NEW! See Meet Results Sorted by Teams (FREE)

Check out the NEW addition to the meet results page.  Typically results are shown in the raw results format which could be in many various forms. In KY we are lucky 95% are in Hytek, but not every state is that lucky.  Now the results are shown in a cleaned up graph style form, but you can still see the raw results if you so choose.  
But the coolest news is you can now sort to show the results by just an individual team.  This will save anyone a ton of time as there is no more need for Control + F to hunt down the teams. Showing place, time, and even scoring position all in one spot.
The red circled area show where to click to get back to the original raw results.  The blue circled area shows the list of teams that were at the meet.  Click on one of those teams to see just the results for that team.  That page is shown at the bottom.