Presents: State Meet Memories Part V in preparation for the 2008 Kentucky State Cross Country Meet has caught with several former Kentucky State Cross Country Champions asking them to describe their memories of winning a state championship.  This is the fifth of five installments in the “State Meet Memories” series.


McKay Mattingly, Daviess County High School 
Year of State Title:  1979 
Course Location: Kentucky State Horse Park (first year it was held there I believe) 
Distance: 5000 meters

At the time I was terribly disappointed because we lost the team title by two points I believe. But I also had a great sense of pride that I had captured the title for Coach Tony Rowe. While I can not claim any real prescience you got the sense that he was going to build something special and enduring. Even so what he has accomplished has exceeded my wildest expectations. I am honored to be a part of it however small and in the past. 

Sara Graybill, Daviess County High School
Year of State Title:  1998
Course Location: Kentucky Horse Park
Distance: 4,000 Meters

In the summer of 1998, I decided that I was going to dedicate myself completely to my team and my sport, and I trained harder than I had ever imagined. I have always loved running and I found a new appreciation for training and racing that season. Winning the state title was a great experience and I learned first hand an important life lesson-hard work really does equal success. What I remember the most is having family, coaches, teammates, friends and everyone who had supported and encouraged me that season cheering me across the finish line.