KHSAA Board of Control Removes Four Meet Minimum

At it's most recent meeting, the Board of Control addressed concerns from several of the  Commissioner's Advisory Committees, particularly those representing the individual sports. These concerns surrounded a long-standing Association requirement for a set number of entries into high school competition prior to entering the region. In addition to issues relative to tracking, record keeping and monitoring, the Commissioner and his staff also noted issues relative to the problems this requirement causes at the local level and the inhibiting factor that these requirements might have on multi-sport participation.

Following a review of the discussion in various committees, a review of the rules in most other states, and based on a recommendation from the Commissioner after input from staff, the Board voted to continue to require four interscholastic contests in event-specific competition for those students entering the region meeting in Diving (Swimming and Diving) and Pole Vault (Track and Field). Only competition involving grades 9 through 12 (at any level, freshman, junior varsity, varsity) will count toward the four competition requirement for the postseason for those those two events. It is critical in order to properly minimize risk that athletes have experience in those events prior to entering postseason competition. Such minimums must be met prior to the postseason entry deadline and will not be waived for weather or any other reason. In both of those events, exceptions already exist for exclusive, event-specific competition to be conducted in those events and not count toward the team competition limits contained in Bylaw 23.

Effective immediately, in all other individual sports, including cross country, golf, swimming and diving (other than the diving event itself), tennis, track and field (other than pole vault) and wrestling, there will no longer be a requirement for four high school competitions prior to entering postseason play. The Board concurred with committee feedback and the recommendation of staff that decisions on entry into postseason should be coaching decisions in those events, and that those decisions best rested at the local level.

This notice supersedes and all other correspondence, publications or interpretations issued prior to this notice with regard to the requirement.

For sports specific questions, contact Mike Barren (Tennis and Wrestling), Sarah Bridenbaugh (Cross Country and Track and Field) or Darren Bilberry (Golf and Swimming and Diving).


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