Henry Clay Invite Cancelled Due to Weather: Storms Destroy Team Tents (Check out Pictures)

The Henry Clay Invitational was cancelled on Saturday due to Severe Weather that came through Lexington.  Team Tents, the finish chute, and even the announcing system suffered damage through the storm.

KYtrackXC.com's Tyler Karnes was about to head over to the meet when the storm hit.  He said this about the meet when he got there

I knew when I literally woke up to the sound of the thunder this morning, it was going to be an interesting day for XC. I did not personally witness the destruction because the storm picked up and hit when I was going to leave to go to the meet (30 min prior to the varsity starts). Here's a list of the destruction:

* EVERY tent lost its covering due to wind damage.
* There was a pile of mangled metal poles that USED to be team's tents.
* The sound system was blown away due to wind
* Lighting was still striking in the surrounding area, even after the storm passed over.


Jim Jarman of www.wowtrackshots.com sent KYtrackXC.com pictures of the destruction.  


Destruction Pictures



(if you are in need of a team tent, you can probably piece one together from the look of this picture)
