St. X\'s Brian Long Answers Questions about the Wildcat Invitational

Did the race go as expected for you?

Going into the race I wanted to run around 9:20 (3200) and felt I was in good enough shape to go for it. It\'s always nice to pickup right at or just ahead of where you leave off the year before. I was hoping Liversedge or Gordy would be in the race, but when I saw the lineup neither were there. My dad and I figured it to be 50.6 second or so laps to be right around my goal. I just got into that pace and started hitting the laps.

How did it feel to set a PR at your first track meet of the season?

Based on workouts I had been doing over the past few weeks, I figured that I was in pretty good shape. I\'m definitely happy with my time and hope to improve on it at the next UK meet with some more competition.

Are you excited about your commitment to the University of Louisville?

I am very excited about my commitment to UofL. It was a very difficult decision, but I felt UofL was the best fit for me.