Age: 29
Married? Kids?
Not married and I have no kids.
High School Attended:
Bishop Brossart
If you ran XC best time in High School? College?
I ran 5 years of XC in high school – I started out in the 8th grade. My best time was at the Horse Park with a 16:34.
Favorite Course when you were in High School:
Boyd County/Ashland Invitational – Heartbreak Hill
Full-time Job:
Years as Head Coach of the St. Henry Girls:
I'm starting my 5th year as Head Coach
Total years coaching:
I spent my first 5 years as an assistant at Bishop Brossart, then 1 year as an assistant at St. Henry. Now I am in my 5th year as Head Coach – so I have 10 years of total experience.
Favorite Movie?
Wedding Crashers
Favorite Band?
The Beatles
What got you into coaching?
I loved working with young adults and I just always felt like it was something I was meant to do.
Did you have a mentor or another coach you went to for help in the beginnings? If so, who was it?
Yes, my old XC coach Ray Kues and Dave Schuh who I was an assistant to for 5 years.
Describe what it is like to coach at a school with a strong tradition in girls and boys XC like St. Henry?
I feel like I put a lot of pressure on myself to keep this tradition alive. When I first started at St. Henry, it was hard to really get excited about the tradition because I ran for Brossart which is a rival school. But now St. Henry is where I call home, and I am very proud to be adding to the tradition that was here well before I showed up. I feel like the girls take great pride in what St. Henry XC is all about because of the rich tradition that we have here.
How do you stop the success of your team from going to your head?
There is always somebody out there that is better than you. I tell myself and my team this almost on a daily basis – this keeps their egos in check. As for myself – I honestly just feel like I am in the right place at the right time. I have girls that work very hard. It has nothing to do with me.
Describe what it is like to only coach girls?
I really don't know any different. When I decided to take the head coaching job, the boys and girls teams were together. Eric Neuhaus was just hired on, so we decided to break tradition – which at the time the kids and the parents hated the idea – and split the teams. I think that I've been around just girls teams so long now that I would have no clue how to coach boys.
Favorite runner you have ever coached?
The other girls would kill me if I answered this!!
Craziest thing you have seen as a XC Coach?
I saw a girl practice jumping a puddle before the race. When she got there in the race – jumped and landed right in the middle of it. All that practice for nothing. I know it's not crazy, but it was funny.
What was finish time of the last race you ran?
Don't remember – it's been years.
What is your overall coaching philosophy?
I'm very competitive – so honestly winning is a big deal to me. I would be lying if I didn't say that every race we run, I want to win. I do try to get to know my athletes on a personal level. I try to joke with them and make XC practices and meets as enjoyable as possible. I also feel like the more you and your team can do outside of practice – dinner/movie – the better team chemistry you will have.
Do you follow any particular running system?
No. I feel like I am a student of the sport, and I am always trying new things.
Do you scout the teams in your area and class? If so, how closely?
Yes. My team makes fun of me because I put so much time into scouting. As soon as the race results are on the internet I am printing them off and studying them. When we are running against a team for the first time, I get every set of race results that I can find. I also go to races when my team has the weekend off. Sometimes some of the runners will come with me.
What is the total # of your former runners who have gone onto college to run? (Scholarship or walk-on)
It's really not a lot – I believe it's only 3 – Jenna Siemer (NKU), Courtney Hentz (UC) and Annie Beck (Morehead State)
Best runners you have ever seen run a XC race?
When I was in high school – Christina Brown and Maureen Egan were fun to watch. Lately – I was always impressed with Rachel Sanford. I don't if she was the best, but she dominated like no other girl in Kentucky history.
Did you run today? If so, how far?
No – they did a speed work out – I timed them.
Do you have any advice for athletes out there interested in one day coaching XC?
I guess my advise to athletes who want to coach in the future - is that they definitely should. Stay involved with high school cross country until the time comes that you meet all of the state requirements.
Any other comments?
I feel like I have the best job. I love coaching and working with kids. There is no price tag that you can put on the fun and memories that I have with my athletes. I love giving back to the sport that meant so much to me in high school.