Ryle Friday Night Frenzy 2015

Union, KY
Hosted by Ryle

Complete Results

Licensed to Larry A. Ryle High School      HY-TEK's Meet Manager 4/10/2015 11:05 PM
               2015 Ryle Raider Friday Night Frenzy - 4/10/2015                
                          Raider Friday Night Frenzy                           
                             Ryle HS -- Union, KY                              
Event 1  Girls 4x800 Meter Relay
 Meet Record: $ 10:03.84  4/13/2012   Cooper, Cooper                           
                          A Dragan, K Egger, D Patton, O Goessling          
    School                                               Finals  Points
  1 Holy Cross (Covington)  'A'                        11:09.96   10   
     1) 396 Robke, Sydney 11            2) 384 Bergman, Celeste 11        
     3) 391 Jehn, Natalie 12            4) 388 Dreas, Kate 10             
  2 Conner  'A'                                        11:13.35    8   
     1) 167 Rumminger, Hannelore 12     2) 108 Chapman, Camryn 08         
     3) 113 Deters, Taylor 08           4) 172 Steele, Emmalyn 07         
  3 Notre Dame  'A'                                    12:01.70    6   
     1) 454 Stovik, Manon 09            2) 442 Kruetzkamp, Jordan 10      
     3) 433 Gray, Ava 10                4) 434 Green, Riley 09            
  4 Ryle  'A'                                          12:13.56    4   
     1) 471 Anderson, Heidi 10          2) 472 Bach, Kaitlyn 10           
     3) 521 Thomas, Sydney 08           4) 513 Schlichting, Abby 11       
  5 Bethel-Tate (Oh)  'A'                              12:29.63    2   
     1) 13 Reinhart, Morgan 10          2) 7 Fischer, Taylor 11           
     3) 14 Salvatore, Olivia 09         4) 10 Keyser, Breanna 11          
Event 2  Boys 4x800 Meter Relay
 Meet Record: $ 8:24.80  2010        Campbell County                           
    School                                               Finals  Points
  1 Cooper  'A'                                         8:32.15   10   
     1) 318 Winiger, Greyson 12         2) 283 Greenhalgh, Mitchell 12    
     3) 314 Vandermosten, Jake 12       4) 312 Stewart, Zachary 12        
  2 Ryle  'A'                                           8:39.37    8   
     1) 582 Powell, Tyler 12            2) 571 Kudla, Noah 12             
     3) 583 Ramirez, Oscar 11           4) 584 Reed, Justin 11            
  3 St. Henry District  'A'                             8:42.40    6   
     1) 713 Brockman, Robert 12         2) 724 Hannon, Josh 11            
     3) 725 Hansen, Brendan 09          4) 733 Poat, David 10             
  4 Dixie Heights  'A'                                  8:47.50    4   
     1) 325 Brown, Brandon 11           2) 332 Howard, Blake 12           
     3) 337 Mason, Spencer 12           4) 327 Conti, James 12            
  5 Fern Creek  'A'                                     8:56.35    2   
     1) 382 Young, Kyle 12              2) 378 Sowell, Vince 12           
     3) 377 Smith, Ryan 12              4) 379 Thomas, Dane 10            
  6 Boone County  'A'                                   9:02.90    1   
     1) 53 Abdulle, Akram 12            2) 61 Bromley, Donald 11          
     3) 93 Steffen, Zach 11             4) 77 Huddleston, Luke 11         
  7 Ryle B  'A'                                         9:13.28  
     1) 600 Bateman, Logan 12           2) 608 Swinehart, Greg 11         
     3) 539 Bloom, Ben 09               4) 603 Hamilton, Kyle 12          
  8 Bethel-Tate (Oh)  'A'                               9:18.74  
     1) 24 Copestick, Zane              2) 20 Coates, Jackson             
     3) 31 Shinkle, Adam                4) 25 Dotson, Derek               
  9 Scott  'A'                                          9:20.39  
     1) 663 Mehuron, Zach 12            2) 670 Stephenson, Jarrett 12     
     3) 671 Stoeckel, Chris 11          4) 650 Barth, Conner 11           
 10 Conner  'A'                                         9:26.76  
     1) 199 Cook, Macean 10             2) 232 Mitchell, Hunter 09        
     3) 215 Hart, Luke 10               4) 225 LaBor, Justin 10           
 11 Ryle C  'A'                                         9:55.39  
     1) 612 Beckwith, Chad 10           2) 613 Bludworth, Harrison 10     
     3) 615 Edwards, David 10           4) 619 Mossinger, Jordan 10       
 12 South Dearborn (In)  'A'                           10:06.86  
     1) 712 Weissmann, Chris 10         2) 696 Bruner, Matthew 10         
     3) 705 Kittle, Jon 12              4) 701 Groves, Sean 11            
 13 Ryle C  'B'                                       x10:11.43  
     1) 620 Pizzano, Nick 10            2) 616 Hoffman, Connor 11         
     3) 622 Schreckenhoffer, Matt 11    4) 623 Steffney, Joshua 11        
Event 3  Girls 100 Meter Hurdles
 Meet Record: $ 15.50  2006        Hessel, Walnut Hills (OH)                   
    Name                    Year School                  Finals  H# Points
  1   476 Bloemer, Maddie     09 Ryle                     17.19   1  10   
  2    43 Jutzi, Marissa      10 Boone County             18.11   1   8   
  3   680 Caswell, Sydney     12 South Dearborn           18.99   1   6   
  4   450 Middendorf, Sophia  09 Notre Dame               20.49   2   4   
  5    44 Lambert, Natalie    11 Boone County             20.55   2   2   
  6   627 Donaldson, Emma     12 Scott                    20.64   1   1   
  7   390 Frantz, Katherine   09 Cov. Holy Cross          21.09   2 
  8    15 Weeks, Fayth        09 Bethel-Tate              21.20   3 
  9   509 Rickert, Brooke     09 Ryle                     21.21   3 
 10     4 Cornelius, Michell  12 Bethel-Tate              21.55   3 
 11   113 Deters, Taylor      08 Conner                   21.63   3 
 12   148 Lyle, Rachel        08 Conner                   21.90   2 
 13   677 Beil, Shelby        10 South Dearborn           22.07   2 
Event 4  Boys 110 Meter Hurdles
 Meet Record: $ 15.40  2004        Meeks, Boone County                         
    Name                    Year School                  Finals  H# Points
  1   342 Payne, Miles        12 Dixie Heights            15.00$  1  10   
  2   339 McGoy, Walker       12 Dixie Heights            16.37   1   8   
  3   721 Gillcrist, Joe      12 St. Henry                16.75   1   6   
  4   607 Selby, Justin       09 Ryle B                   17.25   1   4   
  5    64 Cahill, Griffin     10 Boone County             17.89   2   2   
  6   599 Wright, Eric        11 Ryle                     18.90   2   1   
  7   665 Schleyer, Devon     11 Scott                    19.08   2 
  8   227 Lyle, Jeremy        09 Conner                   19.16   2 
  9   569 Kirby, Jack         12 Ryle                     19.43   3 
 10    19 Carter, Austin         Bethel-Tate              19.56   3 
 11   741 Tobler, Nick        12 St. Henry                19.76   2 
 --   555 Froschauer, Matt    11 Ryle                        FS   1 
Event 5  Girls 100 Meter Dash
 Meet Record: $ 12.56  4/13/2012   Jordan Hauck, Cooper                        
    Name                    Year School                  Finals  H# Points
  1   499 McGregor, Juliet    08 Ryle                     12.55$  1  10   
  2   506 Patterson, Alexand  10 Ryle                     13.01   1   8   
  3   689 Zoller, Morgan      12 South Dearborn           13.07   1   6   
  4   183 Watts, Lauryn       10 Conner                   13.40   1   4   
  5    46 Moore, Sadie        12 Boone County             13.91   1   2   
