Attention All Class of 2016: How To Be Featured on MileStat!

Attention all seniors (Class of 2016)! If you want to be featured here on MileStat it is very easy. Just fill out our questions below, attach a photo of two of yourself competing, let us know your twitter handle and instagram handle, and send us an email with all that stuff to!

Salute to Seniors Questions

1. What was your favorite event (or moment) in high school? 

2. What was the hardest workout you did? 

3. What was your biggest take-a-way from training/competing as a high schooler?

4. Who was your favorite teammate throughout your high school career?

5. What/where was your favorite meet you competed at?

6. What is your biggest regret from high school track/xc?

7. What is some advice you would have for a frosh on your school's team?

8. Make-up your own question and answer it here!