Kentucky Boys 2A Team Rankings

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Rank Team Last Result Comments
fht emolttnbiI 4ec r .eiede osr pog h ignros i ti5 k0n hh g esgptliarnn nt4o.pwg aanlPrtc sAdehaetiualiamosn e 1c1irs en tws iheapiombbsc ope .entd f o daToTs
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awnris eso l uynfona7h r ltl secgaestnu ugr ocoeia nc dsiieptal fbn arsns n sv nrk r.Bias'ioa ioymlalnroemneo
r ts re1smyrfehori ssot hniehi ctae t u mSO leep sinrm.oh oie uqtopsl et n oilsf0itRmetosif viaassutho rtt
ghaurhosao hsrreannasn Ah p snshoHtu.twett i oie gns tid ahl sdkgn
chshotgoswmuawea e stheshycotl e .eenmtr n batumptpk i t aagiyeioeAtesnl5unl ntsrrile wa vo c eht n
Rph kuy etoeehsshumntaa ngoatgColkee niwrnosnre. o sndviun o e

Editor's Comments

Dropped from previous rankings: Western Hills and Collins (note: Collins moved to Class AAA for 2020 season)