  6   642 Niederegger, Brook  09 Scott                    14.00   1   1   
  7   437 Halverstadt, Hanna  09 Notre Dame               14.22   1 
  8   124 Goldsberry, Lindse  09 Conner                   14.29   1 
  9   395 McClendon, Trinity  08 Cov. Holy Cross          14.77   2 
 10   641 Meyer, Kylie        09 Scott                    14.93   2 
 11   449 McDowell, Chloe     09 Notre Dame               14.95   3 
 12     6 Dunaway, Macey      09 Bethel-Tate              14.98   3 
 13   686 Tanis, Gabrielle    11 South Dearborn           15.05   2 
 14    47 Nixon, Desiree      10 Boone County             15.66   2 
 15   389 Finkenstead, Emily  10 Cov. Holy Cross          15.67   2 
 16   360 Todd, Kamari        09 Fern Creek               16.13   2 
 17   354 Athoba, Nyandeng    09 Fern Creek               16.13   2 
 18    12 Newton, Allison     09 Bethel-Tate              17.90   3 
Event 6  Boys 100 Meter Dash
 Meet Record: $ 11.00  2003        Toran, Winton Woods (OH)                    
    Name                    Year School                  Finals  H# Points
  1   330 Fields, Peter       12 Dixie Heights            11.46   2  10   
  2    70 Douglas, Rondell    10 Boone County             11.60   1   8   
  3   547 Cusick, Zach        10 Ryle                     11.68   2   6   
  4   381 Webb, Garland       12 Fern Creek               11.71   1   4   
  5    85 Marshall, Jerry     12 Boone County             11.72   1   2   
  6   196 Chambers, Joe       11 Conner                   11.77   2   1   
  7   351 Stacy, Austin       11 Dixie Heights            11.82   1 
  8   259 Watts, Nic          12 Conner                   11.90   1 
  9   719 Ferraro, J.P.       12 St. Henry                11.97   2 
 10   406 Current, Christian  10 Cov. Holy Cross          11.98   2 
 11   700 Espedilla, McKelti  11 South Dearborn           12.07   1 
 12   272 Cordell-Armstrong,  11 Cooper                   12.08   3 
 13    21 Cooper, Steve          Bethel-Tate              12.09   4 
 14   728 Lannon, Adam        12 St. Henry                12.19   3 
 15   604 Kaminogo, Kenji     12 Ryle B                   12.26   3 
 16   536 Beck, Tyler         10 Ryle                     12.28   3 
 17   285 Holder, Jalen       09 Cooper                   12.37   2 
 18   463 Fleharty, Daniel    11 Pendleton County         12.38   4 
 19   544 Burch, Cole         10 Ryle                    x12.41   3 
 20   362 Allen, Trevone      10 Fern Creek               12.45   3 
 21    29 Kinnard, Brady         Bethel-Tate              12.62   4 
 22   661 Hurt, William       12 Scott                    12.62   1 
 23   427 Wilder, Joseph      11 Cov. Holy Cross          12.64   4 
 24   690 Bailey, Alex        10 South Dearborn           13.01   2 
 25   374 Kirk, Montriez      10 Fern Creek              x14.35   3 
Event 7  Girls 4x200 Meter Relay
 Meet Record: $ 1:49.10  2005        Walnut Hills (OH)                         
    School                                               Finals  H# Points
  1 Conner  'A'                                         1:51.42   1  10   
     1) 124 Goldsberry, Lindsey 09      2) 132 Hite, Casey 10             
     3) 183 Watts, Lauryn 10            4) 161 Panella, Olivia 11         
  2 Ryle  'A'                                           1:54.88   1   8   
     1) 482 England, Kyla 09            2) 515 Shane, Samantha 11         
     3) 530 Williams, Kaitlyn 11        4) 501 Miller, Cameron 10         
  3 Scott  'A'                                          2:03.16   1   6   
     1) 625 Brown, Anna 12              2) 636 Lee, Mia 12                
     3) 637 Loftis, Hannah 09           4) 648 Thornsburg, Brooke 09      
  4 Boone County  'A'                                   2:03.34   1   4   
     1) 43 Jutzi, Marissa 10            2) 46 Moore, Sadie 12             
     3) 39 Funke, Madison 12            4) 38 Ford, Macey 12              
  5 Holy Cross (Covington)  'A'                         2:05.30   1   2   
     1) 395 McClendon, Trinity 08       2) 389 Finkenstead, Emily 10      
     3) 388 Dreas, Kate 10              4) 387 Daniels, Emma 11           
  6 Bethel-Tate (Oh)  'A'                               2:10.47   2   1   
     1) 4 Cornelius, Michelle 12        2) 15 Weeks, Fayth 09             
     3) 3 Cornelius, Lauren 11          4) 2 Cashner, Ashley 12           
  7 Notre Dame  'A'                                     2:11.81   2 
     1) 455 Wainscott, Emma 10          2) 444 Lonneman, Claire 10        
     3) 445 Lonneman, Elizabeth 10      4) 443 Lawler, Lauren 10          
  8 South Dearborn (In)  'A'                            2:13.00   1 
     1) 680 Caswell, Sydney 12          2) 686 Tanis, Gabrielle 11        
     3) 682 Linquist, Shannon 09        4) 683 Mathes, Leslie 09          
 -- Fern Creek  'A'                                          DQ   1  Out of Zone
     1) 356 Lado, Jane 11               2) 357 Olayemi, Demi 11           
     3) 355 Gunn, Nadia 09              4) 361 White, Vontrise 09         
Event 8  Boys 4x200 Meter Relay
 Meet Record: $ 1:31.70  2007        Scott County                              
    School                                               Finals  H# Points
  1 Cooper  'A'                                         1:34.43   1  10   
     1) 318 Winiger, Greyson 12         2) 289 Jackson, Tyson 11          
     3) 269 Brennan, Tyler 10           4) 316 Watson, Caleb 11           
  2 Ryle  'A'                                           1:35.15   1   8   
     1) 593 Smith, Grant 12             2) 535 Bateman, Mitchel 11        
     3) 552 England, Collin 11          4) 555 Froschauer, Matt 11        
  3 Bethel-Tate (Oh)  'A'                               1:36.29   2   6   
     1) 26 Haave, Allan                 2) 17 Baker, Jay                  
     3) 28 Iding, Evan                  4) 30 Robinson, Jake              
  4 Fern Creek  'A'                                     1:36.92   1   4   
     1) 370 Jackson, Jaron 12           2) 363 Bennett, Tamauni 12        
     3) 378 Sowell, Vince 12            4) 366 Durrah, Damon 09           
  5 Conner  'A'                                         1:39.69   2   2   
     1) 201 Davis, James 09             2) 227 Lyle, Jeremy 09            
     3) 196 Chambers, Joe 11            4) 259 Watts, Nic 12              
  6 Boone County  'A'                                   1:40.33   1   1   
     1) 92 Shutt, Joel 11               2) 85 Marshall, Jerry 12          
     3) 72 Figueroa, Carlos 12          4) 87 Purnell, Ryan 12            
  7 Ryle B  'A'                                         1:40.42   2 
     1) 607 Selby, Justin 09            2) 602 Chisholm, Jake 09          
     3) 604 Kaminogo, Kenji 12          4)                                
  8 Scott  'A'                                          1:42.09   1 
     1) 661 Hurt, William 12            2) 651 Berry, Derrick 12          
     3) 653 Brown, Robert 10            4) 654 Dumlao, Vincent 10         
  9 Holy Cross (Covington)  'A'                         1:42.91   1 
     1) 402 Barnes, Derrick 10          2) 400 Baker, Austin 10           
     3) 426 Walker, Kadeem 12           4) 415 Linstead, Noah 11          
 10 South Dearborn (In)  'A'                            1:53.72   1 
     1) 704 Hueseman, Ryan 09           2) 698 Disbro, Seth 11            
     3) 695 Brock, Caleb 09             4) 690 Bailey, Alex 10            
 -- St. Henry District  'A'                                  DQ   1  Out of Zone
     1) 719 Ferraro, J.P. 12            2) 735 Samotis, Ryan 09           
