Ultimate Superstars Meet Offers All-Star Experiences

On Saturday, October 26th, the Ultimate Superstars of KY meet offers runners an All-Star experience plus a personal best opportunity at the shorter, early season distances.

  According to meet coordinator and Coach Jim Kaiser, the Ultimate Superstars of KY meet is a catch-all of opportunity for athletes to experience an All-Star event, prepare for upcoming regional/national events, or simply need another chance to run a fast race.

   "Connecting with your usual rivals and bonding with them as All-Star teammates is an example of how running shapes young lives by providing unique experiences.", explains Coach Kaiser. "Cross Country should always be a sport that embraces a multiverse of experiences for our young athletes and this meet should tick a few boxes"

   Hopefully, that experience comes in the form of a personal best time on a fast, scenic course with a reward of some kind for every participant. In addition, every runner automatically is assigned to their County All-Star team which adds a little something extra to race for. 

This course is located on a former golf course of 130 acres and can be a runner AND spectators perfect place for a meet. Parking within a couple minute walk to the start and finish as well as being able to cheer on their runners many, many times without having to run all over the place themselves. The races are on the flattest part of the property to ensure the best chance for a fast time.

   As Coach Kaiser admits, "Coaches still might be able to run to different places on a course to help their runners, but it is tough to be a parent and only see the start, maybe they pass by once if you are lucky, and then you possibly have a crowded eyeshot of their finish. The Ultimate Superstars meet wants to give spectators a chance for 6 and more "run-bys" to cheer on their runners as well as an inclining finish area to give parents a great view of their children's full finish sprint."

Teams, Clubs, and Individuals are invited to join in this late-season fall "Fast"ival. Find the meet on October 26th on the Calendar.