166   857 McKnight, Matt            Dawson Springs              22:06.00      
 167   818 Townley, Kevin            Northwest                   22:06.00   122
 168   823 Partrngton, Roby          Northwest                   22:06.00   123
 169  1170 Hamlet, Jonathan          Graves County High          22:06.00      
 170   591 Harrison, Corey           Trigg County                22:06.00      
 171   527 Rosenbarger, Alex         Fort Campbell High          22:06.00   124
 172   584 Ciecorka, Michael         Union County                22:06.00      
 173  1169 Thomas, Chad              Graves County High          22:06.00