     3) 730 McArtor, Mitchell 09        4) 728 Lannon, Adam 12            
Event 9  Girls 1600 Meter Run
 Meet Record: $ 5:11.40  2006        Dukes, Scott                              
    Name                    Year School                  Finals  Points
  1   630 Flynn, Lexi         11 Scott                  5:32.03   10   
  2   441 Kleier, Natalie     11 Notre Dame             5:45.01    8   
  3   473 Bales, Jensen       11 Ryle                   5:45.07    6   
  4   639 Martin, Jessica     11 Scott                  5:49.57    4   
  5   391 Jehn, Natalie       12 Cov. Holy Cross        5:52.34    2   
  6   503 Nichols, Katelyn    09 Ryle                   6:06.63    1   
  7    48 Raleigh, Catherine  11 Boone County           6:09.94  
  8   685 Stehlin, Michaela   10 South Dearborn         6:30.46  
  9   684 Reeder, Savannah    09 South Dearborn         6:35.64  
 10    13 Reinhart, Morgan    10 Bethel-Tate            6:39.17  
 11   435 Greenwell, Meghan   09 Notre Dame             6:52.48  
 12    32 Alzatout, Layla     07 Boone County           6:53.66  
 13   139 Kahmann, Caitlin    09 Conner                 7:11.67  
 --   167 Rumminger, Hannelo  12 Conner                     DNF  
Event 10  Boys 1600 Meter Run
 Meet Record: $ 4:23.73  3/21/2014   Eric Baugh, Villa Madonna                 
    Name                    Year School                  Finals  Points
  1   312 Stewart, Zachary    12 Cooper                 4:33.60   10   
  2   265 Baker, Brady        12 Cooper                 4:37.19    8   
  3   190 Baumann, Nick       12 Conner                 4:39.92    6   
  4   382 Young, Kyle         12 Fern Creek             4:48.61    4   
  5   584 Reed, Justin        11 Ryle                   4:50.58    2   
  6   671 Stoeckel, Chris     11 Scott                  4:55.15    1   
  7   223 Koogler, Jon        12 Conner                 4:58.28  
  8   731 Neltner, Jack       11 St. Henry              4:59.53  
  9   736 Snyder, Ethan       09 St. Henry              4:59.83  
 10   609 Tagher, Ryan        12 Ryle B                 5:00.60  
 11   663 Mehuron, Zach       12 Scott                  5:02.28  
 12   697 Davis, Jarod        12 South Dearborn         5:03.10  
 13   343 Perry, Andrew       10 Dixie Heights          5:06.22  
 14   583 Ramirez, Oscar      11 Ryle                   5:06.70  
 15   375 Macleod, Connor     09 Fern Creek             5:09.57  
 16    31 Shinkle, Adam          Bethel-Tate            5:15.65  
 17   613 Bludworth, Harriso  10 Ryle C                 5:19.28  
 18    20 Coates, Jackson        Bethel-Tate            5:24.86  
 19   619 Mossinger, Jordan   10 Ryle C                 5:27.88  
 20   701 Groves, Sean        11 South Dearborn         5:30.83  
 21   465 Lea, Walker         12 Pendleton County       5:33.49  
 22   606 Renouil, Nicolas    12 Ryle B                 5:34.76  
 23   616 Hoffman, Connor     11 Ryle C               Xx5:40.38  
 24   322 Bolin, Andrew       09 Dixie Heights          5:43.53  
 25   380 Thornton, Timothy   10 Fern Creek            x5:43.63  
 26   404 Bramer, Michael     11 Cov. Holy Cross        5:51.01  
 27    59 Bidwell, Trevor     10 Boone County           5:58.00  
 28   620 Pizzano, Nick       10 Ryle C               Xx6:11.12  
 29   369 Fraser, Sam         09 Fern Creek            x6:12.62  
Event 11  Girls 4x100 Meter Relay
 Meet Record: $ 51.30  2006        Walnut Hills (OH)                           
    School                                               Finals  H# Points
  1 Conner  'A'                                           54.82   1  10   
     1) 152 McKeehan, Lauren 09         2) 124 Goldsberry, Lindsey 09     
     3) 103 Boelter, Rian 11            4) 183 Watts, Lauryn 10           
  2 Ryle  'A'                                             55.18   1   8   
     1) 482 England, Kyla 09            2) 501 Miller, Cameron 10         
     3) 515 Shane, Samantha 11          4) 510 Rooney, Dominque 09        
  3 Fern Creek  'A'                                       55.61   1   6   
     1) 358 Simpson, Da Lyn 10          2) 356 Lado, Jane 11              
     3) 355 Gunn, Nadia 09              4) 361 White, Vontrise 09         
  4 Boone County  'A'                                     56.92   1   4   
     1) 38 Ford, Macey 12               2) 39 Funke, Madison 12           
     3) 43 Jutzi, Marissa 10            4) 46 Moore, Sadie 12             
  5 Holy Cross (Covington)  'A'                           59.11   1   2   
     1) 395 McClendon, Trinity 08       2) 389 Finkenstead, Emily 10      
     3) 388 Dreas, Kate 10              4) 387 Daniels, Emma 11           
  6 Notre Dame  'A'                                     1:01.88   2   1   
     1) 437 Halverstadt, Hannah 09      2) 446 Lucas, Caroline 09         
     3) 443 Lawler, Lauren 10           4) 447 Martin, Natalie 10         
  7 South Dearborn (In)  'A'                            1:02.33   1 
     1) 680 Caswell, Sydney 12          2) 686 Tanis, Gabrielle 11        
     3) 682 Linquist, Shannon 09        4) 683 Mathes, Leslie 09          
  8 Scott  'A'                                          1:06.14   1 
     1) 649 Wagner, Brailyn 10          2) 646 Rummel, Lauren 09          
     3) 632 Hatfield, Tara 10           4) 625 Brown, Anna 12             
  9 Bethel-Tate (Oh)  'A'                               1:06.33   2 
     1) 4 Cornelius, Michelle 12        2) 15 Weeks, Fayth 09             
     3) 12 Newton, Allison 09           4) 1 Bishop, Sydney 10            
Event 12  Boys 4x100 Meter Relay
 Meet Record: $ 43.50  2003        Winton Woods (OH)                           
    School                                               Finals  H# Points
  1 Ryle  'A'                                             45.52   1  10   
     1) 535 Bateman, Mitchel 11         2) 552 England, Collin 11         
     3) 593 Smith, Grant 12             4) 547 Cusick, Zach 10            
  2 Boone County  'A'                                     46.02   2   8   
     1) 61 Bromley, Donald 11           2) 70 Douglas, Rondell 10         
     3) 72 Figueroa, Carlos 12          4) 85 Marshall, Jerry 12          
  3 Dixie Heights  'A'                                    46.13   1   6   
     1) 321 Barrett, Cameron 10         2) 330 Fields, Peter 12           
     3) 342 Payne, Miles 12             4) 345 Pfaller, Jake 10           
  4 Cooper  'A'                                           47.42   1   4   
     1) 272 Cordell-Armstrong, Torrey 1 2) 291 Jerry, Trey 09             
     3) 289 Jackson, Tyson 11           4) 285 Holder, Jalen 09           
  5 St. Henry District  'A'                               48.29   1   2   
     1) 719 Ferraro, J.P. 12            2) 735 Samotis, Ryan 09           
     3) 730 McArtor, Mitchell 09        4) 728 Lannon, Adam 12            
  6 Ryle B  'A'                                           49.62   1   1   
     1) 604 Kaminogo, Kenji 12          2) 539 Bloom, Ben 09              
     3) 602 Chisholm, Jake 09           4) 607 Selby, Justin 09           
  7 Conner  'A'                                           49.67   2 
     1) 195 Carver, Dylan 12            2) 201 Davis, James 09            
     3) 246 Ripberger, Trevor 10        4) 219 Keller, David 10           
  8 Holy Cross (Covington)  'A'                           49.98   1 
     1) 402 Barnes, Derrick 10          2) 406 Current, Christian 10      
     3) 405 Covey, Ken 11               4) 427 Wilder, Joseph 11          
