Event 1 Girls 1600 Meter Run CC Elementary
Name Year School Finals Points
1 #390 Greenwell, Anna 04 Highlands 8:20.1 1
2 #671 Patrick, Lauren 05 Montgomery County 8:32.3 2
3 #1119 Curtsinger, Claire 04 Sts. Peter and Paul 8:32.6 3
4 #1087 Barth, Natalie 06 St. Therese 8:58.2 4
5 #1052 Klocke, Amy 03 St. Joseph 9:09.9
6 #675 Smallwood, Liberty 06 Montgomery County 9:12.8 5
7 #93 Laudenslayer, Soph 06 Blessed Sacrament 9:14.3 6
8 #347 McCain, Moriah 03 Grant County 9:14.8
9 #152 Dunlevy, Ruby 03 Campbell Co Elem 9:27.1 7
10 #1118 Bezold, Emma 04 Sts. Peter and Paul 9:28.3 8
11 #375 Baioni, Kennedy 03 Highlands 9:29.2 9
12 #91 Jordahl, Ellie 04 Blessed Sacrament 9:30.8 10
13 #1122 Kelley, Nicole 06 Sts. Peter and Paul 9:34.9 11
14 #402 Ossege, Maggie 03 Highlands 9:39.3 12
15 #403 Ossege, Paige 05 Highlands 9:42.3 13
16 #1098 Riccobene, Emma 05 St. Therese 9:45.3 14
17 #88 Johnson, Sarah 05 Blessed Sacrament 9:46.1 15
18 #1124 Phirman, Olivia 05 Sts. Peter and Paul 9:48.4 16
19 #1091 Hart, Olivia 04 St. Therese 9:51.5 17
20 #151 Crowl, Olivia 05 Campbell Co Elem 9:53.4 18
21 #676 Taylor, Rebekah 02 Montgomery County 9:55.5 19
22 #153 Hill, Destine 05 Campbell Co Elem 10:01.9 20
23 #154 Holbrook, Olivia 01 Campbell Co Elem 10:04.2 21
24 #95 Wahoff, Gretchen 04 Blessed Sacrament 10:05.0 22
25 #86 Dooley, Adair 04 Blessed Sacrament 10:05.9 23
26 #385 Forrest, Joei 05 Highlands 10:13.6 24
27 #673 Rhodes, Kylie 05 Montgomery County 10:23.4 25
28 #92 Laudenslayer, Grac 04 Blessed Sacrament 10:31.2 26
29 #1092 Hoffstedder, Olivi 04 St. Therese 10:34.9 27
30 #1097 Quandt, Madison 04 St. Therese 10:35.8 28
31 #1095 Meadows, Mackenzie 04 St. Therese 10:43.0 29
32 #1050 Gearding, Shea 06 St. Joseph 10:45.5
33 #1088 Bramel, Jenna 06 St. Therese 11:01.0 30
34 #672 Patrick, Morgan 05 Montgomery County 11:25.1 31
35 #1243 Harlan, Josephine 03 Unattached 11:26.3
36 #158 McKee, Ryann 01 Campbell Co Elem 11:41.2 32
37 #1056 Whisman, Isabella 03 St. Joseph 11:42.1
38 #381 Crawford, Lexie 05 Highlands 11:43.5 33
39 #150 Crowl, Ava 02 Campbell Co Elem 11:54.6 34
40 #1121 Holtz, Rachael 06 Sts. Peter and Paul 11:58.7 35
41 #156 Krieg, Miriam 02 Campbell Co Elem 12:03.1 36
42 #1242 Jones, Reese 02 Unattached 12:07.3
43 #155 Kinsella, Violet K Campbell Co Elem 12:12.4
44 #391 Heilman, Samantha 03 Highlands 12:17.2 37
45 #159 Schultz, Brenna K Campbell Co Elem 12:51.3
Team Scores
Rank Team Total 1 2 3 4 5 *6 *7 *8 *9
1 Highlands 59 1 9 12 13 24 33 37
Total Time: 47:24.50
Average: 9:28.90
2 Sts. Peter and Paul 73 3 8 11 16 35
Total Time: 49:22.90
Average: 9:52.58
3 Blessed Sacrament 76 6 10 15 22 23 26
Total Time: 48:42.10
Average: 9:44.42
4 Montgomery County 82 2 5 19 25 31
Total Time: 49:29.10
Average: 9:53.82
5 St. Therese 90 4 14 17 27 28 29 30
Total Time: 49:45.70
Average: 9:57.14
6 Campbell County Elementar 98 7 18 20 21 32 34 36
Total Time: 51:07.80
Average: 10:13.56