Arrowhead All-Comers 2013

Morganfield, KY
Hosted by Union County

Elementary Girls

Girls 2000 Meter Run CC elementry
    Name                    Year School                  Seed     Finals  Points
  1 Atkins, Lauren               Christ the K                    10:40.1    1   
  2 Littlepage, Krisalyn         Christ the K                    11:50.0    2   
  3 Hunter, Sterlin              Christ the K                    13:02.6    3   
  4 Littlepage, Karis            Christ the K                    13:14.3    4   
  5 Herrmann, Samantha           Christ the K                    13:17.1    5   
  6 Durst, Jordan                Christ the K                    13:32.8    6   
  7 Alexander, Kadyn             Christ the K                    13:39.9    7   
  8 Gillette, Katie              Christ the K                    13:54.6  
  9 Spaulding, Avree             Union Co                        14:11.4  
 10 Muirhead, Alexa              Christ the K                    15:05.2  
 11 Corbett, Raegan              Christ the K                    18:43.2