  9 Scott  'A'                                            50.84   1 
     1) 651 Berry, Derrick 12           2) 665 Schleyer, Devon 11         
     3) 662 Korte, Brandon 09           4) 661 Hurt, William 12           
 10 Pendleton County  'A'                                 51.59   2 
     1) 462 Bowen, Zachary 09           2) 463 Fleharty, Daniel 11        
     3) 466 McClurg, Joshua 10          4) 468 Peterson, Andrew 09        
 -- Bethel-Tate (Oh)  'A'                                   DNF   2 
     1) 26 Haave, Allan                 2) 17 Baker, Jay                  
     3) 19 Carter, Austin               4) 16 Altmayer, Jason             
 -- Fern Creek  'A'                                          DQ   1  Out of zone
     1) 376 Robles, Alexie 12           2) 363 Bennett, Tamauni 12        
     3) 381 Webb, Garland 12            4) 366 Durrah, Damon 09           
Event 13  Girls 400 Meter Dash
 Meet Record: $ 1:00.08  2010        Cook, Simon Kenton                        
    Name                    Year School                  Finals  H# Points
  1   506 Patterson, Alexand  10 Ryle                   1:02.37   1  10   
  2   689 Zoller, Morgan      12 South Dearborn         1:02.99   1   8   
  3   644 Radenhausen, Laure  11 Scott                  1:06.06   1   6   
  4   485 Hadley, Christy     09 Ryle                   1:07.14   1   4   
  5   132 Hite, Casey         10 Conner                 1:08.63   1   2   
  6   359 Thompson, Reyonna   11 Fern Creek             1:10.19   2   1   
  7   645 Riegsecker, Alyssa  11 Scott                  1:10.77   1 
  8   108 Chapman, Camryn     08 Conner                 1:13.20   1 
  9   457 Franxman, Amelia    09 Pendleton County       1:17.41   2 
 10   442 Kruetzkamp, Jordan  10 Notre Dame             1:17.42   2 
 11    42 Inlow, Sam          10 Boone County           1:19.01   1 
 12   449 McDowell, Chloe     09 Notre Dame             1:19.37   2 
 13   393 Lipscomb, Madison   11 Cov. Holy Cross        1:23.77   2 
 14     1 Bishop, Sydney      10 Bethel-Tate            1:26.46   2 
Event 14  Boys 400 Meter Dash
 Meet Record: $ 51.40  2004        Durham, Rising Sun (IN)                     
    Name                    Year School                  Finals  H# Points
  1   316 Watson, Caleb       11 Cooper                   51.73   1  10   
  2   318 Winiger, Greyson    12 Cooper                   52.92   1   8   
  3   370 Jackson, Jaron      12 Fern Creek               53.32   1   6   
  4   571 Kudla, Noah         12 Ryle                     53.48   1   4   
  5   325 Brown, Brandon      11 Dixie Heights            54.93   1   2   
  6    27 Hile, Austin           Bethel-Tate              55.21   4   1   
  7   728 Lannon, Adam        12 St. Henry                55.30   2 
  8   582 Powell, Tyler       12 Ryle                     55.69   2 
  9    93 Steffen, Zach       11 Boone County             55.97   1 
 10    28 Iding, Evan            Bethel-Tate              56.19   4 
 11    61 Bromley, Donald     11 Boone County             56.20   1 
 12   192 Bhoolai, Thomas     08 Conner                   56.66   3 
 13   700 Espedilla, McKelti  11 South Dearborn           56.96   1 
 14   544 Burch, Cole         10 Ryle                    x57.25   2 
 15   567 Jordan, Aidan       09 Ryle B                   57.41   3 
 16   536 Beck, Tyler         10 Ryle                    x58.58   2 
 17   232 Mitchell, Hunter    09 Conner                   58.77   3 
 18   653 Brown, Robert       10 Scott                  1:00.03   2 
 19   670 Stephenson, Jarret  12 Scott                  1:01.98   4 
 20   622 Schreckenhoffer, M  11 Ryle C                X1:02.89   4 
 21   738 Strasburger, Colli  09 St. Henry              1:03.83   2 
 22   372 Johnson, Armon      09 Fern Creek             1:04.37   3 
 23   365 Clay, Zane          09 Fern Creek            x1:05.49   3 
 24   353 Thornton, Nicholas  09 Dixie Heights          1:06.20   3 
 25   704 Hueseman, Ryan      09 South Dearborn         1:13.04   3 
Event 15  Girls 300 Meter Hurdles
 Meet Record: $ 47.30  2010        Collinsworth, Highlands                     
    Name                    Year School                  Finals  H# Points
  1   476 Bloemer, Maddie     09 Ryle                     48.94   1  10   
  2   678 Biggs, Ariel        12 South Dearborn           50.57   1   8   
  3    43 Jutzi, Marissa      10 Boone County             52.22   1   6   
  4    44 Lambert, Natalie    11 Boone County             53.32   1   4   
  5   453 Scaringi, Camryn    10 Notre Dame               55.58   2   2   
  6   627 Donaldson, Emma     12 Scott                    57.17   2   1   
  7   498 Lynch, Kaelyn       11 Ryle                     58.07   2 
  8   390 Frantz, Katherine   09 Cov. Holy Cross          58.40   2 
  9   450 Middendorf, Sophia  09 Notre Dame               58.65   1 
 10     3 Cornelius, Lauren   11 Bethel-Tate            1:01.13   1 
 11    10 Keyser, Breanna     11 Bethel-Tate            1:03.07   2 
Event 16  Boys 300 Meter Hurdles
 Meet Record: $ 41.40  2008        Carter, Dixie Heights                       
    Name                    Year School                  Finals  H# Points
  1   339 McGoy, Walker       12 Dixie Heights            42.03   1  10   
  2   342 Payne, Miles        12 Dixie Heights            42.41   1   8   
  3    64 Cahill, Griffin     10 Boone County             44.46   1   6   
  4   569 Kirby, Jack         12 Ryle                     45.63   2   4   
  5   709 Sinclair, David     11 South Dearborn           46.34   1   2   
  6   721 Gillcrist, Joe      12 St. Henry                46.85   2   1   
  7   227 Lyle, Jeremy        09 Conner                   48.07   2 
  8    19 Carter, Austin         Bethel-Tate              48.13   2 
  9   741 Tobler, Nick        12 St. Henry                48.79   2 
 10   225 LaBor, Justin       10 Conner                   49.84   1 
 11   665 Schleyer, Devon     11 Scott                    50.29   2 
 12   412 Hellmann, Adam      11 Cov. Holy Cross          52.35   1 
Event 17  Girls 800 Meter Run
 Meet Record: $ 2:18.90  2004        Alcorn, Conner                            
    Name                    Year School                  Finals  Points
  1   506 Patterson, Alexand  10 Ryle                   2:32.28   10   
  2   644 Radenhausen, Laure  11 Scott                  2:35.76    8   
  3   391 Jehn, Natalie       12 Cov. Holy Cross        2:38.20    6   
  4   136 Huff, Megan         08 Conner                 2:44.21    4   
  5    48 Raleigh, Catherine  11 Boone County           2:44.99    2   
  6   384 Bergman, Celeste    11 Cov. Holy Cross        2:46.68    1   
  7   447 Martin, Natalie     10 Notre Dame             2:51.61  
  8   430 Brooks, Carlie      10 Notre Dame             2:51.97  
  9   685 Stehlin, Michaela   10 South Dearborn         2:53.72  
 10   684 Reeder, Savannah    09 South Dearborn         2:55.26  
 11    13 Reinhart, Morgan    10 Bethel-Tate            3:01.22  
 12     7 Fischer, Taylor     11 Bethel-Tate            3:03.91  
 13   521 Thomas, Sydney      08 Ryle                   3:04.72  
Event 18  Boys 800 Meter Run
 Meet Record: $ 1:57.64  2010        Scharold, Campbell County                 
    Name                    Year School                  Finals  Points
  1   713 Brockman, Robert    12 St. Henry              2:02.92   10    2:02.9200
  2   265 Baker, Brady        12 Cooper                 2:02.93    8    2:02.9240
  3   314 Vandermosten, Jake  12 Cooper                 2:05.40    6   
  4    53 Abdulle, Akram      12 Boone County           2:06.57    4   
  5   571 Kudla, Noah         12 Ryle                   2:09.95    2   
  6   724 Hannon, Josh        11 St. Henry              2:12.13    1   
  7   697 Davis, Jarod        12 South Dearborn         2:13.39  
  8   582 Powell, Tyler       12 Ryle                   2:14.41  
  9   609 Tagher, Ryan        12 Ryle B                 2:15.02  
 10   199 Cook, Macean        10 Conner                 2:16.07  
 11   608 Swinehart, Greg     11 Ryle B                 2:17.56  
 12   223 Koogler, Jon        12 Conner                 2:18.02  
 13    25 Dotson, Derek          Bethel-Tate            2:19.21  
 14   326 Cole, Quentin       11 Dixie Heights          2:19.34  
 15    77 Huddleston, Luke    11 Boone County           2:20.07  
 16   378 Sowell, Vince       12 Fern Creek             2:20.32  
 17   368 Fong, Adrian        12 Fern Creek             2:21.20  
 18   333 Hutter, Joe         11 Dixie Heights          2:21.45  
 19   670 Stephenson, Jarret  12 Scott                  2:21.73  
 20    18 Bruce, Brad            Bethel-Tate            2:24.55  
 21   615 Edwards, David      10 Ryle C                 2:25.88  
 22   404 Bramer, Michael     11 Cov. Holy Cross        2:30.17  
 23   705 Kittle, Jon         12 South Dearborn         2:30.92  
 24   612 Beckwith, Chad      10 Ryle C                 2:31.27  
 25   623 Steffney, Joshua    11 Ryle C                X2:33.05  
Event 19  Girls 200 Meter Dash
 Meet Record: $ 26.10  2010        Carrigan, Campbell County                   
    Name                    Year School                  Finals  H# Points
  1   499 McGregor, Juliet    08 Ryle                     25.89$  1  10   
  2   689 Zoller, Morgan      12 South Dearborn           27.54   1   8   
  3   452 Nageleisen, Erika   09 Notre Dame               28.11   2   6   
  4   506 Patterson, Alexand  10 Ryle                     28.89   1   4   
  5   124 Goldsberry, Lindse  09 Conner                   30.03   1   2   
  6   641 Meyer, Kylie        09 Scott                    30.80   2   1   
  7   152 McKeehan, Lauren    09 Conner                   30.86   1 
  8   457 Franxman, Amelia    09 Pendleton County         31.50   3 
  9   358 Simpson, Da Lyn     10 Fern Creek               31.71   2 
 10   637 Loftis, Hannah      09 Scott                    31.84   2 
 11    38 Ford, Macey         12 Boone County             31.90   2 
 12   431 Field, Audrey       11 Notre Dame               33.64   2 
 13    47 Nixon, Desiree      10 Boone County             33.86   1 
 14    14 Salvatore, Olivia   09 Bethel-Tate              35.38   3 
 --     1 Bishop, Sydney      10 Bethel-Tate                 FS   3 
Event 20  Boys 200 Meter Dash
 Meet Record: $ 22.80  2007        Sandoval, Scott County                      
    Name                    Year School                  Finals  H# Points
  1   316 Watson, Caleb       11 Cooper                   23.34   1  10   
  2    16 Altmayer, Jason        Bethel-Tate              23.47   4   8   
  3   269 Brennan, Tyler      10 Cooper                   23.64   1   6   
  4   259 Watts, Nic          12 Conner                   23.93   1   4   
  5   330 Fields, Peter       12 Dixie Heights            23.96   1   2   
  6   351 Stacy, Austin       11 Dixie Heights            24.02   1   1   
  7   700 Espedilla, McKelti  11 South Dearborn           24.41   2 
  8    85 Marshall, Jerry     12 Boone County             24.51   2 
  9   370 Jackson, Jaron      12 Fern Creek               24.59   1 
 10   381 Webb, Garland       12 Fern Creek               24.73   1 
 11   466 McClurg, Joshua     10 Pendleton County         24.83   4 
 12    63 Cahill, Corstin     10 Boone County             24.86   2 
 13   536 Beck, Tyler         10 Ryle                     25.23   3 
 14    92 Shutt, Joel         11 Boone County            x25.36   2 
 15   544 Burch, Cole         10 Ryle                     25.70   2 
 16   604 Kaminogo, Kenji     12 Ryle B                   25.83   3 
 17   427 Wilder, Joseph      11 Cov. Holy Cross          26.23   3 
 18   362 Allen, Trevone      10 Fern Creek              x26.28   3 
 19    29 Kinnard, Brady         Bethel-Tate              26.32   4 
 20   739 Strasburger, Evan   09 St. Henry                26.91   1 
 21   662 Korte, Brandon      09 Scott                    27.98   4 
 22   695 Brock, Caleb        09 South Dearborn           28.14   3 
 23   403 Bramer, Matthew     10 Cov. Holy Cross          28.53   3 
 24   468 Peterson, Andrew    09 Pendleton County         28.57   4 
 25   374 Kirk, Montriez      10 Fern Creek              x29.01   4 
Event 21  Girls 3200 Meter Run
 Meet Record: $ 11:41.50  2005        Kauch, Mercy (OH)                        
    Name                    Year School                  Finals  Points
  1   630 Flynn, Lexi         11 Scott                 12:06.99   10   
  2   473 Bales, Jensen       11 Ryle                  12:07.28    8   
  3   639 Martin, Jessica     11 Scott                 12:08.01    6   
  4   441 Kleier, Natalie     11 Notre Dame            12:28.77    4   
  5   503 Nichols, Katelyn    09 Ryle                  12:32.26    2   
  6   396 Robke, Sydney       11 Cov. Holy Cross       12:34.42    1   
  7   454 Stovik, Manon       09 Notre Dame            13:41.92  
  8    10 Keyser, Breanna     11 Bethel-Tate           13:43.02  
  9    45 Loh, Serena         11 Boone County          13:48.24  
 10    50 Schworer, Rachel    10 Boone County          15:11.14  
Event 22  Boys 3200 Meter Run
 Meet Record: $ 9:42.70  2005        Koehler, Ryle                             
    Name                    Year School                  Finals  Points
  1   312 Stewart, Zachary    12 Cooper                 9:55.18   10   
  2   282 Greenhalgh, Connor  12 Cooper                 9:58.27    8   
  3   190 Baumann, Nick       12 Conner                10:30.07    6   
  4   584 Reed, Justin        11 Ryle                  10:37.51    4   
  5   379 Thomas, Dane        10 Fern Creek            10:52.72    2   
  6   712 Weissmann, Chris    10 South Dearborn        10:53.99    1   
  7   725 Hansen, Brendan     09 St. Henry             10:58.49  
  8   720 Freihofer, Nathan   12 St. Henry             11:00.61  
  9   382 Young, Kyle         12 Fern Creek            11:14.96  
 10   583 Ramirez, Oscar      11 Ryle                  11:24.40  
 11   375 Macleod, Connor     09 Fern Creek           x11:29.92  
 12    24 Copestick, Zane        Bethel-Tate           11:47.10  
 13   465 Lea, Walker         12 Pendleton County      11:58.88  
 14   225 LaBor, Justin       10 Conner                12:03.18  
 15   341 Moore, Mitchell     10 Dixie Heights         12:04.89  
 16   349 Simmons, Devon      12 Dixie Heights         12:11.83  
 17   696 Bruner, Matthew     10 South Dearborn        12:15.51  
 18   606 Renouil, Nicolas    12 Ryle B                12:41.19  
 19   669 Snell, Collen       10 Scott                 12:56.66  
 20    59 Bidwell, Trevor     10 Boone County          13:05.58  
Event 23  Girls 4x400 Meter Relay
 Meet Record: $ 4:10.00  2005        Mercy (OH)                                
    School                                               Finals  H# Points
  1 Ryle  'A'                                           4:30.65   1  10   
     1) 485 Hadley, Christy 09          2) 493 Ketron, Joellyn 10         
     3) 476 Bloemer, Maddie 09          4) 530 Williams, Kaitlyn 11       
  2 Scott  'A'                                          4:36.25   1   8   
     1) 645 Riegsecker, Alyssa 11       2) 644 Radenhausen, Lauren 11     
     3) 642 Niederegger, Brooke 09      4) 641 Meyer, Kylie 09            
  3 Boone County  'A'                                   4:42.36   1   6   
     1) 48 Raleigh, Catherine 11        2) 38 Ford, Macey 12              
     3) 36 Doellman, Jena 12            4) 46 Moore, Sadie 12             
  4 Notre Dame  'A'                                     4:43.47   2   4   
     1) 437 Halverstadt, Hannah 09      2) 446 Lucas, Caroline 09         
     3) 449 McDowell, Chloe 09          4) 452 Nageleisen, Erika 09       
  5 Holy Cross (Covington)  'A'                         4:49.79   1   2   
     1) 384 Bergman, Celeste 11         2) 390 Frantz, Katherine 09       
     3) 391 Jehn, Natalie 12            4) 388 Dreas, Kate 10             
  6 South Dearborn (In)  'A'                            4:51.65   1   1   
     1) 678 Biggs, Ariel 12             2) 680 Caswell, Sydney 12         
     3) 685 Stehlin, Michaela 10        4) 684 Reeder, Savannah 09        
  7 Conner  'A'                                         4:58.23   1 
     1) 161 Panella, Olivia 11          2) 103 Boelter, Rian 11           
     3) 136 Huff, Megan 08              4) 152 McKeehan, Lauren 09        
  8 Fern Creek  'A'                                     5:02.70   1 
     1) 355 Gunn, Nadia 09              2) 359 Thompson, Reyonna 11       
     3) 356 Lado, Jane 11               4) 357 Olayemi, Demi 11           
  9 Bethel-Tate (Oh)  'A'                               6:07.05   2 
     1) 15 Weeks, Fayth 09              2) 6 Dunaway, Macey 09            
     3) 3 Cornelius, Lauren 11          4) 2 Cashner, Ashley 12           
Event 24  Boys 4x400 Meter Relay
 Meet Record: $ 3:29.80  2007        Scott County                              
    School                                               Finals  H# Points
  1 Cooper  'A'                                         3:37.69   1  10   
     1) 283 Greenhalgh, Mitchell 12     2) 269 Brennan, Tyler 10          
     3) 314 Vandermosten, Jake 12       4) 316 Watson, Caleb 11           
  2 Dixie Heights  'A'                                  3:44.57   1   8   
     1) 337 Mason, Spencer 12           2) 332 Howard, Blake 12           
     3) 325 Brown, Brandon 11           4) 339 McGoy, Walker 12           
  3 St. Henry District  'A'                             3:46.11   1   6   
     1) 713 Brockman, Robert 12         2) 724 Hannon, Josh 11            
     3) 733 Poat, David 10              4) 736 Snyder, Ethan 09           
  4 Boone County  'A'                                   3:47.99   1   4   
     1) 61 Bromley, Donald 11           2) 53 Abdulle, Akram 12           
     3) 93 Steffen, Zach 11             4) 92 Shutt, Joel 11              
  5 Fern Creek  'A'                                     3:49.08   1   2   
     1) 363 Bennett, Tamauni 12         2) 366 Durrah, Damon 09           
     3) 370 Jackson, Jaron 12           4) 378 Sowell, Vince 12           
  6 Bethel-Tate (Oh)  'A'                               3:49.21   2   1   
     1) 26 Haave, Allan                 2) 28 Iding, Evan                 
     3) 19 Carter, Austin               4) 27 Hile, Austin                
  7 Ryle  'A'                                           3:50.10   1 
     1) 584 Reed, Justin 11             2) 583 Ramirez, Oscar 11          
     3) 582 Powell, Tyler 12            4) 571 Kudla, Noah 12             
  8 Scott  'A'                                          3:50.13   1 
     1) 650 Barth, Conner 11            2) 651 Berry, Derrick 12          
     3) 653 Brown, Robert 10            4) 671 Stoeckel, Chris 11         
  9 Ryle B  'A'                                         3:52.12   2 
     1) 600 Bateman, Logan 12           2) 567 Jordan, Aidan 09           
     3) 602 Chisholm, Jake 09           4) 609 Tagher, Ryan 12            
 10 South Dearborn (In)  'A'                            3:52.78   1 
     1) 709 Sinclair, David 11          2) 700 Espedilla, McKelti 11      
     3) 697 Davis, Jarod 12             4) 690 Bailey, Alex 10            
 11 Conner  'A'                                         3:55.96   2 
     1) 199 Cook, Macean 10             2) 232 Mitchell, Hunter 09        
     3) 223 Koogler, Jon 12             4) 246 Ripberger, Trevor 10       
 12 Holy Cross (Covington)  'A'                         3:57.47   2 
     1) 408 Gerrein, Jacob 10           2) 400 Baker, Austin 10           
     3) 427 Wilder, Joseph 11           4) 426 Walker, Kadeem 12          
 13 Ryle C  'A'                                         4:17.44   2 
     1) 613 Bludworth, Harrison 10      2) 612 Beckwith, Chad 10          
     3) 615 Edwards, David 10           4) 619 Mossinger, Jordan 10       
 14 Ryle C  'B'                                        x4:19.22   2 
     1) 616 Hoffman, Connor 11          2) 622 Schreckenhoffer, Matt 11   
     3) 623 Steffney, Joshua 11         4) 620 Pizzano, Nick 10           
 15 Fern Creek  'B'                                    x4:32.13   2 
     1) 365 Clay, Zane 09               2) 374 Kirk, Montriez 10          
     3) 362 Allen, Trevone 10           4) 372 Johnson, Armon 09          
Event 25  Girls High Jump
 Meet Record: $  5-03  2007        Frank, Ryle                                 
    Name                    Year School                  Finals  Points
  1    36 Doellman, Jena      12 Boone County           5-02.00   10   
  2   678 Biggs, Ariel        12 South Dearborn         5-00.00    8   
  3     8 Hacker, Rylie       09 Bethel-Tate            4-06.00    6    o - no prev misses
  4   431 Field, Audrey       11 Notre Dame             4-06.00    4    o - 2 prev misses
  5   743 Fong, Kennedy       07 Ryle                   4-06.00    1.50 xo - no prev misses
  5   509 Rickert, Brooke     09 Ryle                   4-06.00    1.50 xo - no prev misses
  7   103 Boelter, Rian       11 Conner                 4-06.00   xo - 5 prev misses
  8   450 Middendorf, Sophia  09 Notre Dame             4-04.00   o - no prev misses
  9   632 Hatfield, Tara      10 Scott                  4-04.00   xxo - no prev misses
 10   112 Deaton, Skylar      10 Conner                 4-02.00  
 --   677 Beil, Shelby        10 South Dearborn              NH  
Event 26  Boys High Jump
 Meet Record: $  6-06  2007        Hatfield, Pendleton County                  
    Name                    Year School                  Finals  Points
  1   335 Isbel, Matt         12 Dixie Heights          6-04.00   10   
  2   376 Robles, Alexie      12 Fern Creek             6-02.00    8   
  3   259 Watts, Nic          12 Conner                 6-00.00    6   
  4   578 Pendleton, Jeremy   10 Ryle                   5-10.00    3    xxo - no prev misses
  4   323 Bolin, Mitchell     12 Dixie Heights          5-10.00    3    xxo - no prev misses
  6   295 Long, Cameron       09 Cooper                 5-06.00    1   
  7   364 Brooks, Dondi       10 Fern Creek             5-04.00   o - no prev misses
  7   722 Girlinghouse, Blak  12 St. Henry              5-04.00   o - no prev misses
  7   741 Tobler, Nick        12 St. Henry              5-04.00   o - no prev misses
 10    16 Altmayer, Jason        Bethel-Tate            5-04.00   xo - 1 prev miss
 11    94 Watts, Trevon       10 Boone County           5-04.00   xxo - no prev misses
 12   201 Davis, James        09 Conner                 5-04.00   xxo - 2 prev misses
 13   709 Sinclair, David     11 South Dearborn         5-02.00  
 14    31 Shinkle, Adam          Bethel-Tate            5-00.00  
Event 29  Girls Long Jump
 Meet Record: $ 16-03.25  3/29/2013   Olivia Panella, Conner                   
    Name                    Year School                  Finals  Points
  1   499 McGregor, Juliet    08 Ryle                  16-05.00$  10   
      16-05  FOUL  14-06  15-06.50      
  2   161 Panella, Olivia     11 Conner                15-07.50    8   
      15-02  15-07.50  14-09.25  15-01.75      
  3   689 Zoller, Morgan      12 South Dearborn        15-04.75    6   
      14-05  13-10.75  15-04.75  14-11.50       
  4    36 Doellman, Jena      12 Boone County          15-00.50    4   
      15-00.50  14-06.75  14-02.50  14-09.50      
  5   501 Miller, Cameron     10 Ryle                  14-09.50    2   
      FOUL  FOUL  14-09.50  13-10      
  6   636 Lee, Mia            12 Scott                 13-09.75    1   
      13-01.25  13-09.75  12-11.75  11-02      
  7   112 Deaton, Skylar      10 Conner                13-01.00  
      FOUL  13-00.75  12-07  13-01      
  8   457 Franxman, Amelia    09 Pendleton County      13-00.00  
      11-10.50  10-04.50  13-00  11-10.75      
  9   390 Frantz, Katherine   09 Cov. Holy Cross       12-11.00  
      FOUL  FOUL  FOUL  12-11      
 10     8 Hacker, Rylie       09 Bethel-Tate           12-10.50   12-06.5 next best
      11-11  12-03  12-10.50  12-06.50      
 11   447 Martin, Natalie     10 Notre Dame            12-10.50   12-00.25 next best
      11-08.50  12-00  12-10.50  12-00.25      
 12    47 Nixon, Desiree      10 Boone County          12-06.25  
      12-06.25  10-08  FOUL  10-05      
 13   449 McDowell, Chloe     09 Notre Dame            12-04.00  
      10-08.75  10-08.25  FOUL  12-04      
 14   430 Brooks, Carlie      10 Notre Dame           X12-03.00  
      12-01.25  12-03  FOUL  11-11      
 15     7 Fischer, Taylor     11 Bethel-Tate           11-08.50  
      11-08.50  11-00  11-07  FOUL      
 16   643 Pragar, Annie       10 Scott                 10-08.00  
      10-03.75  9-01.25  FOUL  10-08      
 --   396 Robke, Sydney       11 Cov. Holy Cross             ND  
      FOUL  FOUL  FOUL  FOUL      
 --   683 Mathes, Leslie      09 South Dearborn              ND  
      FOUL  FOUL  FOUL  FOUL      
Event 30  Boys Long Jump
 Meet Record: $ 21-04.25  3/29/2013   Nick Kennedy, Ryle                       
    Name                    Year School                  Finals  Points
  1   381 Webb, Garland       12 Fern Creek            22-05.00$  10   
      22-05  PASS  PASS  PASS      
  2   342 Payne, Miles        12 Dixie Heights         21-01.00    8   
      20-02  21-01  FOUL  FOUL      
  3   376 Robles, Alexie      12 Fern Creek            19-06.50    6   
      18-02  18-10  18-01  19-06.50      
  4    30 Robinson, Jake         Bethel-Tate           19-05.00    4   
      18-04  18-04  18-07  19-05      
  5   295 Long, Cameron       09 Cooper                19-00.50    2   
      19-00.50  17-11  18-04.50  18-05      
  6   470 Vanorio, Caleb      12 Pendleton County      18-11.00    1   
      18-11  18-04  17-00.75  18-00.75      
  7   607 Selby, Justin       09 Ryle B                18-10.25  
      18-07  18-10.25  PASS  PASS      
  8   602 Chisholm, Jake      09 Ryle B                18-10.00  
      FOUL  FOUL  FOUL  18-10      
  9   709 Sinclair, David     11 South Dearborn        18-08.50  
      18-05.25  18-06.50  18-08.50  17-06.50      
 10    96 Wheeler, Lucas      12 Boone County          17-09.00  
      17-09  FOUL  17-00.25  PASS      
 11   222 King, Alex          11 Conner                17-06.00  
      17-04  17-00.25  16-08  17-06      
 12   195 Carver, Dylan       12 Conner                17-05.50  
      17-05.50  17-02  16-06.75  PASS       
 13   730 McArtor, Mitchell   09 St. Henry             17-03.50  
      FOUL  17-03.50  FOUL  FOUL      
 14    28 Iding, Evan            Bethel-Tate           17-02.25  
      17-02  17-02.25  PASS  PASS      
 15   651 Berry, Derrick      12 Scott                 17-00.00  
      17-00  16-02  16-04.50  15-01.50      
 16   735 Samotis, Ryan       09 St. Henry             16-02.50  
      16-02.50  15-08.25  16-00  15-05.75       
 17   285 Holder, Jalen       09 Cooper                16-00.75  
      15-10  FOUL  FOUL  16-00.75      
 18    95 Wheeler, Eric       09 Boone County          15-02.25  
      15-02.25  13-07  14-02  PASS      
 19   367 English, Keith      12 Fern Creek           x14-04.00  
      14-04  10-09.50  FOUL  13-03.75      
 20   698 Disbro, Seth        11 South Dearborn        14-01.50  
      14-01.50  13-05.50  13-01.25  PASS      
 21   462 Bowen, Zachary      09 Pendleton County      12-09.00  
      10-09  12-09  FOUL  12-01.50      
 --   428 Williams, Jaylin    10 Cov. Holy Cross             ND  
      FOUL  PASS  PASS  PASS      
 --   578 Pendleton, Jeremy   10 Ryle                        ND  
      FOUL  FOUL  FOUL  FOUL      
 --   402 Barnes, Derrick     10 Cov. Holy Cross             ND  
      FOUL  PASS  PASS  PASS      
Event 31  Girls Triple Jump
 Meet Record: $ 35-01.50  2010        Berkley, Campbell  County                
    Name                    Year School                  Finals  Points
  1    36 Doellman, Jena      12 Boone County          34-03.00   10   
      FOUL  FOUL  34-03  FOUL      
  2   161 Panella, Olivia     11 Conner                33-11.00    8   
      33-11  33-03  33-02  31-06      
  3   509 Rickert, Brooke     09 Ryle                  30-03.00    6   
      30-03  30-02  30-03  29-06      
  4   112 Deaton, Skylar      10 Conner                30-01.00    4   
      27-02  29-10  29-00  30-01      
  5   522 Tymula, Schuyler    11 Ryle                  29-03.00    2   
      FOUL  27-08  28-05  29-03       
 --   432 Fletcher, Alenna    09 Notre Dame                  ND  
      FOUL  FOUL  FOUL  FOUL      
Event 32  Boys Triple Jump
 Meet Record: $ 45-00  2010        Powell, Simon Kenton                        
    Name                    Year School                  Finals  Points
  1   376 Robles, Alexie      12 Fern Creek            39-04.50   10   
      36-05.50  37-10  39-04.50  FOUL      
  2   295 Long, Cameron       09 Cooper                39-02.00    8   
      37-01  36-05.50  FOUL  39-02      
  3   222 King, Alex          11 Conner                36-10.00    6   
      FOUL  35-03  35-00.50  36-10      
  4   470 Vanorio, Caleb      12 Pendleton County      36-06.00    4   
      FOUL  36-06  36-01.50  35-01      
  5    96 Wheeler, Lucas      12 Boone County          36-04.50    2   
      35-02.50  FOUL  FOUL  36-04.50      
  6   195 Carver, Dylan       12 Conner                35-09.50    1   
      35-01  35-09.50  35-00  35-00      
  7   367 English, Keith      12 Fern Creek            34-01.00  
      FOUL  FOUL  34-01  32-03      
  8   735 Samotis, Ryan       09 St. Henry             32-09.50  
      FOUL  32-09.50  32-05  32-02       
  9   739 Strasburger, Evan   09 St. Henry             31-11.00  
      FOUL  31-01  31-11  FOUL      
 10    95 Wheeler, Eric       09 Boone County          29-06.00  
      FOUL  29-06  28-08  29-02      
 --   668 Slon, Alex          12 Scott                       ND  
      FOUL  FOUL  FOUL  FOUL      
Event 33  Girls Discus Throw
 Meet Record: $ 116-09  2011        Mull, Jeffersonville (IN)                  
    Name                    Year School                  Finals  Points
  1    49 Rehkamp, Rachel     11 Boone County             88-05   10   
      85-08  88-05  83-03  83-06      
  2   508 Rice, Ajiarose      10 Ryle                     88-02    8   
      88-02  FOUL  84-00  80-05      
  3   635 Katinic, Brooke     11 Scott                    87-05    6   
      85-11  86-07  80-02  87-05      
  4   436 Gribben, Allison    10 Notre Dame               83-08    4   
      61-09  83-08  82-02  79-07      
  5   141 Keller, Arielle     11 Conner                   83-02    2   
      83-02  80-05  72-06  52-08      
  6   453 Scaringi, Camryn    10 Notre Dame               83-01    1   
      75-02  80-02  83-01  74-07      
  7   456 Blackaby, Alex      11 Pendleton County         64-05  
      61-01  64-05  60-02  FOUL      
  8   643 Pragar, Annie       10 Scott                    55-10  
      55-10  52-00  52-11  51-05      
  9   744 Jamison, Jada       11 Ryle                     54-10  
      49-04  48-01  FOUL  54-10      
 10    35 Brewer, Zoie        11 Boone County             52-02  
      47-01  52-02  51-05  49-07      
 11     1 Bishop, Sydney      10 Bethel-Tate              47-04  
      FOUL  43-11  47-04  46-08      
 12    14 Salvatore, Olivia   09 Bethel-Tate              45-03  
      44-07  45-03  42-05  42-07      
Event 34  Boys Discus Throw
 Meet Record: $ 172-05  2011        Bowling, Jeffersonville (IN)               
    Name                    Year School                  Finals  Points
  1   656 Groeschen, Clay     12 Scott                   132-05   10   
      126-04  132-05  FOUL  123-07      
  2   558 Hall, Triston       12 Ryle                    128-03    8   
      FOUL  111-10  FOUL  128-03      
  3    67 Chaplin, Tyler      11 Boone County            124-04    6   
      112-00  102-02  FOUL  124-04      
  4   302 Pavek, Erik         11 Cooper                  121-02    4   
      121-02  114-00  101-10  FOUL      
  5   336 Johnson, Branden    12 Dixie Heights           116-06    2   
      112-09  116-06  104-07  FOUL      
  6   418 McIntosh, Drew      10 Cov. Holy Cross         110-11    1   
      108-01  110-11  FOUL  75-08      
  7    64 Cahill, Griffin     10 Boone County            107-00  
      107-00  102-02  102-08  104-09      
  8    23 Copeland, Matt         Bethel-Tate             104-05  
      85-09  104-05  86-07  96-09      
  9   710 Smith, Sam          11 South Dearborn          103-08  
      102-03  103-06  FOUL  103-08      
 10   243 Platt, Michael      11 Conner                   94-02  
      85-02  94-02  85-01  79-06      
 11   667 Sherrard, Tim       12 Scott                    91-00  
      FOUL  91-00  FOUL  FOUL      
 12   219 Keller, David       10 Conner                   88-03  
      79-01  81-01  75-05  88-03      
 13   621 Schauberger, Ryan   10 Ryle C                  X82-07  
      70-03  79-02  73-06  82-07      
 14   411 Hannigan, Tom       11 Cov. Holy Cross          79-01  
      64-00  79-01  FOUL  73-11      
 15   715 Creekmore, Brandon  12 St. Henry                78-09  
      74-07  76-03  78-09  76-08      
 16   276 Dreyer, Nolan       12 Cooper                   75-03  
      73-06  75-03  65-08  67-04      
 17   601 Bulmer, Donnie      10 Ryle B                   75-01  
      FOUL  73-02  75-01  FOUL      
 18   572 Langsdale, Drew     12 Ryle                     73-07  
      73-07  FOUL  FOUL  72-02      
 19   466 McClurg, Joshua     10 Pendleton County         70-08  
      70-08  59-03  PASS  PASS      
 20   324 Brock, Ryan         09 Dixie Heights            70-00  
      66-10  70-00  FOUL  64-11       
 21   461 Baker, Cain         09 Pendleton County         62-04  
      62-04  FOUL  58-06  56-07      
 22   699 Eppens, Charles     09 South Dearborn           58-09  
      50-08  53-04  58-09  FOUL      
 23   741 Tobler, Nick        12 St. Henry                40-02  
      FOUL  FOUL  40-02  FOUL      
Event 35  Girls Shot Put
 Meet Record: $ 40-10.50  3/29/2013   Makenzie Wheat, South Dearborn           
    Name                    Year School                  Finals  Points
  1   508 Rice, Ajiarose      10 Ryle                  31-11.00   10   
      31-10  30-01  31-11  31-07.50      
  2    49 Rehkamp, Rachel     11 Boone County          31-05.00    8   
      27-06  31-05  26-11  27-00      
  3   635 Katinic, Brooke     11 Scott                 30-03.00    6   
      26-10  27-02  25-09  30-03      
  4   436 Gribben, Allison    10 Notre Dame           X27-03.00  
      26-11.50  27-03  27-01  26-04      
  5   456 Blackaby, Alex      11 Pendleton County      23-05.00    4   
      21-09  22-11  22-06  23-05      
  6   744 Jamison, Jada       11 Ryle                  22-08.00    2   
      21-00  22-08  21-02  21-07       
  7   141 Keller, Arielle     11 Conner                20-10.00    1   
      20-07  20-10  19-11  20-02      
  8    35 Brewer, Zoie        11 Boone County          19-03.50  
      19-02  18-11  19-03.50  17-00      
  9   643 Pragar, Annie       10 Scott                 18-04.00  
      16-11  18-04  17-04  17-05      
Event 36  Boys Shot Put
 Meet Record: $ 54-06  2005        Chambers, Glen Este (OH)                    
    Name                    Year School                  Finals  Points
  1   336 Johnson, Branden    12 Dixie Heights         50-03.00   10   
      50-03  FOUL  FOUL  48-07      
  2    97 Yekatom, Mohammed   11 Boone County          39-02.00    8    38-10 next best
      39-02  37-09  38-10  38-08      
  3   558 Hall, Triston       12 Ryle                  39-02.00    6    37-11 next best
      FOUL  39-02  FOUL  37-11      
  4   418 McIntosh, Drew      10 Cov. Holy Cross       38-04.00    4   
      38-00  34-08  35-07  38-04      
  5   656 Groeschen, Clay     12 Scott                 37-09.00    2   
      34-04  FOUL  35-03  37-09      
  6   667 Sherrard, Tim       12 Scott                 36-11.00    1   
      33-09  36-09  34-07  36-11      
  7   572 Langsdale, Drew     12 Ryle                  35-09.00  
      35-07  35-07  35-09  31-10      
  8   710 Smith, Sam          11 South Dearborn        35-01.50  
      31-10  34-03  32-05  35-01.50      
  9   302 Pavek, Erik         11 Cooper                33-01.00  
      FOUL  FOUL  33-01  32-03      
 10   243 Platt, Michael      11 Conner                32-07.00   32-01 next best
      FOUL  32-01  31-04  32-07      
 11   713 Brockman, Robert    12 St. Henry             32-07.00   31-11 next best
      32-07  31-11  30-07  27-11      
 12   264 Bachman, Nick       11 Cooper                31-05.00  
      30-02  31-05  30-06  FOUL      
 13    60 Bowling, Jesse      12 Boone County          31-00.00  
      28-08  30-05  31-00  29-09      
 14   219 Keller, David       10 Conner                30-04.00  
      30-01  26-10  27-10  30-04      
 15   715 Creekmore, Brandon  12 St. Henry             30-01.00  
      29-00  27-11  30-01  28-09.50      
 16   461 Baker, Cain         09 Pendleton County      29-08.00  
      FOUL  26-10  25-00  29-08      
 17    23 Copeland, Matt         Bethel-Tate           29-03.00  
      28-05  29-03  25-07  29-01      
 18   621 Schauberger, Ryan   10 Ryle C                27-10.00  
      FOUL  27-03  27-10  FOUL      
 19   601 Bulmer, Donnie      10 Ryle B                27-08.00  
      25-03  26-07  26-10  27-08      
 20   411 Hannigan, Tom       11 Cov. Holy Cross       26-11.00  
      25-01  26-05  26-03  26-11      
 21   324 Brock, Ryan         09 Dixie Heights         26-06.00  
      26-05  26-06  26-02  26-06      
 22   699 Eppens, Charles     09 South Dearborn        21-09.00  
      21-09  17-07  19-08  20-11      
 --    21 Cooper, Steve          Bethel-Tate                 ND